
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Prayer for a Redwood Tree

 Recognizing the power of Spirit is the creator of all things. Spirit is everlasting love and deep peace. Spirit is all encompassing, all knowing, all wise and always present and available. Spirit’s life is seen in every part of nature, in all the people that walk on this planet, and all the stars, the moon and the sun. Spirit creates flowers from seeds, and trees from tiny acorns. Spirit is in the rushing waters and the power of the ocean.

I know that I have within me a wellspring of Spirit’s love and peace. I know within me, Spirit’s wisdom and power for good are present and available to me all of the time. It is that creative expression within me that is closer than my breath and it always creating more good in my life. I know this is true for all sentient beings on this planet as well as every rock, tree, and flowing waters. Spirit is everywhere present in all things and right here within me.

So, I speak my word now on behalf of the redwood tree I see outside my window. The brown discolored top of the tree may have the appearance of disease. I declare that this tree is perfect, and it is steady and strong. With a peaceful heart, I affirm only good for this tree regardless of the appearance. I know that this tree is the perfect expression of Spirit, and its beauty and strength are magnificent. I release any judgment or concern, and I do my part to hold this tree with perfect love. I send blessings through this prayer, and realize the rest is up to Spirit.

With great gratitude and thanksgiving, I feel the connection with that tree and the blessings that tree gives to me.

And now I can release this prayer into the law and just let go and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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