Sunday, November 21, 2021

Peace and Harmony in Relationships

There is one creative presence. It divined the universe and everything in it.  All is made of this one essence.  Its vibration is love, peace, joy, harmony, balance and much more. It shows up on this planet as everything we see, feel, and experience. It radiates Its brilliance through the myriad of species seen in our environment, all living together in equilibrium. The seasons change according to Its instruction. Form appears and disappears, everything recycled.

Understanding that this amazing life is living through me now, I sense Its power within me, beating my heart and breathing me.  And It is the breath itself, moving in and out of me. Just as that’s true for me, it’s also true for each person reading this prayer. We are each a ‘one of a kind’ expression of this one essence, perfect, whole and complete.

This prayer declares that my life is guided and directed by an Almighty Power that expresses as Good through me and everyone else.  Each one of us is a brilliant being, equipped to experience love, peace, joy, balance and harmony.  I affirm life shows up for us as loving connections, peaceful and harmonious family interactions, and order and balance in our lives. Amazing connections show up in our lives confirming the abundance of love, peace, and joy that is our lives now.

In celebration for the influx of spiritual inspiration I gratefully let this prayer go to the infinite law of spirit that has already made it so.

And so it is.


Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, November 6, 2021

The Eyes of Love

 Expansive, ultimate, and absolute is the consciousness of Spirit. Inclusive of everyone and everything, Spirit shines Its clear light onto the spiritual truth. Every aspect of life is endowed with Its grace and beauty. The all-seeing, all-knowing Spirit creates life out of its love and generosity.

I am an essential aspect of the consciousness of Spirit. The clear light of Spirit shines on me always. Its beauty and grace live in me. Its love is vibrant in me.

I now dwell in the awareness of my union with the Spirit and with all of life. The breath of Sprit is my breath. Its beauty and grace shine upon me and make my way clear. As my inner world is steeped in this knowledge, I look upon the world with eyes of love. The healing Presence within me transforms the world around me. I am courageous and caring. I participate in the evolution of goodness from this high vision.

I celebrate this recognition and realization of my unity with the power of the Spirit to transform life through love.

I accept this as true and done.


And so it is.