Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Prayer for Easy Travel


One power for Good exists in the universe. Known as that one creative substance and intelligence that formed the cosmos and everything in it. It is the motivating power of love and connection, balance, and harmony with perfect timing.

As this one creative force is present everywhere, in, through, and around everything, I know it’s here within me and each one reading this prayer now.

I speak a word of prayer about perfect travel. Understanding that the many complex details of travel are all held in the Mind of this one intelligence. With confidence now there is a knowing that travel plans are already orchestrated perfectly. In this mind of intelligence, I declare that all connections, even the changes in the schedules are the perfect outcome of a blessed journey. I affirm there is a courage that emerges within each heart that is planning, researching trip information, and dealing with changes along the way, knowing that travel is divinely blessed before the first step is taken. Anxiety is released, and in its place excitement about the journey emerges. Releasing any concern about safety, confidence arises instead. Everyone along the way of this journey is kind and helpful.

With gratitude in a heart that now feels confident and ready and excited about the journey ahead, I release this prayer to those spiritual laws that are already acting upon this Word.

Letting it all go now, and letting it be, I rest in the comfort that all is truly well and a great journey is assured. And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Prayer For Finding My Way


There is one power, one presence, one Spiritual essence that is everywhere present and always available. Spirit is love, it is peace, it is harmony, and it is joy. It is the power for good that illumines the way. It is the creator of all things, seen and unseen.

Spirit loves me. I am a creative expression of Spirit in action right here and now on this earth. I have love and harmony, joy and peace right here and now. All that I need is provided by Spirit. Even when I’m broken, or I can’t find my way, Spirit loves me.

I claim and declare that I open the door wide and allow the power and presence of Spirit to show up in my life. I affirm that I dig deep into that knowledge that Spirit is closer than my breath and supports me in my life in all ways. I listen to that voice of Spirit within me and follow the light that Spirit shines on my path. I declare that the past is forgotten and forgiven. I can release any strife and come back into alignment with the Spiritual essence within me.

What a blessing it is to remember that Spirit always has my back. How grateful I am to remember this truth and feel that expand in my life. Like a warm blanket, I am wrapped in gratitude for this love and this truth.

I can release this prayer into the law and let it go. And I let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Prayer for Living a Vibrant Life


The Living Spirit Almighty is here and now. That divine power of infinite wisdom, grace, and love is moving through all of life. For all of life is a part of this Spirit. It knows what it's doing. It’s always creating and recreating on an endless journey of becoming. Always more, never less - more goodness more grace, and more love that flows through all of life.

Spirit is expressing through me and through this prayer today. This divine one is heard in the quiet recesses of my mind and heart. It's always here breathing my breath, beating my heart. It is the very dreams that I dream, calling me to be more.

I accept in this time of prayer that there's an ease as I let go of old ways and step into the vibrancy of life. The vibrancy of the living spirit almighty is guiding us with insight and inspiration. Moving us forward in this and every moment, that we may live from the highest and greatest good. That is Spirit within each and every one of us. I accept that we are guided by the Spirit and that we walk forward with renewed vigor and a gladness in life. We are infused with a strength from the living Spirit Almighty that beats our heart and guides us in every moment.

What a joy it is to know this truth and to have this time in prayer to affirm it. With a joyous thanksgiving for this time in prayer and all the good that comes from it, I just leave the details up to Spirit.

With faith and trust, I release this word knowing it is always heard by the spiritual laws of the universe and given back to overflowing. I just released it now. And so it is. Amen.

Angél Fiorito, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Affirmation:  I see the earth as whole, perfect, and healthy now and always.

In the sweetness of this moment, I recognize there is only One Power, One Presence, and One Life. This Divine Presence is perfect, whole, and complete. It is all creation, all power, all harmony, and all peace and all balance.

In recognizing this, I know that everything is connected to this Divine Presence. As it surrounds and runs through everyone and all things. There is never any separation from this Divine Presence.

