Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Guidance through Values

There is such an amazing Energy that flows in and through and as everything in our universe and beyond. It is the seed of Creation, constantly expanding and contracting, and expanding again. It is the Heart of all Love, Compassion and Goodness. It is the Mindspring of all Knowledge and Ageless Wisdom. It is the Vision of Abundance and Beauty. It is the Comfort of Peace and Serenity. It is the Source of Light and Life. It is Wholeness, Balance and Harmony. It is Life Itself. All in Oneness.

That Energy flows through me as a unique expression of Its Divine Presence. I hear it in the enchanting melody of the perching songbird as it fills me with joy. I see it in the gentle colors of the rising sun and the vibrancy of the evening sunset, filling my life with beauty. And I feel it with every beat of my heart, with every breath I take, with every delicious moment I experience. I am that Life. I am that Oneness.

And the values I embrace, the attributes I claim as my own, continuously guide me on my Spiritual Path, and deepen my relationship with the Oneness. I align myself with those values that resonate in my Beingness, as my life, my purpose unfolds. As I focus on those qualities, I see them reflected in everything I encounter and smile as I experience the joy of sharing my Divine Nature. The gifts I have received, the talents I have been given, the values I embrace, the very essence of my true self that I offer to the world, shine a light that brightens even the darkest situation and ripples outwards to impact more than I could possibly imagine.

I am truly grateful for the incredible opportunities that arise as I continue to walk this path, becoming increasingly aware of the Self, the Essence, the One I have always been.

So I release my word into the Word, into Life, into Love, into the Universal Principles, where it dwells in Eternity.

And So It Is.

Skye Freeman
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I Am Perfect Just As I Am

There is only One Spirit, One Ultimate Stuff, One Underlying & Unifying Principle of All. Waking up to this One is like Knocking on a door and stepping across the threshold into a technicolor world when you leave a black and white world behind. It's like wow! There are so many colors, an infinite array of colors, which is the Creative Genius of the Universe at work. It expresses itself in so many ways. Look at the leaves of every kind of plant. They're all different; they all have a different color and are shaped differently. And so it is with the fingerprints of people, each one unique. They're similar but unique at the same time. This is how the Divine presence is. It is the Creator and its creation all at the same time. I am rendered speechless at the infinite variety which flows from It.

I know That I am a part of that Magnificent Creative Process. Within me lives a piece of the One, always guiding and sustaining me. Each day as It expresses itself through me. It thinks my thoughts and lets me catch glimpses of its brilliance as it speaks to me through my intuition. It is closer than my clothes as it breathes my breath and beats my heart. All my cells orchestrate perfectly in accordance with It’s cosmic decrees. I am a uniquely individualized expression of the generalized creative spark that It is.

In the book of my life every chapter serves a vital purpose because it tells the tale of me. When I think of my past and all my experiences instead of wishing it had been some other way, I smile and I remind myself that I have turned out beautifully because of it all, not in spite of it all. I don't shut the door on the past because therein lies a treasure trove of growth opportunities that I can use to transcend & become an improved version of myself. All of it informs and gives something valuable to my life right now. What a feeling of freedom to re-frame my stuff so it serves a constructive purpose! My intention to Wholeness is my gift to the World. I celebrate the processes that brought me to where I am right now. I am perfect just as I am.

I am receptive to the amazing reflective gifts of the Law as I present my mental equivalent for It to take up. I speak my word into the Law of Mind. For this action of It in my life I know I am blessed and I feel deep gratitude for Its operation.

I release my word and simply let it be. And so it is.

Denise Pool
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Prayer for those affected by Hurricane Helene.

In this sacred moment, I recognize and honor the Infinite Presence, the One Divine Consciousness that flows through all life. This Presence, vast and eternal, is the very essence of love, peace and safety. It is everywhere, within us and around us, connecting every soul, every heart and every being in a bond of oneness. It is love, and it is who and what we are.

I know that this Divine Power is the Source of all creation, and It permeates every part of our world, bringing harmony, wholeness and perfect order to all situations. I affirm now that this same Divine Intelligence is guiding every aspect of the unfolding recovery from Hurricane Helene. Whether seen or unseen, felt or unfelt, I know that the energy of the Allness is present, holding each and every person affected in Its infinite embrace.

I declare that all those who have been impacted — those who lost loved ones or who are awaiting word on family members, those affected who are without shelter, food, water or electricity — are surrounded and held in the love and support of the Universe. Even in moments of uncertainty, fear or loss, the Peace that surpasses all understanding surrounds them, holding them safe. The Spirit within them is calm, unshaken and connected to the Divine Source that provides for every need.

I affirm for all who are rescuers, responders and volunteers the strength, clarity and wisdom of the Divine flows through them. They are divinely guided, supported in every action and protected in all they do. For those awaiting rescue, I know they are not alone. They are seen, known and held in the loving awareness of the Divine, which brings rescue, relief and comfort, swiftly and perfectly.

In this moment, I know that we, in our oneness with the Divine, extend our consciousness of love and support to all beings affected by this storm. We stand as beacons of love and peace, knowing for them what they may not yet be able to know for themselves — that they are safe, loved and supported by the entire Universe. I claim and affirm that the calm of Spirit washes over them, bringing peace to their minds, courage to their hearts and a deep sense of connection to the Source of all Good.

As I release this word into the Divine Law, I trust fully in the perfection and power of the Universe. I know that all is unfolding for the highest good and that peace, safety and love are ever-present. And so I give thanks, knowing that it is already done in the mind of the One. And so it is.

Rev. Dr. Soni Cantrell-Smith, Spiritual Leader
Centers For Spiritual Living

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Prayer to Relieve Stress

Spirit is all there is. Spirit is love, peace, beauty, and harmony. Spirit is the creative force that powers all life. All knowing and everywhere present, Spirit is available to everyone all of the time. It crosses time and space and is the source of oneness. This thread of life connects everything everywhere.

If Spirit is everywhere, then it must be right here within me. Deep at the center of my being, I have an unlimited supply of love and peace, beauty and harmony. As I align with the Spirit within me I feel the love moving through me and expressing as me in the form of smiles, kindness and conscious giving. Spirit expresses as peace within me giving me moments of calm and gratitude. The more I align with this essence of Spirit within, the more grateful I feel.

Feeling this unification with Spirit, I now declare that I release any sense of anxiety or stress as I align with that Spiritual essence within me. I move past the upheaval in my life and direct my mind toward the oneness of life. I put my mind back on the path toward my good. I feel the power within me to open to love and peace and I take charge of my mind and my thoughts. I follow the love and the thread of oneness that ties us all together. I find peace right here within me.

I’m so grateful for this time of remembering the truth, that Spirit is all there is.

I release my word into the Law and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Prayer for Completing my Goals

The ultimate reality is of One. One Essence, One Cause appearing as many conditions. One diverse, inclusive Creative Genius. One Ultimate Reality infusing and informing everything. A Divine Essence appearing as all the different trees in the world; all the unique grains of sand on all the beaches, and all the deserts of the world; all the billions of galaxies and stars in the sky; all the various fishes in all the seas and oceans and all the waves covering those waters. It is all the individuals across the globe with all their intertwining and complicated lives. It is there in all the seen and unseen planes as well. It is this and so much more; It is in, through and as all. It’s vastness defies comprehension being the All and All it is. It is Peace, Perfection, and Love.

Oh how great to know that the goodness of the One is right here, right now and I am one with It. This infinite One, this place of Perfection and Wholeness is what I am. The presence of the Living God is always within me, and I rest in the knowledge that we can never be separated. It has created me and each one of us in its image; I am eternally Perfect, Whole and Complete despite any appearance to the contrary.

As I acknowledge this Divine Truth I awaken to the realization that I succeed in any new venture I want. My inspired vision is even now happening in and through me. I do not have to wonder if I will successfully complete this because it is a given. The wisdom that is in me & as me expands, propelling me to my highest possible good. This is what I am; even in its nascent form I succeed beautifully in embodying my goals. I surpass even my wildest dreams in my endeavors with life and in my spiritual life as a whole. I claim this or something better is happening now for me.

I speak my word and as I do so it comes to life. As I contemplate the expression of this prayer it lifts my heart with gladness to know that it is so. I give thanks for the realization of the Divine Light Within from my oneness with Spirit because it lights my path before me on this journey.

I give it to God knowing it is so. With this I release my word affirming my spiritual prototype demonstrates today & in every way. And so it is!

Denise Pool
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


All Good is already present everywhere. The Source of all good is a mystery and warm presence available to all who seek it. It is love; it is intelligence. It is the place from which we came and in which we all share—the One Mind, the One Love. Call it God, call it Principle, call it Papa as Jesus did—It is a single, unified substance out of which everything comes forth. There can be no other, no opposite, no evil since there is only one source and it cannot be divided against itself.

I am a child of that Source and so I share in Its qualities; just as a wren cannot give birth to a kitten, so only good can come forth from Goodness. The balance, the freedom, the harmony, the serene well-being of the Source is present and available for me to feel and to know as the truth of my being.

With such a knowing comes hope, the deep knowing that Life is on my side and I can trust that God loves me and intends for me to THRIVE. And with hope there is inevitable courage. Knowing I can rely on the loving intention of Spirit, there is nothing I cannot handle. Apparent obstacles dissolve before me and my journey is smooth.

I am so grateful for this system! All of reality is supporting and responding to me, and to all. Knowing this, I move forward on my path with energy and confidence because these words are already so, outside of time and space.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


That infinite presence and power of Spirit is everywhere. This power for good is the life-giving force behind all creation. This all knowing, wise Spiritual presence is the basis for all of life. All encompassing, and powerful beyond measure, Spirit is the rock and the root of all life. It is in the seen and unseen, and yet to be known. Spirit is all there is.

And since Spirit is everywhere, it is right here within me. It is my home base, my touchstone, and my well spring for all things good. Spirit within me is love, peace, harmony and beauty. It is that power for good that I can use. Each one of us, unique and individual. are one with this power of Spirit.

The recognition and unification with Spirit creates an opening in my consciousness. I affirm that my faith in the power for good sustains me today. I trust in this hidden force within me that guides me to make the best decisions for me today. I trust this love within me that allows me to be kind to myself and others. I trust this power for good within me today and every day for my greatest and highest good to be revealed.

With a heart full of gratitude for this faith and trust, I release my word into the law. And I let go and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa