Tuesday, December 20, 2022

The Joy of Community

The Divine—ever-present, ever-giving, ever-loving—is unendingly, ubiquitously available. Vast, mysterious, unending, it is yet warm and personal and responsive. It shows Itself in the interconnectedness between all things, seen and unseen. The limitless web of Life connects and embraces all the infinitely various parts of Itself, casting off into reality unlimited creative expressions of Itself and receiving back into its web of life that which is ready to be repurposed. 

My life is in the web, joined everywhere: to people in my family, my neighborhood, my relatives, my spiritual community, my sphere of influence. The joy of the Divine radiates from me, reveling in this infinite community to which I belong. Community—the web of life visible and invisible. It embraces me and gifts me with warm, creative, joyous connections that enlighten and enliven me in this dark, fallow time of year. 

I celebrate this life, this communal connection, this dark and restorative time in the cycle of the year. And in that celebration, I align with the Divine and Its unlimited adoration of Itself.

I say it is so.

And so it is.

Kathy Galvin, RScP 

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, December 10, 2022

I Am an Expression of Love

One creative, all inclusive, loving consciousness, the Source and Sustainer of all, is 100 percent present with and as Life in all its seen and unseen forms. It is the foundation and flow of life, right here, right now, as this word.

I am an expression of this One. This loving Presence flows in, around, through, and as me. I am connected to all of life through It, inseparable from It—the formed and the formless—an integral part of this One Life, here on purpose through the will of the Divine.

With this understanding, I claim and affirm this connection of body, mind, and spirit within and as this One Life. I rest in this awareness as life unfolds and flows around and through me. I allow this divine nature to guide my thoughts, words, and actions that I might be an expression of love in the midst of however life is showing up.  I easily laugh at my foibles, recognize and champion kindness in others, and expect goodness to unfold in surprising ways.

With a grateful heart, I release this prayer into that Creative Power that has already acted upon it.

I let go and let God. And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Our Lives are Blessed

This amazing life is the expression of this One Power, ever present and here in this moment as love, effervescent joy, peace, and wholeness.

As everything is made up of this essence of life, it infills me with its intelligence and wisdom. And this is true for all beings and all matter; every atom is filled with this dynamic intelligence, that same power that holds the planets in their place. Each one of us is a unique expression of this life and one in the source from which all life comes.

This prayer then is for an easy flow of this Life Force through all of existence. Every circumstance, every relationship, every experience is infilled with the mystery and aliveness of this Presence. So, I assert that in our lives we are each blessed in and by this Creative Power. It brings intuition, ideas, and guidance that we can tap into simply by resting in Its presence.

Gladly knowing that this powerful Presence, Life itself, is a force for good in our lives that we can use, I rest in the gratitude of this understanding.

Acknowledging that all is truly well, I release this prayer to the Divine Power that is already working on making it so. So, I let it be now knowing it is done. And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Highest and Greatest Good

The fullness of life is everywhere present, Father-Mother God abides in, around, through, and as Its creation. No thing is outside of It; there is no other. It is the source, substance, and sustainer of all the seen and the unseen, known and unknown. It is the ground of all being, the great I AM.

And so I am made of this divine stuff. It flows in, around, through, and as me, connecting me to all that is. I am an individual expression of It, a vessel and instrument of the Divine. It is my very breath and heartbeat. I am inseparable from Its divine nature.

From this awareness I declare a fervent, unbound, willingness to awaken more fully to this spiritual truth, just as life shows up and just as it does not. I soften my edges, remembering I am immersed in this one life, a part of all that is. I surrender any thought, idea, or belief in lack, limitation, separation, or fear, making space for the highest and greatest good to flow through me into life around me.

With a grateful heart I celebrate this shift in consciousness. I am assured this word is known and done in the mind of God.

And so it is. Amen.

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Compassion in Every Heart

In this vast universe there is one powerful presence: call it life—it is the one creative process that is showing up as all of life, all of the time. And in this life is the human species embodying this perfect Spirit, equipped fully to feel peace, and love, and joy, comfort, and all the range of emotions. 

This human experience is such a gift to be here. And in the wonder of this amazing realization that this creative power is within me and within each one of us, I affirm this prayer of wonder for all that is. And I sense that all is well as these emotions that arise in this human condition wash over the body in response to human conditions, world conditions, and internal dialogues. 

So I declare that there is a compassion that builds within each heart, allowing this emotional expression of Spirit to flow in, through, and out again, releasing into that compassionate loving Spirit anything needing to be let go.

In gratitude for feelings, mindfully self compassionate with emotions that arise, I let it all be in the understanding that this loving Spirit is taking care of all of it. And I release it and I let it be.

And So It Is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Kindness, Charity and Compassion

Recognizing this One Consciousness, this allness of being, in around, through, is Life Itself, eternally unfolding and manifesting as Love. It is the Infinite, Compassionate Source and Sustainer; the Mother and Father of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, enfolding all within Its embrace.

And so as I am made of this divine substance and abide within this One Presence, connected to all that is, I have no edges; there is no place that I end and the rest of Life begins. I am irrevocably within this One Body, Mind, and Spirit of beingness.

I breathe into this sweet awareness and allow any imagined walls or barriers to crumble and melt away. I am sister and brother and steward to all life. I remember that what transpires anywhere effects all of life. I affirm this in my daily spiritual practice, it informs my thoughts, prayers, words, and actions. I develop greater kindness, charity, and compassion for myself and others. I cherish and celebrate Life in all Its forms and diversity.

I am so blessed and grateful to be here in this One Life, for the opportunity to be the best version of myself, to support the same for others, and all expressions of life.

I am assured that this prayer is already known and done in the mind of God.

And so it is. Amen.

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, July 9, 2022

Everyday Wonder

There is one life living itself as everything in this manifest world. Its nature is love and peace and wholeness and wonder. This amazing life lives itself unconditionally through all of its creation. I am a unique expression of it just as everyone else is. 

Each one of us a divine embodiment of this one living spirit. In this prayer I affirm that everyday miracles show up regardless of circumstance, regardless of conflict, regardless of appearances. This amazing life is available in all of its beauty, wonder, and amazing delight to all of us, all the time. 

So tuning into this one living power that has created all that we know and all that we don’t know yet, I declare that all is well in the mind of God and showing up now in our lives as everyday wonder and amazing grace.

In loving gratitude, I release this prayer, understanding that it is already being made so by this powerful mind of God.

And So It Is


Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, June 11, 2022



There is only one life. That life is God’s life. That life is perfect. That life is this life right now. It is in, around and through all that is, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, creating anew from itself in each moment. It's divine nature is at the center of the formed and the yet to be. It is the eternal heart, body, mind and Spirit inherent in all that is. It enfolds all in Its boundless love and intelligence, always acting on behalf of it's creation for the highest and greatest good.

And so this one life is the source of my beingness. I am created, supported and sustained by this all loving and powerful, everywhere present Mother-Father God. I am inseparable from it, connected through it to all of life. There is no place where I end and God’s life begins.

From this understanding, I speak this prayer for and about myself and all of Life. I take time to reflect, contemplate and meditate each day. I practice self-forgiveness where I have negative self judgements. I stay curious about what unmet need I may be trying to fulfill. I take a moment to feel sadness, and remorse, rather than guilt and shame. I breathe out and let it go. I recognize I can only give to others that which I have first given to myself. I affirm and accept this spiritual truth for all beings. I celebrate the presence of the divine in how life is showing up, and ways that it is not.

Thank you, life!

I rest in this shift in consciousness that is known and done before this prayer was spoken. I let go and let God. And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP


Saturday, May 14, 2022

Daily Spiritual Practice

The Divine’s breath and heartbeat manifest through all of its creation in this sacred, eternal now. All beings are enfolded within the One. Nothing exists or abides outside of its loving compassionate presence. Every aspect of life, seen and unseen, known and unknown is irrevocably and seamlessly connected through God’s infinite creative nature that is always acting on behalf of Its creation.

It follows that I am created from and by this infinite source and sustainer, an integral part of this one life, connected to all that is through the will and power of the Divine. I am inseparable from creation and my Creator. God breathes through me and beats my heart.

As this is true for me this is true for all life. From this awareness I speak this prayer for and about all beings, all creation. There is no spot where Mother-Father God is not, It being the source and inception of all that is. I lean into Its accepting and supportive presence in my everyday activities, in what I consider ordinary and extraordinary circumstances, conditions and situations. With this understanding, I know that God is my ballast amidst turmoil and uncertainty, and celebrates with me in times of appreciation and gratitude. I recognize and share my gifts. My daily spiritual practice of prayer, contemplation and meditation deepen and support me in however life is showing up. I journal, meet with my practitioner, walk in nature, practice yoga. I am comforted and supported by activities that help me be present with how life is showing up.

I rest in gratitude for these spiritual truths. I am absolutely assured that this prayer is already known and done in the mind of God.

I let go and let God.
And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP
Foothill CSL

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Divine Potential

This one loving and creative presence is everywhere, the divine substance of all life. It is the allness of being, enfolding everything, the source of all, creating anew in each moment, always acting for the highest and greatest good.

And it follows that I am created by and inseparable from this One, Father-Mother God, however I name it. It is my breath and every heartbeat. I abide within It and am an individual expression of It, a child of God, a vessel and instrument of the Divine. As this is true for me this is true for all beings, all life, wherever we are on our path of awakening.

With this understanding I speak this prayer for and about myself and all of life. There is no spot where Divine potential is not poised and ready to unfold in an ever-greater expression through Its creation, through me. I am an instrument for this, in the midst of however life is showing up, and conversely in the ways that it is not. I am never outside of this divine game. Each breath, every encounter and aspect of being is part of the infinite opportunity to awaken to my true self, my inseparable connection to all that is, to express love, kindness, compassion and reverence for all life. When I feel uncomfortable, stuck, resentment I recognize my growth opportunity. I am willing to let go, soften. I welcome this process and allow it to inform and guide me.

I am grateful for an ever-deepening connection to life.

This prayer is already known and done through the Law of Mind. I let go and let God.

And so it is.


Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Birth of a Baby

There is one universal interconnectedness of Life. This Life lives in, though, and around all of creation. Its nature is love, and it is the creative intelligence that is running the universe.

This same intelligence flows through me and each of us. This baby, getting ready to be born, is the perfect expression of this divine Life. Like a blank canvas ready for a masterpiece, this baby has infinite possibilities in life.

I affirm that the parents are ready now. All planning, nesting, and details are in order. This one Source which is the ground of all being is embodied in this new life getting ready to emerge. It is also embodied in all the health care providers taking care of this family. All personnel are excellent at their jobs giving compassionate and loving care all through the birthing and recovery process.

Relaxing now understanding that the universe knows just what it is doing and so it is with the birth of this baby. Grateful that life unfolds miraculously, this Word of prayer is released into that one Life, confident in a blessed outcome.


Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Peace in Our Hearts

The embrace of the warm loving Infinite Presence is here right now. This almighty presence is personified in us, operating through us. The Universal Mind contains all knowledge and as such knows just what to do in every circumstance.

Therefore, I affirm that this almighty power for good is operating full open now to bring peace to our hearts and peace to our neighbors in the world. Divine abundance is forever manifesting itself in the affairs of this planet. The limitless resources of Spirit are operating now fully to stop war and conflict and return peace to all beings, peace to all nations, peace to all hearts beating this same life, setting down arms and embracing peace, peace, peace, everlasting peace.

Affirming that this planet and all its inhabitants and its wondrous beauty are abundantly supplied with every good thing needed to assure survival, resilience, and wholeness, I rest in confidence that good and more good is here now.

Trusting the universe, I am confident that we shall be healthy, prosperous and well, in all circumstances, evolving constantly to a more peaceful existence here on earth. Gratefully, I acknowledge the wonder of it all, the mystery and magnificence of Life itself; I surrender this prayer to the almighty law that orchestrates all of life and is impressed by this prayer, now making it so.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Friday, March 18, 2022

Prayer for Peace

There is only one presence of power in the universe and that is the divine essence of the living Spirit. The essence of this living Spirit is in through and around everything. Its nature is love, peace, harmony, and wholeness.

I am made of the essence of this living Spirit. It fills every cell of my body radiating its divine intention for my life, illuminating my way.

And as that’s true for me it’s true for each one of us. We are each a representation of this living Spirit.
This prayer for peace declares that there is in the hearts of all those in conflict the essence of peace. I affirm that everyone is waking up to the reality that peace is better than conflict. Love is better than war. Understanding that all of this is accomplished in the mind of God, seeds of peace are planted now in the hearts and minds of all this planet’s inhabitants. The consciousness of this planet is elevated by this prayer for peace.

Humanity evolves to discover that creativity, good deeds, compassion, and love are the necessary outcome of this time of conflict. Peace is alive in our hearts now.

Grateful that this powerful good, this loving, living Spirit resides within and around and through everything, I release this prayer now knowing it is already done. And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Friday, March 11, 2022

Affirmative Prayer for Peace in Ukraine

This prayer was originally posted in 2014

Affirmative Prayer for Peace in Ukraine by  Suzanne Sackett, RScP

There is one Magnificent Power - ever-present in love, harmony, and balance - flowing in, through, and as all Life…and it is God, Spirit, Creation.

This Divine Nature expresses fully as my life, as all things, all beings -- consistently and perfectly creating lives of love, health, peace, flow, balance, and communication. It is the very essence of all life for all people in Ukraine and Russia; for all people everywhere.

As I feel complete peace in mind, heart and soul, a feeling of well being fills my world. Peaceful is my way of life. This same peace lives within each person living in Ukraine and Russia. In all that they do, they are guided by Infinite Wisdom. In all that they think, Universal Truth is revealed. In all that is said, the Love of God is shared. The awe of Spirit blesses all of their relationships, exchanges, intentions, and their lives are ones of peace, love, happiness, and prosperity.

This rich, gentle, and endless stream of peace of the Absolute fills my heart to overflowing. I am truly grateful. I release these truths into the Omnipresent Law of Mind, knowing that as I have claimed it to be so, so it is!

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Affrimative Prayer for Peace

Affirmative Prayer for Peace
Originally published on 12/31/2013

One heartbeat. One breath. One Life. One unending Peace. One infinite Beingness that created, contains, and sustains all that is. And so much more. Every star in the universe created by and from this One. Held in the seemingly empty vastness, but filled with and suspended in the infinite invisible Light and Peace of the Divine.

And I am made from That, living as That, swimming in that vast Peace of the divine Being. Peace is my very nature. And the True nature of every person on this planet.

And so I invite and embrace the Truth that the Peace in each person is revealed and lived in such a way that it ripples out to everyone around them, affecting family, friends, community, nations, and the Earth itself. Every heart and mind filled with awareness of divine Peace and Love, filling us to such an extent that anything else is seen as unnecessary, extraneous, and obsolete. I accept a Peace that fills the hearts and minds of all of humanity, showering the Earth with Light, Peace, and Joy, radiating brilliantly into the stratosphere, filling every heart and mind in this invisible perfect Light of the One. Peace is here. Peace is Now. Peace is the Truth. Peace is our Essence. Let it reign. Let it rain.

Let it Be. Thank you Life! And so it is.

Naava Dewey, RScP

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Deepening Connection to Spiritual Truth

There is one infinite power. This power is the love of the Divine. God's boundless intelligence, compassion and grace enfolds as all of creation. The one Spirit acts for the highest and greatest good of life in every moment. Nothing is outside of its presence, there is no other. It is the source and substance of all the seen and unseen aspects of life.

I am made of this divine power and love, here on purpose as an individual, unique expression of the One. It's love beats my heart and breathes through me. I am inseparable from God and creation, connected to all life and the Holy Spirit that dwells within. God's creative power expresses through me. I am an instrument and vessel for this love. 

From this awareness, I affirm a deepening connection to these spiritual truths. I open to a greater experience of wholeness and the holiness of life. I practice kindness towards myself and others. I see each encounter in life as an opportunity to sow seeds of uncaused joy and compassion. I welcome the softening of my heart in the midst of however life shows up.

I rest in this understanding, confident and grateful that this prayer is already known and done in the heart of God through the law of mind.

I let go and let God.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Prayer of Awe and Wonder

 There is one power. It is the power of the living Spirit. This power is creative and generous and it is forever giving its goodness to all of life. All of creation is made of and operating with this power. Love is the outpouring of Spirit’s creative power and it makes itself know to all.

I am an expression of the love of Spirit. Its goodness and generosity live in me. My life is the life of Spirit. I am one with the power that has created me and continues to create through me.

The love of the Spirit is always guiding me to greater and greater expressions of good. So, I stand today in this moment of realization in a state of awe and wonder. I allow the beauty and joy of life move me. I align myself with the generous love of Spirit and I become a greater channel for its expression. I open my eyes to a new perspective. I see the wonder of life and I cherish each moment.

I am grateful for all the goodness that arises in me and I embrace this spiritual truth about myself and my life.

I entrust this word of prayer into the creative power, knowing that it is manifesting in my experience.

And So It Is