I realize and know that the earth is a whole, perfect, and healthy planet in this amazing spiritual universe. The earth is always being divinely guided in every aspect of its evolution. That there is always divine guidance for each one of us in doing what is ours to do to put out the fires and to let go of the drought. The rains will come in the right and perfect time to nourish those areas afflicted by drought and fire. We continue to see the earth as vibrant, dynamic, and healthy planet that supports all life.

With this realization, I experience a sense of gratitude and joy now and always.

I now release these words into the Law of Mind. Knowing it is done. And so, it is.

Rev Joyce Kinzel
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Prayer for Clarity


Recognizing the presence of Spirit everywhere. Spirit is love and peace. Spirit is the all knowing, all powerful, indwelling presence that is always available. Spirit is wisdom and power. Spirit is the creative force behind everything.

I am one with this Spiritual essence. I have within me all of the wisdom, power and love that is available equally to each person reading this prayer. I have within me that creative intelligence and power for good. 

I now align with the wisdom of Spirit. I declare that I can use this wisdom and power within me to make good decisions for my life.  I open to Spirit's wisdom and love to show up in my life to guide and direct me in all decisions. I listen for answers and Spirit expresses them so I can hear them and understand. When I release fear, the answers become clear. When I release anxiety, knowledge and information flows in. I affirm an easy release of anything that doesn't serve me in this time. I allow Spirit to show up in various ways in my life to help me reach clarity. I feel supported and willing to listen to Spirit's guidance in whatever way it shows up.

I am grateful for this time of remembering the truth - that Spirit is always here with me. I am thankful that I can get clarity by listening and letting go.

I release my word now into the law that acts on it right away. I can let it go and rest in the goodness. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Prayer for Healing


This moment is the only real one. Everything else is either a memory or a dream. The creator of all life resides in each present moment and is the giver of loving kindness, miracles, magic, and perfection. When I turn my attention toward it, my willingness to have a shift in circumstances opens wide.

I know that my connection to Spirit is firm. My channel to enlightenment and light is so wide that the healing is able to pour forth. There is nothing blocking it.

As I move forward into this journey of healing, all medical specialists are amazed at the progress of the healing and the apparent magic and miracles. My faith is strong and my connection to the divine is wide open. I affirm that miracles have already taken place and uplifts everyone involved. Everything that needs to take place, is realigning perfectly for the greatest and highest good. The rest of the healing happens as needed which brings back vibrant vitality. I know healing is already happening and my faith is made stronger with each day as the progress continues.

Feeling these immense blessings and the sense of gratitude is where I like to rest.

I submit this spiritual mind treatment to the movement and activity of the law which takes the impress and transforms everything for the highest and greatest good. I allow it all to unfold in its divine way.

And so it is. Blessed be.

Jennifer Mann, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Simple Spiritual Mind Treatment for Children

Volunteering in the nursery was the first service I embraced at the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa in the late 1990's. Taking care of babies and toddlers was my joy and their parents or grandparents could have some uninterrupted time to take in the message. At that time, I did not have any grandchildren, and I loved being with those little ones and recognizing Spirit expressing as these curious beings.  Each Sunday, we taught these toddlers a candle lighting ceremony with felt candles and flames. They loved taking turns "lighting" the candles. The teacher spoke these words as the children put up the candles one at a time.  God is life, I am life. God is light, I am light. God is joy, I am joy. God is peace, I am peace. God is love, I am love. God is beauty, I am beauty. God is power, I am power. After that, we taught them a short spiritual mind treatment with arm movements that the toddlers enthusiastically joined in doing. Those first two lines have stuck with me and I use them when I need a shortcut to get to the realization step.  Here is that prayer for children with hand/arm movements.

Recognition: God is all there is.  (Open arms wide)

Unification: I am one with God. (Hug yourself)

Realization: I have everything I need. (Hold hands out, palms open facing up)

Thanksgiving: I give thanks. (Place hands at the heart, palms together)

Release: And I let go. (Swing arms up in the air)

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Prayer to Connect With the Voice of Spirit Within


That voice, the still, small voice of the creator of all life is always available.

In the stillness each of us merges with the Divine and rests in a silent place where the voice is heard.

And so I speak a word on behalf of each person reading this prayer. Right here is the presence of Spirit.  On behalf of each one of us, I take a moment to remind myself of the stillness and I take the time to refocus and reframe all conditions and the din of the world. I settle and rest and remain open and expectant for a shift in consciousness that allows only good to pour forth no matter what is going on. I hold this sacred stillness close in my heart. On behalf of everyone reading this prayer, I claim that the shift is taking place.  hat a glorious way to remember the still small voice within. How grateful I am for the tools my Science of Mind that awakens me to alternative behavior that soothes, makes me serene, and allows the good to pour forth.

And now I release this prayer into the law that manifest it as experience. And I allow it to be done. And so it is. Blessed be. 

Jennifer Mann, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Prayer for a Redwood Tree

 Recognizing the power of Spirit is the creator of all things. Spirit is everlasting love and deep peace. Spirit is all encompassing, all knowing, all wise and always present and available. Spirit’s life is seen in every part of nature, in all the people that walk on this planet, and all the stars, the moon and the sun. Spirit creates flowers from seeds, and trees from tiny acorns. Spirit is in the rushing waters and the power of the ocean.

I know that I have within me a wellspring of Spirit’s love and peace. I know within me, Spirit’s wisdom and power for good are present and available to me all of the time. It is that creative expression within me that is closer than my breath and it always creating more good in my life. I know this is true for all sentient beings on this planet as well as every rock, tree, and flowing waters. Spirit is everywhere present in all things and right here within me.

So, I speak my word now on behalf of the redwood tree I see outside my window. The brown discolored top of the tree may have the appearance of disease. I declare that this tree is perfect, and it is steady and strong. With a peaceful heart, I affirm only good for this tree regardless of the appearance. I know that this tree is the perfect expression of Spirit, and its beauty and strength are magnificent. I release any judgment or concern, and I do my part to hold this tree with perfect love. I send blessings through this prayer, and realize the rest is up to Spirit.

With great gratitude and thanksgiving, I feel the connection with that tree and the blessings that tree gives to me.

And now I can release this prayer into the law and just let go and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Affirmative Prayer for the Perfect Employment

In the vast expanse of the universe, there exists a singular organizing power. This is the enduring wisdom and harmony of the Spirit, whose power is boundless and unequivocal. This force is perpetually at work, orchestrating ll aspects of life.

I am inherently unified with this organizing power of the universe. The profound wisdom and harmony of the Spirit are inherently mine, fully accessible, and present within me. I am the living embodiment of the Spirit's abundance, my rightful divine inheritance.

I embrace and accept that I am currently transitioning into the ideal job for me. Any semblance of struggle, scarcity, or obstacle gracefully falls away as I am guided by divine wisdom. With confidence and trust, I walk forward, fully believing in the Spirit’s power to manifest my next steps. I acknowledge that all my needs are fulfilled by the one true source – the living Spirit within me. My life is an expression of Its perfect harmony.

With a heart full of gratitude, I acknowledge and give thanks for the realization of the Spirit's power in my life. This awareness fills me with joy and appreciation.

Confidently, I release these intentions into the Creative Law that actualizes all. I trust in the perfect manifestation of these truths.

And So It Is.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment About Releasing Turmoil, and Worry

Recognizing the one power and divine order, in,  through, around, and as this one Life; it is everywhere present, all-knowing, the substance and support, 100% available in every moment, an integral inseparable part of all life.

And so I know the Divine abides in around through and as me. My physical and spiritual self are organized and supported by it. I am an individual expression of it.
From this awareness, I release any worldly experience of lack, separation, confusion, and worry. I abide within the One, Mother-Father God and am at ease resting in the lap of God, trusting and celebrating in the Spiritual Truth of my being.
All is well in the midst of however life is showing up. I release this prayer into the creative power that is always acting on my behalf.
I let go and let God.
And so it is.
Amada Colt, RScP

Monday, February 26, 2024

Prayer for Right Livelihood and Perfect Job


There is one divine Source, the singular Creator, embodying the pinnacle of Intelligence, generously imparting itself to all aspects of life. The universe moves in a seamless rhythm, orchestrated by this unparalleled Power – infinite, eternal, and all-encompassing. Within the dynamic action of the one divine Life lies the potential for endless possibilities and expansion.

I am integrally part of this dynamic action of the divine. The Source of Life bestows its nature upon me fully and freely. I am guided from within by this flawless Intelligence.

At this moment, the universe aligns in support of me. I engage each opportunity and possibility with openness and grace. My trust is profound and steadfast, and I approach every situation with confidence. Relying on the perfect intelligence that orchestrates the cosmos, harmony is brought into my life. The right livelihood is my divine right, and I am assured that the ideal job is presently mine to embrace. I am fully supported, energized, and motivated to move towards my aspirations. My heart is filled with joyful expectancy, secure in the understanding that everything is unfolding as it should.

With sincere gratitude, I recognize the manifestation of the right livelihood and the ideal job in my life.

With certainty, I release these intentions into the responsive law of creation, trusting in their immediate and precise realization.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Wholeness, Healing and Connection

Recognition (The Infinite Force of Creation): In the vastness of existence, there exists an unlimited, all-powerful force that ceaselessly gives of itself to all creation. This divine intelligence, this great healing power, is ever at work, creating and renewing the splendor of life. Every aspect of creation and the forces behind it are intricately woven into a magnificent tapestry, the great web of life. This immense wholeness is the fundamental essence of all beings.

Unification (My Essence with the Great Wholeness): This grand wholeness is not only around me but is my very essence. It is what I am. As I voice my intentions, all the power of creation aligns with this profound truth.

Realization (Affirming Healing and Connection): I am in unity with this spiritual life force. Through me flows the energy of renewal and wholeness. I am one with Spirit, one with life. I wholeheartedly accept complete healing for myself. Every part of my being is inclined towards greater wholeness. Freedom from discomfort is my inherent state, now being restored within me. I embrace a profound connection to the Spirit and a deep bond with family and friends. Support and guidance are perpetually available to me.

Thanksgiving and Release (Gratitude and Letting Go): I am deeply thankful for the realization of this wholeness in my life. Confident in its manifestation, I accept it as already fulfilled.

I release these words into the Law of the Universe and let it be.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Prayer - To See Through the Lens of Love


The consciousness of Spirit is boundless, ultimate, and absolute. It encompasses every being and every element of existence, casting its clear light and revealing the spiritual truth. Each facet of life is graced with its elegance and splendor, created from its boundless love and generosity. This all-seeing, all-knowing Spirit is the source of all creation.

I am an integral part of this consciousness of Spirit. This clear, illuminating light of Spirit perpetually shines upon me. Within me reside its elegance, grace, and vibrancy. I am a living embodiment of the Spirit's beauty and oneness.

I now immerse myself in the awareness of my union with Spirit and all of life. The Spirit's breath is my breath. Its beauty and grace illuminate my path, guiding me with clarity. As I internalize this deep understanding, I view the world through a lens of love. The healing presence within me acts as a transformative force, shaping the world around me. I am filled with courage and compassion, contributing to the unfolding of a higher vision.

I rejoice in this recognition and realization of my unity with the transformative power of Spirit. I embrace the ability to effect change through love, acknowledging this truth within me.

I accept this understanding as true and already in effect.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Embracing Inner Divinity


1. Recognition (The Essence of Divinity): In the universe, an all-powerful creative life force exists, known today as Divinity. This force is the creator, guide, and sustainer of all life. Its nature is characterized by love and light, embodying goodness, joy, and beauty in its constant expression through all of creation. Infinite, eternal, and supremely generous, it unifies all life with its love and light.

2. Unification (My Oneness with Divinity): I am inextricably linked with this Divinity. Its powerful life force vibrates within me, making me an essential aspect of creation. In me thrive the goodness and beauty of life, and I am a living expression of the love and light of Divinity. Joy and beauty are the essence of my being.

3. Realization (Embracing Divine Love and Light): I now affirm my openness to the warmth of divine love. I seek and find countless ways to express my inherent kindness and joy. I recognize goodness and beauty in the world around me and deep within myself. Every breath I take reconnects me with the profound truth of my original nature. I willingly follow the guidance towards my best expression of love and light, embracing the wonder of being alive and celebrating this gift through my thoughts, words, and actions. Nothing can separate me from this divine glory.

4. Thanksgiving (Gratitude for Divine Connection): I am filled with gratitude for this deep understanding within me. I cherish this connection to the Divine essence and its constant presence in my life.

5. Release (Confidence in the Spiritual Process): With a heart full of trust, I release this prayer into the creative force of the Divine, confident in its perfect realization in my life.

And So It Is.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Police Officers

There is one singular, all-encompassing life force, a universal consciousness that permeates every aspect of existence. This presence is the source of all life, flowing through every person, place, and thing. It is the essence of harmony and balance, constantly available at the core of everything.

This infinite and all-knowing presence is ever-present. It dwells within me, surrounds me, and flows through me. The wisdom and knowledge available in one part of this universal field are accessible to all, for we are all woven from the same fabric of existence.

Recognizing this interconnected field of being, I now focus my intentions on all law enforcement personnel and police officers. I acknowledge that they are supported and guided by this loving universal presence. In their duty to uphold peace, order, and harmony in the community, I affirm that they are enveloped in wisdom and clarity, knowing that there is no situation where they are separate from their Source.

I am deeply grateful for the people who have answered the call to serve our community. I honor their commitment to fostering harmony. I am thankful for the guiding laws of the Universal Mind that oversee their actions and lead us all toward greater peace and understanding.

With this treatment, I release these words into the responsive Law of the Universe, secure in the knowledge that all is in harmony.

And So It Is.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Harmonious Living in Our Neighborhood

There is one singular, harmonious life force that is the essence of all existence. This life force is the source of creation and the guardian of all that exists, embodying freedom and peace.

This life force is fully present in our neighborhood. It unites every person, animal, plant, and element of our community in a bond of peace and freedom. Our neighborhood is a manifestation of this unified, harmonious life.

I affirm that harmony and well-being are the natural states of our neighborhood. The same power that breathes life into existence watches over all activities in our community, ensuring an environment of peace and liberty. Those who serve to maintain our neighborhood are inspired and guided by this universal intelligence and love.

I express deep gratitude for the harmonious existence of our neighborhood. This harmony is a direct expression of the universal life's love and care.

With a heart full of trust, I release these words into the flow of universal life, confident in their manifestation.

And So It Is.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment (Prayer) for Harmonious Living and Inner Peace

Acknowledgment of the Universal Presence: I recognize the omnipresent Great Spirit, the essence that permeates the entire universe. This Universal Spirit is the foundation of all existence, ensuring the natural flow and harmony of the cosmos, ultimately leading to a state of peace.

Personal Alignment with the Great Spirit: I am an embodiment of the Great Spirit. It flows through me continuously, aligning me with its nature. My being resonates with effortless harmony and profound inner peace. I am an expression of infinite life, manifesting my spiritual truth in every aspect of my existence.

Realizing Inner Peace and Harmony: As I journey through today, I embrace life with peace, harmony, and ease, cradled in the embrace of the Great Spirit. I am unshaken by conflicts and undisturbed by external challenges. I stand firm in the understanding that any creative tension is an opportunity for growth and advancement, a chance to see the world anew and engage with honesty and an open heart.

When faced with conflict, I seek the underlying opportunity for transformation and welcome it wholeheartedly. I consciously release relationships, habits, and activities that bring difficulty, choosing not to invest in what causes suffering. Instead, I pursue creative paths that affirm my true nature, restoring me to my natural state of balance, harmony, and joy.

Gratitude and Release: With deep and joyous gratitude, I give thanks for this journey of harmonious living and inner peace. With a heart full of appreciation, I release these words into the Law of the Great Spirit, trusting in their fulfillment.

And So It Is.