Saturday, May 29, 2021

I Deepen and Grow My Daily Spiritual Practice

Within the one breath and heart of all, there is only the activity of the Divine, no thing is outside of it. It is the center and circumference of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, the source and sustainer. All is at home in God. The Divine's nature is infinite intelligence, love and compassion, everywhere present, always acting on behalf of Its creation for the highest and greatest good.

And so I am made of this One's substance, through Its will, here on purpose as an individual expression of God. I am inseparable from this divine presence, an instrument and vessel of the One, connected to all aspects of being, the seen and unseen. It is in, around, through and as me. I celebrate and welcome this reassuring and growing awareness. I am at home in God. 

With this understanding I speak this word for all beings. I  humbly and lovingly engage in life. I deepen my daily spiritual practice and grow in my ability to see what is being called forth in me--- amidst situation, condition and circumstance. I practice kindness and compassion with myself and others. I pause and more carefully consider the impact of my thoughts, words and actions. I let go of the need to be "right", I  listen with my heart. I invest in my spiritual practice, knowing it is essential to how I show up in the world. Each connection, each activity and encounter is an opportunity to practice. I notice beauty and goodness in the world and celebrate it.

With gratitude and joy I accept this spiritual truth. I let go and let God, confident this prayer is known and done through the Love and Law of the Divine.

And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP

Monday, May 24, 2021

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Prayer for Transition

This prayer is for a person in transition. You can place their name in the blanks. 

There is one Divine Life that lives eternally. This Life’s nature is love, peace, harmony, and freedom. Its wisdom is seen in the change of the seasons, all proceeding flawlessly; each day an amazing experience of life. The breeze dances through the trees, birds make nests, and spring emerges again, life renewing itself over and over, one eternal season.

Just as this essence of Divine Life flows through me, like a drop of water has all of the elements of the sea, I too am a part of this eternal spiritual journey.

And as that is true for me it is likewise true for _____and family. Each one together on this spiritual path, we welcome life’s next adventure.

As life flows on, like rivers to the sea, I affirm that_____is held in the loving arms of this Spirit adrift now on an ocean of love. Held, uplifted, comforted, and relaxed in this time together with family, all is truly well. This beautiful time of celebration brings specialness to each moment, knowing there will be no other like it.

Gratefully acknowledging that lifespans here on this planet may seem limited, but our essential spiritual nature is eternal; this everlasting essence remains in the hearts of those that love us and beyond.

Affirming that all is well as life unfolds just as it does, with thanks, this prayer is released to the spiritual laws that are already doing this work amazingly.

And so it is, Amen.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Let Go of the Past

One miracle; the Spirit, known by many names is eternally creating and evolving life to its highest expression. Each creation is unique and brilliant.

Seeing this life living exquisitely all around me, I learn more of the way it reveals itself through the perfect expression of my life.  Each cell and molecule of my body is encoded with divine information allowing my life to unfold as a unique expression of the One.  And I can surrender knowing my life is animated by this one Source that is my Good.

Knowing that I am unlike anyone else, I also know that this is the truth for each one of us; each of us is a “one of a kind.”  And we are here together at this exact moment in history to reveal our authentic spiritual nature.

The presence of this divine substance flows like a river, meandering forward to the sea.  I affirm that we are all uplifted by the divine Spirit that resides within each one of us. Like floating on a raft, we relax into the tempo and speed of nature, slowing down to pause and see with wonder the beauty all around us. Amazingly, life seems to work out better than we expect. Sometimes our plans reveal something greater than we had prayed for. So, I look for the blessings.

Letting go of past regrets, petty mistakes, verbal missteps, and criticism of my actions, there’s a sense of release, relaxation, and calm that washes over me.

I affirm again that I am a receptive voice of Spirit standing for peace, love, harmony, joy, and compassion; all starting with myself.

Grateful for the wisdom and intelligence of this One showing up as every day miracles in our lives, I rejoice and with gladness release this prayer to the spiritual laws that enforce the goodness of reality.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Love is my Guide

The Creative Life Force is forever renewing Itself through all of creation. Its power is love. This Life Force is the starting point for all inspiration. All of life is interconnected and interwoven in this unlimited flow of love and energy.

This Creative Life Force is alive and active in me. It is the very essence of my being. I am united fully with all of life through its flow of love and energy.

I accept that my life is filled with love. This love comes from the Spirit and is animated by the Creative Life Force within me. I am renewed daily by the Creative Life Force that opens my eyes to see love all around me. I am inspired by this Life Force to honor my unity and connection with all I come in contact with. I let love be my guide. I love deeply, boldly, and powerfully. I willingly step into the adventure of life energized by the Spirit.

I am grateful to know and accept this as the powerful reality of my life. I exist in this flow of love and energy.

I release this Word into the Creative Law that governs creation and manifests it in my experience.

 And so it is.