Tuesday, March 18, 2025

My Life Mirrors the Divine

I recognize that there is One Infinite Presence, the Source and Essence of all life. This Presence is Love, Peace, and Vibrancy, flowing in and through all creation. This Sacred Reality is here, now, and always, embracing all people, all expressions of life, and all ways of being.

My life is woven into the wholeness of Spirit, and Spirit is alive in me. The wisdom and grace of the Divine move through me, guiding my steps. My existence, like all existence, is a sacred reflection of love, creativity, and infinite possibility.

I affirm that my life mirrors the life of Spirit. Every breath I take, every heartbeat within me, echoes the sacred. When I encounter fear, uncertainty, or injustice in the world, I return to my breath and transform these experiences into wisdom, peace, and compassionate action. When doubt or uncertainty arises, I meet them with faith. I trust in Spirit’s presence and the goodness within all people. I know that healing and peace are always possible. Each day, I choose to embody love, justice, and harmony in my thoughts, words, and actions. I make these choices with great ease and clarity for I see the face of the Divine in myself and in all beings—across every culture, identity, and experience. The light of Spirit shines through every soul, reminding me that we are resilient, creative, and capable of building a world based in kindness, dignity and shared humanity. As the grace of my life expands I surrender any need for control and rest in the deep knowing that Spirit is at work in ways that are both seen and unseen. I trust that divine wisdom is always guiding me and that life is unfolding in positive, meaningful ways.

With deep gratitude, I celebrate the sacred presence that lives and moves through me and all beings. I give thanks for the awareness of my connection to Spirit, for the peace that flows through me, and for the love that surrounds and sustains us all.

I release this Word into the Law knowing it is now made real. And so it is.

Rev. Siota Belle, Spiritual Support Minister
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Prayer of Peace and Comfort for myself

Recognition: There is one presence, one infinite love, holding all of life in its embrace. It is the source of everything—an endless wellspring of wisdom, compassion, and peace. This love is always here, steady and unwavering, moving through time and space, guiding all things with quiet grace.

Unification: I am held in this presence, deeply connected to it, as are all people everywhere. No matter what is happening in the world around me, I can rest in the truth that I am never alone.

Realization: I open my heart to this love, allowing it to fill me with spaciousness, acceptance, and creativity. With each breath, I soften into this sacred connection, knowing that I am gently guided toward kindness, inclusion, and truth. Through this prayer, I awaken to the deep reality of our oneness—that we are each a part of something vast, something whole. Even in uncertainty, there is a divine order unfolding, a current of healing and renewal moving beneath all things. Life continues to bloom in new and unexpected ways, always offering fresh possibilities. I welcome this peace into my heart. I let it ease my worries, soothe my spirit, and remind me that I am supported by something greater than myself.

Gratitude: I breathe in this deep knowing, and I allow gratitude to rise—softly, warmly, filling every part of me. I am grateful for these gifts and the realization of this truth.

Release: I release this word into the Law and so it is.
Rev. Siota Belle
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, March 4, 2025


There is only one life. One power and presence that is in and through all people, places and situations, and this is what I call Spirit, and which is good and only good. Spirit is peace, joy, harmony and balance. Spirit is abundance and prosperity, health and wisdom. Every moment is filled with the all-ness of Spirit, and Spirit gives freely of itself to one and all, never judging, never holding back, just freely giving to all of its creation.

Because I exist, then I, too, must be a part of the creative essence of Spirit. The love, peace, and joy that Spirit is surrounds me and fills me, and it is mine to accept in every moment, for Spirit is in every moment, just waiting to give to me my heart’s desire – all I need do is open and say YES! And as this is true for me, I know that it is also the truth about anyone reading this prayer, for no one can exist outside of Spirit. Each of us is surrounded and imbued with all the goodness and all-ness that Life has to offer.

And so as I speak my word in the first person, I invite all who are reading this to join with me in accepting a deep surrender into the ease, peace, and comfort of Spirit. I declare that my faith is growing greater than ever before, and that my spiritual practice is deep and consistent - feeding my body, mind, and spirit. As I allow myself to be immersed in Spirit, I can easily recognize guidance as to what is mine to do - as well as what is mine to let go of. I allow myself to feel a deep sense of gratitude for the shifts and openings taking place. I joyously recognize the power of gratitude, and that it comes easily and naturally to me in my daily life.

I’m so excited and grateful for this awareness and it’s manifestation in my life,

And it is with this gratitude that I release this, my word, into the creative essence known as the Law, to be made manifest in form and action for the highest and greatest good of all, and the harm to none.

And so it is, amen.

Sue Faria, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Perfect Health

There is one mind, one life divine, one loving Spirit. It is this one which creates and sustains all life. Well-being is its true state of being. Wholeness is its constant state of being. Spirit is all there is.

Right where I am, the power and love of Spirit is. Spirit expresses in me as vibrant, vital energy. The Creative Presence within me expresses through me. I am one with this wholeness and well-being.

As I align with that Spiritual love that is everywhere, I claim perfect health. My natural state of being is wholeness and my body is always working toward better health. I am whole and I am well. I claim that every fiber and cell of my body is functioning at its highest level. In quiet peace, I allow health to envelope me.

I am grateful for this alignment with Spirit’s love and perfection. I am grateful for this prayer that lifts me out of my discomfort.

I release my word into the law and trust Spirit to respond. I let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Be the Light

Spirit is everywhere, all around, in and through all things seen and unseen. This powerful yet gentle source of it all is like a light that shines all the time all over the world. It is the light of love and peace, beauty and harmony and joy. It is never extinguished no matter what is going on.

If Spirit is everywhere, then it must be right here within me. The light of love and peace, beauty and harmony is right here where I am. It is the source of joy in my life and is never extinguished. Even though I can’t see it or feel it, this wonderful source of power and creativity is right here within me.

And now I align with the source of light within me. As I become still, I sense the presence of love and peace within me. As I remember that I am made from this light and I have that love and light within me, I accept this wonderful realization as it shows up in my day-to-day life. I know that it is all I need to find peace and power within me.

I now give great thanks for remembering this truth of my being, that I have light and love within me.

And now I can rest and let go. And so it so. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

New Directions

1. Recognition
There is One Infinite Creative Power, a fluid and ever-evolving force that expresses itself through all of existence. This Power is limitless, expansive, and always in motion, bringing life, creativity, and possibility into form. This Presence flows through all things, including my own consciousness.

2. Unification
I am one with this Creative Power. It flows in, through, and as me. Just as this Power is boundless, I, too, am a fluid, creative expression of Infinite Intelligence. There is no separation between me and the creative force that shapes reality. This means that the same expansive potential that animates the universe is available to me here and now.

3. Realization
I realize that no condition in my life is fixed or immovable. What seems solid and unchangeable is, in truth, subject to the fluid nature of the Creative Power within me. I have the ability to focus my creative energy on building new models and new directions. As I name my desires, conceive them in mind, and speak them into being, Life's infinite potential supports me in their manifestation.

I affirm that I have the power to shift my mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. I release limiting beliefs formed by culture, upbringing, or experience. My deeper mind is fertile ground for new, expansive ideas that serve my highest good. I am open to the possibilities that arise when I align with the creative flow of Life.

4. Thanksgiving
I give thanks for the fluid, limitless nature of the Creative Power that flows through me. I am grateful for the ability to recognize, name, and create new possibilities in my life. I appreciate the wisdom, strength, and flexibility that allow me to land firmly in my spirituality, no matter what challenges arise. I celebrate the new directions that unfold from my conscious intention and creative action.

5. Release
I release this word into the Infinite Law, knowing it is acted upon and made manifest with grace and ease. I let go, trusting that the Creative Power of Life flows effortlessly toward my attention and intention. It is done, and so it is.

Dr. Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Sort Out Life in Divine Right Order

I know there is One Life, One Spirit and One Intelligence that is equally present everywhere in the Universe. Resting securely in this knowing, in this feeling, in this truth, I am one with It as a unique expression of Oneness. And as a unique expression of this Oneness I have all the qualities of Spirit and Intelligence right here, right now. My expression is one with the whole and, at the same time, one of a kind. I enjoy this understanding, this presence, and relax into it with a feeling of unlimited possibilities spread out before me.

In this relaxed, creative, unlimited state of mind I speak my word knowing my words initiate change in my life. I know and feel and experience the divine order of the Universe unfolding one step at a time as does my life, as does each life.

I affirm that in this unfoldment each step grows out of the preceding one and that each one moves me toward realizing my highest good. With Spirit as my guide, I move forward confident, secure, strong. Now, trusting fully and completely this reality, I appreciate each miracle, each challenge, each revelation, each solution, for just what it is: another step along the way. I open my mind, heart and body to accept the inspiration of Spirit with each breath I take, with each thought I make, with each word I state as I consciously enter fully and completely into the process of life.

With my awareness fully engaged in this spiritual unfoldment, I find myself one with the abundance of the universe ... by freely and easily giving the special gifts my unique expression brings to the world, I am gifted in return. I know this is true for me and I know this is true for each one because we are all subject to the same universal laws in our own unique unfoldment. This is good, very good.

With deep humility and appreciation I gratefully accept this Truth right here and right now. I know Spirit works through natural law to create my good even before being asked, and as I release these words to the law of creation, I know this Truth is present even now in my life.

And I simply let it be so ... and so it is.

Peter Stickney, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa