Thursday, December 30, 2021

This Miracle Called Life

The one impulse of life expresses itself in many unique forms. This never ending pulsation is forever moving all of life forward. Mountains are pushed up by this same power. The everyday miracles of compassion and understanding emerge from this powerful impulse.

I am one in this pulsation of life. It breathes me with its breath, and beats my heart automatically; I feel its pulse. I sense a greater being living within me. It brings me all I need to flourish in this life.

Therefore, I affirm an almighty powerful life is living through me now; its nature is love, compassion, and endless time. It communicates through me in the thoughts, ideas, dreams, and inspiration that guide my actions and reactions. It breathes and empowers all my bodily functions. This deep connection brings me an understanding of this miracle called life.

Grateful for the appearance of the Divine in all my activities and experiences, I celebrate this loving power working in and through me now and always.

With confidence that the spiritual laws are already working to demonstrate this prayer perfectly, I release, letting go, and await with expectancy the experience of life living and loving powerfully through me, knowing it is already so in the mind of God and in my life now.

And so it is.


Andra Sandberg, RScP

Friday, December 24, 2021

Divine Love

There is one all-powerful creative life force. Today I call it Divinity. It is Divinity that creates, guides and sustains all of life. Its nature is love and light. It is the goodness, the joy and the beauty that is forever expressing through all of creation. It is infinite, eternal and supremely generous, giving all the gifts of life to all of creation. All of life is unified by means of this love and light.

I am one with Divinity. Its powerful life force is alive in me. I am an essential aspect of creation and as such the goodness, and beauty of life are alive in me. I am an expression of the love and light of Divinity. Beauty and joy are my very nature. 

I affirm now that I am fully open to the warmth of divine love. I find unlimited ways to express my natural state of kindness and joy. I see goodness and beauty all around me and deep within me. Every breath I take returns me to the deepest truth about my original nature. I allow myself to be guided into my best expression of love and light. I feel the wonder of being alive and I celebrate this gift with my thoughts, words and deeds.  There is nothing that can remove me from this glory.

I give thanks for this knowing within me and I entrust this word of prayer into the creative aspect of the Divine that is forever making it so.

And So It Is

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Joy and Light Fill my Life

Spirit is pure joy. Spirit illuminates every corner of creation with Its powerful healing light. Life renews itself through the power of this pure joy and healing light.

I am an expression of the life of Spirit. Its joy and light dwell within me and find expression through me. I am an emanation of this revitalizing power.

I now embrace the healing power of the light of Spirit within me. I surrender all false ideas and enter into a state of pure awareness of light and joy. I embody the revitalizing power of Spirit through my thoughts, deeds, and actions. Every dawn brings a new journey as I let go of the old and accept the new with an open heart. Light and joy fill my life and radiate from me in all my relationships. Darkness dissolves as I yield to the greatness of Spirit within me.

 In gratitude, I let it be.

 And so it is.


Sunday, November 21, 2021

Peace and Harmony in Relationships

There is one creative presence. It divined the universe and everything in it.  All is made of this one essence.  Its vibration is love, peace, joy, harmony, balance and much more. It shows up on this planet as everything we see, feel, and experience. It radiates Its brilliance through the myriad of species seen in our environment, all living together in equilibrium. The seasons change according to Its instruction. Form appears and disappears, everything recycled.

Understanding that this amazing life is living through me now, I sense Its power within me, beating my heart and breathing me.  And It is the breath itself, moving in and out of me. Just as that’s true for me, it’s also true for each person reading this prayer. We are each a ‘one of a kind’ expression of this one essence, perfect, whole and complete.

This prayer declares that my life is guided and directed by an Almighty Power that expresses as Good through me and everyone else.  Each one of us is a brilliant being, equipped to experience love, peace, joy, balance and harmony.  I affirm life shows up for us as loving connections, peaceful and harmonious family interactions, and order and balance in our lives. Amazing connections show up in our lives confirming the abundance of love, peace, and joy that is our lives now.

In celebration for the influx of spiritual inspiration I gratefully let this prayer go to the infinite law of spirit that has already made it so.

And so it is.


Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Eyes of Love

 Expansive, ultimate, and absolute is the consciousness of Spirit. Inclusive of everyone and everything, Spirit shines Its clear light onto the spiritual truth. Every aspect of life is endowed with Its grace and beauty. The all-seeing, all-knowing Spirit creates life out of its love and generosity.

I am an essential aspect of the consciousness of Spirit. The clear light of Spirit shines on me always. Its beauty and grace live in me. Its love is vibrant in me.

I now dwell in the awareness of my union with the Spirit and with all of life. The breath of Sprit is my breath. Its beauty and grace shine upon me and make my way clear. As my inner world is steeped in this knowledge, I look upon the world with eyes of love. The healing Presence within me transforms the world around me. I am courageous and caring. I participate in the evolution of goodness from this high vision.

I celebrate this recognition and realization of my unity with the power of the Spirit to transform life through love.

I accept this as true and done.


And so it is.


Sunday, October 10, 2021

Balance and Harmony

One power operates all of creation.  Its vibration is love, peace, balance, and harmony. This power is all there is, always has been, always will be.

As everything is included in this one power and presence, I too am an out picturing of this vibration of love. And as that is true for me, it is also true for the person reading this prayer.

Understanding that things are changing, as we step out again, I declare a sense of freedom returning. There is a feeling safe and confidence available to us as we create the life we desire.

Feeling grounded in this divine power we sense again a return to balance and harmony. 

An atmosphere of celebration bubbles up to the surface bringing smiles, laughter, and a renewed appreciation of this amazing experience called life.  Glad for the consciousness of gratitude that surrounds our lives, I release this prayer into that spiritual law that takes it up and acts upon it already making it so.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP


Saturday, October 9, 2021

In Celebration of Goodness and Beauty

Within the one breath and heart of all, there is only the activity of the Divine, nothing is outside of it. It is the center and circumference of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, the source and sustainer. All is at home in God. The Divine's nature is infinite intelligence, love and compassion, everywhere present, always acting on behalf of Its creation for the highest and greatest good.

And so, I am made of this One's substance, through Its will, here on purpose as an individual expression of God. I am inseparable from this divine Presence, an instrument and vessel of the One, connected to all aspects of being, the seen and unseen. It is in, around, through and as me. I celebrate and welcome this reassuring and growing awareness. I am at home in God.

I humbly and lovingly engage in life. I deepen my daily spiritual practice and grow in my ability to see what is being called forth in me amidst situation, condition and circumstance. I practice kindness and compassion with myself and others. I pause and more carefully consider the impact of my thoughts, words and actions. I let go of the need to be "right", I listen with my heart. I invest in my spiritual practice, knowing it is essential to how I show up in the world. Each connection, each activity and encounter is an opportunity to practice. I notice beauty and goodness in the world and celebrate it.

With gratitude and joy, I accept this spiritual truth. I let go and let God, confident this prayer is known and done through the Love and Law of the Divine.

And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Divine Community

There is one Life. It is the life of Spirit. This life is forever orchestrating the unity and interconnectedness of all of creation. Peace, love, joy, and harmony are the gifts of this Divine Life.

I am included in this Divine Life as an expression of Its unity and interconnectedness. I am a recipient of the gifts of peace, love, joy, and harmony.

Because I am an aspect of Divine Life, I consciously engage in divine community. I see the beauty of diversity and I value the unique expression of each person I meet. I open my ears and my heart to listen to others. I show up and meet others where they are and how they are. I share the gifts of the Spirit in all of my relationships.

I am grateful for the awareness of the power of divine community and the togetherness it brings.

I release this word of prayer into the creative aspect of Divine Life.


And so it is.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Compassion and Connection

There is one life living itself as the Creator and its creation. This universe and all the particles within it an amazing expression of this One. 

Understanding that I am here at this present moment appreciating the amazing concept that I am conscious of this miraculous life, I rest in the fullness of divine grace.

Included in this prayer are all of us going through this time of stepping out into the world again. Each one of us is the perfect expression of the Divine. I declare that this is a transformative time filled with renewed energy, hope, and confidence in the future. Branching out again, confident traveling the road ahead, we step out into the world that needs our compassion. Therefore, I affirm we each take extra care of ourselves, nurturing the deep well of our existence, and claiming health and strength for our families and communities. Furthermore, I assert, that we are ready, energized, eager to reenter this world with new appreciation of the connection we have with each other.

Grateful for the way the Creative Intelligence unfolds life perfectly, I let go into the activity of this One knowing all is well. Releasing this word to the activity of the Law that manifests it gladly, I let it be so.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Reaching Higher

There is no limit to the love of the all-inclusive One. Its intelligence is forever reaching higher and higher into the fullness of expression. Beauty and compassion are Its generous gifts. This One holds everything in Its warm embrace of support and safety.

This One includes all of life; therefore, It includes me. I am one with Its beauty and compassion. I am supported and held in its warm embrace.

The free-flowing wisdom of Divine Intelligence gives me insight and inspiration. I am attuned to the power of transformation that is always moving through me, elevating life to its next highest expression. I align myself with the inclusive nature of the Divine One. Compassion is my natural state of being, and I open my heart to express it more fully. I transcend all false thinking and give myself to the highest expression of life. Life is creating itself through my thought atmosphere, so I train myself to love more deeply, more fully.

I give thanks for the gifts of the One that are now more fully realized in my life.

I trust that the creative process of the One takes this affirmation of the truth and makes it more fully expressed in my experience.

 And so it is.


Saturday, July 31, 2021

Lighthearted and Happy

The all-pervasive peace of the Spirit is the foundation for all of existence. All of creation is guided by the wisdom and intelligence that comes from this peace. As the joy and delight of the Spirit arises from the stillness, all of life is renewed.

The peace of the Spirit lives in me. The joy and delight of the Spirit find expression through me.

I take time daily to pause and rest in the peace of the Spirit. This quiet peace guides me. In this peaceful place, I open to the power of my imagination to renew my understanding of life. I embrace my playful and lighthearted nature, and I am renewed by the joy and delight of the Spirit. I am naturally attracted to people and activities that bring this simple, direct experience of happiness into my life.

I am grateful for this revelation of the power of peace and stillness to restore me to my joy.

I surrender this prayer into the loving embrace of the Spirit.

 And so it is.

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Goodness, Peace, and Love

There is a power for goodness that is unlimited in Its reach. This power creates life in every moment from Its generosity and unconditional love. It joins all life together in unity and connection. It is all-inclusive and everywhere present.

The power for good is flowing through me. Unconditional love and generosity are my divine inheritance. I am one with all of life.

I accept a greater realization of the power within me that reveals goodness, peace, and love in my life. I affirm that I am a presence and a conduit for this peace and love. Unity and connection govern all my relationships. I am generous with my thoughts, attention, and actions. I clear my mind of any ideas that do not serve this great goodness, and I enter a state of spiritual vision—holding the highest and best outcome for life foremost in my awareness. I value the gifts of the Spirit and use them intentionally and wisely.

I rejoice in the knowledge and understanding of this revelation of truth. With a grateful and humble heart, I accept it as already true and done.

And so it is.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

I Respond with Compassion

The absolute fullness and presence of the Divine is unwavering. It is the seen and the unseen world. It is the source and creator of the known and unknown, everywhere present. It is the power that brings the invisible into form, it tilts the earth on its axis creating the seasons. It is compassion woven into the warp and weft of LifeŹ¼s fabric. It has many names: Mother, Father, God, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, Life Itself.

And it is the source and substance of this very moment. It is Life and Love knowing itself through Its creation. I have been brought into Life on purpose through the will of the Divine. As this is true for me it is true for all of creation. I am inseparable from this one Life and Love. I have no edges; I am a drop of water in this Ocean of the Divine. I am a place where God shows up.

From this understanding I recognize that how I am in the world influences life around me. I trust and accept this divine intelligence, love and compassion that is always available to act through me. When challenges arise, I breathe into that stillness within, slow down, and listen to my higher self. I practice this daily with the small stuff, and when bigger stuff arises, I am more spiritually fit to respond with greater compassion for myself and others. I affirm this spiritual truth for myself and all of Life.

With a grateful heart I accept that it is already known and done through the mind of the One.

 I let go and let God.

And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, June 19, 2021

A Prayer for First Responders

One loving essence created all of life. Its nature is love, peace, harmony, creativity, wholeness, and abundance. It is reflected in the power of fire and the firefighters that fight it. This one life is all there is.

This prayer is for the protection of firefighter/paramedics. Understanding that this Divine Life flows powerfully through our first responders, this intelligent force is infused in all situations.

Declaring now that this life supports our firefighter/paramedics, there is a protective field that surrounds them now. All are protected as they enter burning structures. Quick decision making assures their safety. No injuries result from firefighting. No infection or injury occurs while administering to others. Divine Intelligence guides all actions.

Life supports our front line heroes. We all sleep easier knowing our fire fighters are on duty and ready to protect us. Lives are saved by our paramedics round the clock.

Thankful for first responders, spotlighting our Firefighter/Paramedics, I am grateful that they are protected from danger in their work.

Glad those powerful spiritual forces are at work creating a safety net around our firefighters, protecting them from injury; I rest now knowing all is well.

Releasing this prayer now to those spiritual laws that make it so, I let it be.

And so it is. Amen.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 There is one God expressing as you and me. Its essence is peace, love, joy, and wholeness. It is the grace of compassion, the acts of love, the breath that breathes me, all evidence of this one mystical eternal presence known as God. 

Aware now that this powerful presence is me in expression, I know too that each
one of us is that brilliant intention of this one source; God.

Thus, I say a word of prayer affirming that life is proceeding as the perfect expression of this eternal existence, forever expanding and evolving to Its greatest reality.

I affirm a life of grace and ease going through the conditions of our time. I declare a new experience of reality based on truth and the revelation of wholeness, brilliance, and intelligence. This grace is flows through each one of us right now.

Grateful for the expression of God in, as, and around all of us; I release this prayer
with thanks giving that all is truly well, working in the loving consciousness of this
amazing One.

And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP


Saturday, June 5, 2021

The Call of Wisdom

 There is one Life. It is the Life of the Living Spirit Almighty. It is the timeless wisdom that guides Life into the full expression of love and freedom. Infinite and eternal, the One Life is forever creating dynamic harmony. This One Life includes everyone and everything.

 I am a creation of this One Life. The Living Spirit Almighty is present in me as wisdom, love, freedom, and harmony.

 I accept that I am free in the Spirit. The wisdom of the One Life is active in my life. I listen deeply to the call of wisdom that guides me to be an agent of love. I cooperate with the harmonizing power of the One Life. I make room for all my human experiences while keeping my spiritual perspective at the forefront of my awareness. Open, receptive, and brave, I am awake to all that Life brings to me. I say yes to love and freedom.

 I celebrate this powerful truth, knowing that this intention will find its highest expression.

 And so it is.


Saturday, May 29, 2021

I Deepen and Grow My Daily Spiritual Practice

Within the one breath and heart of all, there is only the activity of the Divine, no thing is outside of it. It is the center and circumference of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, the source and sustainer. All is at home in God. The Divine's nature is infinite intelligence, love and compassion, everywhere present, always acting on behalf of Its creation for the highest and greatest good.

And so I am made of this One's substance, through Its will, here on purpose as an individual expression of God. I am inseparable from this divine presence, an instrument and vessel of the One, connected to all aspects of being, the seen and unseen. It is in, around, through and as me. I celebrate and welcome this reassuring and growing awareness. I am at home in God. 

With this understanding I speak this word for all beings. I  humbly and lovingly engage in life. I deepen my daily spiritual practice and grow in my ability to see what is being called forth in me--- amidst situation, condition and circumstance. I practice kindness and compassion with myself and others. I pause and more carefully consider the impact of my thoughts, words and actions. I let go of the need to be "right", I  listen with my heart. I invest in my spiritual practice, knowing it is essential to how I show up in the world. Each connection, each activity and encounter is an opportunity to practice. I notice beauty and goodness in the world and celebrate it.

With gratitude and joy I accept this spiritual truth. I let go and let God, confident this prayer is known and done through the Love and Law of the Divine.

And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP

Monday, May 24, 2021

Changes to the Affirmative Prayer Library Blog

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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Prayer for Transition

This prayer is for a person in transition. You can place their name in the blanks. 

There is one Divine Life that lives eternally. This Life’s nature is love, peace, harmony, and freedom. Its wisdom is seen in the change of the seasons, all proceeding flawlessly; each day an amazing experience of life. The breeze dances through the trees, birds make nests, and spring emerges again, life renewing itself over and over, one eternal season.

Just as this essence of Divine Life flows through me, like a drop of water has all of the elements of the sea, I too am a part of this eternal spiritual journey.

And as that is true for me it is likewise true for _____and family. Each one together on this spiritual path, we welcome life’s next adventure.

As life flows on, like rivers to the sea, I affirm that_____is held in the loving arms of this Spirit adrift now on an ocean of love. Held, uplifted, comforted, and relaxed in this time together with family, all is truly well. This beautiful time of celebration brings specialness to each moment, knowing there will be no other like it.

Gratefully acknowledging that lifespans here on this planet may seem limited, but our essential spiritual nature is eternal; this everlasting essence remains in the hearts of those that love us and beyond.

Affirming that all is well as life unfolds just as it does, with thanks, this prayer is released to the spiritual laws that are already doing this work amazingly.

And so it is, Amen.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Let Go of the Past

One miracle; the Spirit, known by many names is eternally creating and evolving life to its highest expression. Each creation is unique and brilliant.

Seeing this life living exquisitely all around me, I learn more of the way it reveals itself through the perfect expression of my life.  Each cell and molecule of my body is encoded with divine information allowing my life to unfold as a unique expression of the One.  And I can surrender knowing my life is animated by this one Source that is my Good.

Knowing that I am unlike anyone else, I also know that this is the truth for each one of us; each of us is a “one of a kind.”  And we are here together at this exact moment in history to reveal our authentic spiritual nature.

The presence of this divine substance flows like a river, meandering forward to the sea.  I affirm that we are all uplifted by the divine Spirit that resides within each one of us. Like floating on a raft, we relax into the tempo and speed of nature, slowing down to pause and see with wonder the beauty all around us. Amazingly, life seems to work out better than we expect. Sometimes our plans reveal something greater than we had prayed for. So, I look for the blessings.

Letting go of past regrets, petty mistakes, verbal missteps, and criticism of my actions, there’s a sense of release, relaxation, and calm that washes over me.

I affirm again that I am a receptive voice of Spirit standing for peace, love, harmony, joy, and compassion; all starting with myself.

Grateful for the wisdom and intelligence of this One showing up as every day miracles in our lives, I rejoice and with gladness release this prayer to the spiritual laws that enforce the goodness of reality.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP


Saturday, May 1, 2021

Love is my Guide

The Creative Life Force is forever renewing Itself through all of creation. Its power is love. This Life Force is the starting point for all inspiration. All of life is interconnected and interwoven in this unlimited flow of love and energy.

This Creative Life Force is alive and active in me. It is the very essence of my being. I am united fully with all of life through its flow of love and energy.

I accept that my life is filled with love. This love comes from the Spirit and is animated by the Creative Life Force within me. I am renewed daily by the Creative Life Force that opens my eyes to see love all around me. I am inspired by this Life Force to honor my unity and connection with all I come in contact with. I let love be my guide. I love deeply, boldly, and powerfully. I willingly step into the adventure of life energized by the Spirit.

I am grateful to know and accept this as the powerful reality of my life. I exist in this flow of love and energy.

I release this Word into the Creative Law that governs creation and manifests it in my experience.

 And so it is.


Saturday, April 24, 2021

Revealing Wholeness

Revealing Wholeness

There is one Intelligence creating this reality, I see Its presence everywhere as life unfolding. Spring emerges in the tulips and daffodils, the breeze dances in the trees. Life is reemerging over and over again. This one that I call now, “Sweet Lord God Almighty,” is the source of all that is. This sweet abundant life reveals itself brilliantly. Every creature, blade of grass, cloud, and mountain are all examples of this magnificent one. The seasons change according to this grand master planner, and this planet evolves reinventing itself. Life is eternal.

Just as all the planets and stars are made of and by this One, so I too am made of the same stardust that each one of us is made of. Each of us has access to all this intelligence expressing uniquely as me and each one of us.

Accepting that life is unfolding just as it does eternally; I allow now the mystery and magic of this creative life to flow through me to inspire my passions. I release any negative or restrictive beliefs. I see others through the eyes of God appreciating their challenges just like mine. I accept a deeper commitment to my spiritual practice. I see every routine activity as an avenue to see the divine flow, reminding me that all is well and even small activities can be meditative. I assert the life is God is my life now and I am grateful for this body with all its senses that reveals God’s nature to me.

Building now the intention to reveal wholeness at every moment of my life means remembering my divine connection and acting accordingly. I am quick to forgive, and quick to admit my part in it all. I do not argue nor shout excessively. I am serene and confident. I remain centered and grounded having confidence that this loving power is watching over me. I relax feeling uplifted, held, comforted, and loved by this internal and external presence.

Gratefully, I release this prayer to that infinite law that is already acting upon it and has had made it so.


Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, April 17, 2021

I Am Grounded in Essential Goodness

God is eternal. It has no beginning, was never started. God caused the world and everything else to exist. Here at this present moment, there is an awareness of the grand intelligence that is the cause of all; this original thought in form.

Connecting with this awareness as my essence now, embodying this intelligence in this human form, I embrace the miracle that I am.

Knowing that each one of us is this miracle in expression, I pray for peace, love, and harmony to be expressed in our lives. It shows up as compassion for others and our planet. This connection brings comfort where there is loneliness; relief where there is fear, hope where there is desperation. 

Each moment is an opportunity to be free and be my true authentic self; so, I take that step to feel who I truly am. Using spiritual practices, I remember over and over again that I am grounded in the essential goodness of my being with infinite possibilities in the expression of my life.

Knowing that all is truly well and that I have all I need to be my authentic self, I step forward into the future, confident and serene that the greater yet to be awaits me. 

Grateful for this awareness, I release this prayer into that activity of the Law that unfolds life perfectly.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP


Saturday, April 3, 2021

Power, Strength and Courage

 The Divine Presence is steady, constant, and reliable. It is both changeless and ever-changing. It is both deeply known and yet unknowable. This Divine Presence is the power that includes all beings in its embrace. It is the endless energy that motivates life.

 I am one with this Divine Presence. It is the origin of my strength and my courage. It is both the Creator of my path and it is my path.

 I affirm that I stand in power, strength, and courage as I embrace the great mystery of life. I remain open and curious about the life that unfolds before me. I resolve to stay loyal to my union with Divinity. My faith deepens as I confidently place one foot in front of the other. The Divine Presence is my constant companion.

A sense of gratitude settles in me as I accept this as already accomplished in my life.

 And so it is.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Affirmative Prayer for Travel

Prayer for Travel

There is only one force and power in the universe, and it is God, the creative force, intelligence and substance of all Life. It is the seen and unseen, everywhere present source and  sustainer of all that is  always acting on behalf of Its creation.

It follows that It is the source and substance of my being, in around, through and as me. I exist within it as a part of it, inseparable from this one life, connected to all that is.

In this awareness I claim a peace and calm as I travel. I welcome each day; I accept and savor however life unfolds. I trust the one intelligence that is at work on behalf of myself and all of life. I notice how I am irrevocably connected to all that is. I am a center of comfort, reverence, comradery and connection as I move through my day. All is well.

In gratitude and joy I recognize this spiritual truth of my being.

It is known and done in the heart and mind of God.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Kindness and Civility

God is the center and circumference of All. Nothing is outside of It; Mother-Father God is the one presence and substance of all being. It is boundless Love, Goodness, and Intelligence always acting on behalf of Its creation, everywhere present, creating anew in each moment. It is the seen and unseen Substance and Sustainer of Life.

And It is the allness of my being. There is no spot where the Divine is not moving in, around, through and as my life. I am inseparable from God, created and sustained as an individual expression of the One in body mind and spirit. As this is true for me this is true for all beings, all life.

From this understanding I declare and affirm God's everywhere present love, compassion and creative power are fully available in the midst of however life shows up. I allow kindness, civility and reason to inform my thoughts, words and deeds, especially when I disagree with someone else's point of view. I lean into and trust God's presence in the midst of the everything that is happening. I practice listening with an open heart and seek common ground so I am a source of connection rather than separation in my daily activities and encounters. I am lifted up as I deepen my daily spiritual practice.

With a grateful heart I accept and celebrate this Spiritual truth. I release this prayer into the Law of Mind where it already acted upon.

With deep assurance I let go and let God. And so it is.


Amada Colt,  RScP

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Infinite Possibilities

The life of Divinity is unrestricted and unopposed. Today I call it the Absolute Source. This Absolute Source is forever harmonizing all of creation. Infinite and eternal, It is the great giver of life and the home of creation itself. Infinite possibilities flow from this Source. All beings are included in the expression of Its endless good.

Therefore, I am an expression of this endless good. My life is a unique aspect of the divine life. All of the good that flows from the Source flows through me and my life.

I open my mind to the wealth of infinite possibilities for transformation. I affirm that the inner knower within me is guiding me to my highest expression of good. I surrender to Its guidance. I open my heart to that which is calling me forward. I commit to the practices that bring greater awareness. The Absolute Source is pouring Its good into my life in every moment, and I am receptive to it.

 I celebrate this powerful realization of the action of the Absolute Source in my life.

 I release this word into the Law of Mind knowing it is made manifest in my experience.

 And so it is.


Saturday, February 20, 2021

I Remember the Divine Nature of Life

There is only one thing happening, the Divine activity of God. It is right here and now as the word and breath of this prayer. It is every aspect of this thing called life, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. It is everywhere present, as the creator of all that is, always acting for the highest and greatest good of Its creation.

It is the substance of my being. I am loved, lifted up and sustained by this divine presence. I am here through God's will as an individual expression of Father-Mother God, inseparable from it in Body, Mind and Spirit.

With this awareness I speak this prayer for myself and all of life, all beings. I welcome a continuous remembrance of the divine nature of life. I affirm the the Divine loving presence in the midst of Life swirling around me , and especially as I and other human beings navigate the present situations, conditions and circumstances in the world. I recognize and am comforted by God's infinite love, kindness and intelligence that is expressed by so many. I willingly let go of any thought idea or belief that is contrary to my good and the good of the world. I am grounded in this connection to all of life; I remember that my every thought, word, action and response takes place within the one consciousness and has the power to connect. I am more mindful of how I show up in the world. I am willing to look beyond appearances and find helpful ways to respond. I stand with love, fairness and equity. I cherish our Mother Earth.

I rest in this Spiritual Truth. I am assured that it is known and done through the Law of Mind. I let go and let God.

And so it is. Amen

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Protection and Resiliance

One dynamic energy coalesces with space and time to create a universe of diversity in expression. Powerful, beautiful, tender, this force for good exists and is seen in everything in our environment.

Seasons change on time. Spring flowers are already showing their blooms. Life renews itself; babies are born.

Warmer weather is ahead. For now, rain and wind cleanse our outside environment and invite us to cleanse our inner environment of any impediments.

Pre spring cleaning allows us to let go of unneeded possessions, ideas, thoughts, that don’t serve us any longer.

An opening is created for Spirit to pour its richness through this portal of entry. Releasing any congestion or restriction, the universe flows in thoughts, visions, inspiration, and dreams showing me the way. I surrender to this influx of supreme intelligence, confident I am well cared for.

In this time of Covid, I affirm protection and resilience so together we survive and thrive to see a better day.

Glad this is already happening, I release this intention, as a prayer that influences the course of reality, bring forth good, and more good.

My heart is gladdened by the expectation of this prayer being demonstrated in my reality; I simply with grace and thanksgiving release this prayer understanding that it is already being acted upon perfectly.

And so it is, Amen

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, February 6, 2021

A Clean Slate

There is one Mind. It is the ever-present and all-inclusive Divine Mind. This Mind is forever renewing Itself. It is the birthplace of all new ideas and all creative solutions. Through this one Mind, all of Life is traveling towards a fuller expression of freedom and joy. 

My mind is an essential aspect of the one Mind. The creativity of the Divine Mind expresses through me. The freedom and joy of the one Life lives in me. 

I accept a great realization of the power of renewal that has been bestowed upon me. I travel my unique path forever connected to the one Mind. Creative solutions and new ideas come to me daily. I am moving towards a greater experience of freedom and joy for myself and all beings. I cooperate with the guidance afforded to me by the unrestricted generosity of the Spirit. 

Rejoicing in the revealing of this realization, I accept it as done through the one Mind.

 And so it is.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Peace, Harmony, Joy

 Meeting Life where It is

Anchored to this planet, secure in this present moment, it’s easy to remember that there is just one thing going on.  Called by many names, we know it as this one presence; loving, creative, and expressing beautifully as life itself.

I am that expression of this one life.  It lives in me breathing me with its breath.

And as that’s so for me it is the truth for each one of us; each of us is a once in a lifetime expression of this one life.   Each of us is unique and precious. Each of us anchored to each other in this present moment, an amazing time in the history of our planet.

Understanding that we are all in this together, I affirm harmony, peace, and joy is emerging just as the sprouts of spring begin to break through the cold soil of winter. Daffodils are coming.

I affirm a world that sees itself as one family, fighting this pandemic together and winning.

We are emerging as a more loving world, able to respect each other and our differences, while moving forward to help our planet.  A cleaner environment is assured; clean water, clean air.

Embracing our diversity, brilliance emerges in our policies and actions in the world. Compassion underlines all decisions going forward.

Grateful that life is unfolding perfectly, evolving and changing; I release this prayer into those spiritual laws that have already worked out the details and it is showing up in our lives exquisitely.

And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Sunday, January 10, 2021

What is Mine to Do

There is one dynamic universe in a perfect pattern; revealing itself. Call it life expressing as this universe made of cosmic dust and matter. It is organized and evolving and is directed by an intelligence.

My body is an example of this universe expressing; a perfect pattern as my existence. All systems of my body are examples of the perfect instruction of life, bones, muscles, tendons, circulatory and respiratory systems; all molecules within all systems and networks in my body know just what to do, guided by this intelligent life force.

Just as I am part of this miraculous life, here by divine coincidence, so is each one of us; unique, perfect parts of this life.

Leaning into this experience with a willing heart, the universe responds lovingly to this receptivity. Asking what is mine to do regularly; I listen and await the greater vision to meet me. I look for signs in my dreams and daily life to guide me in what is mine to do, believing that Life is guiding and sustaining me, providing direction along the way, making the journey a safe discovery of my divine nature.

Letting go of overwhelming feelings, regrets, resentments, and upset, I rest in the confidence that the divine intelligence is revealing itself perfectly in my affairs and in the affairs of the world.

Celebrating that all acts of willingness to experience this divine life, reveal the presence of more and more good, I feel gratitude as I become increasingly aware of this miracle of life living through me. Feeling complete in this prayer, it is released now to the Law that has already worked it out perfectly in the universal mind. And I look for the demonstration of this prayer in my experience.

And so it is. 
Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

 Timeless Wisdom, Evolutionary Vision

There is one life. It is the life of the Living Spirit. It is ever-present and all-knowing. Its wisdom is the guiding force behind all of creation. All of life is an expression of the peace and unity of the Spirit.

 I am one with the Living Spirit. My life is a creation of the Spirit. The wisdom of Spirit finds its expression through me. The peace and loving essence of the Spirit are alive in me now.

 I affirm that the timeless wisdom of the Spirit guides me in all my affairs. I lift my consciousness to see and know the highest spiritual vision for all beings. I hold fast to an evolutionary vision of peace and unity for all. I am guided by the voice of truth within me to perfect right action. I clearly see the way forward to helpful solutions and the emergence of a bright future. My life is in full alignment with the Living Spirit. Its peace and loving essence express through my words, deeds, and actions. Unity is my foundation and my truth.

 I give thanks for the revelation of this powerful truth. I accept it as complete in the Mind of Spirit. I let it be.

 And so it is.