Saturday, December 28, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Clear Intention

Affirmative Prayer for Clear Intention

There is One Mind. It is the Mind of the living Spirit. All wisdom, all knowledge, all insight springs from this One Mind. This One Mind is Life itself. It includes every thing and informs everything. Wisdom, clarity and intelligence are Its very nature. It is this One Mind, this Intelligence that creates Life out of Its loving nature and illuminates the way for the continuous unfolding of Perfect Life.

The One Mind created me and lives in me. It is my mind. All of my thought and all of my experiences are taking place in the pure Intelligence of the One Mind. Its Power is my power.

So, today, I affirm that there is no limit to the power in me to use my mind for good. I am creative through my awareness and attention. I consciously make use of all of the wisdom that is available to me as I move through life with clear intention. I remain steadfast in my Spiritual Practices, those practices that align my mind with the Divine Mind. I open to receive the gift of Clarity and step into the flow of Universal Intention-the intention of the Divine to create through me. My way is clear and filled with the grace.There is nothing that can deter me from living in unity with the loving Presence.

I am grateful as I celebrate this truth.

It is so very clear to me that this Word shall elicit a perfect response form the Creative Medium that manifests all of Life.

And So It Is

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Peace of Mind and Equanimity

Affirmative Prayer for Peace of Mind and Equanimity

The Peace of God is everywhere present within all that exists and all around everything. It is infinite and eternal. It is available always. It gives Itself fully to life, holding nothing back.

I am included in this Peace.

I open to accept this Peace more fully. I trust Peace to guide me into whatever decisions and activities that nourish me.  I accept that my life is unfolding perfectly and I align my myself with this guiding light. I follow the Divine within me, and I am at Peace. I see peace in the world around me. I see the Divine in everyone I meet. I live in equanimity as I open to a deeper, richer, fuller experience of life.

I give thanks and let go into the Divine action that is always taking place on my behalf.

I trust in the full manifestation of Peace and Equanimity in my life. I release this Word in to the Law of Mind knowing its completion is assured. 

And So It Is

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Affrimative Prayer for Loving Patience

A Prayer for Loving Patience by Pamela Heck, RScP

Spirit, the Center and Circumference of All That Is, is Infinite Love, Infinite Truth, Infinite Assurance and Infinite Peace. This profound peace permeates all of creation. It is a Center of Calm that moves and has its being in all life.

This peace is my peace now.

No matter what challenges rise up before me, I choose peace. I choose the loving way. Today, I choose to be patient. Recognizing that Spirit is always patient with me, I honor Spirit by being patient with others and myself. Regardless of appearances, I accept the possibility of patience in this and every moment, in this and every situation,in this and every condition, and in me and every person.

With a grateful heart, I give great thanks that Spirit is right where I am assisting me in the fulfillment of this, my heart’s desire… I am loving, peaceful and patient.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Caregivers

Affirmative Prayer for Caregivers

There is one loving Presence that extends Its warmth and light to all beings everywhere. This is the Presence of the All-knowing One. The nature of this Presence is nurturing, kind, giving and generous. This loving Presence gives Its absolute, unconditional love to each and every one. It cannot be covered over or removed. It is always present and It is always active.

I know I am one with this loving Presence, as is every person who finds them selves acting in the role of caregiver.  All caregivers everywhere are an emanation of the loving Spirit that has created all of Life.

Knowing the unity of all of life, I speak this my Word on behalf of all caregivers everywhere as I accept absolute well-being. I affirm safety, harmony, abundance, health and goodness for each and every one. All needs are met by the Divine Spirit and so I declare that all needs are met for caregivers. I declare that their work is appreciated and they feel valued and respected. I accept that wheather paid or unpaid, they are each richly rewarded.

I give thanks for this goodness that is present in the lives of caregivers.

I release this word into the Law that responds fully for the highest good of all involved.

And So It Is

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Solitude

Affirmative Prayer for Solitude

There is a still and quiet voice that speaks into the heart of all creation. It is the voice of the Divine speaking of Love and Peace. It is ever-present, giving Its gifts of Love and Wisdom to all.

I have within me this voice telling me of  the Divine gift of Love and Peace.

I accept that the Divine is speaking to me in my most quiet moments. I affirm that as I turn to the inner solitude that is always available to me, I hear more clearly this voice of Love and Peace. Solitude is always with me, always available to me no matter what is happening around me. I allow myself to linger in this inner sanctuary, for It is a great nurturing Presence and brings to me my highest good.

There is a feeling in me beyond gratitude, an absolute awe and wonder at the perfection of life, to supply this ever present solitude for my benefit.

I release in faith and trust, this Word I speak, to the Creative Mind that receives its impress and brings it into my experience.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Serenity

Affirmative Prayer for Serenity

The Peace of God is the very foundation of life. God is Peace, Life is Peace. Under everything, all form and all activity, is the perfect Peace of God. It is infinite and eternal.  This Peace cannot be disturbed or disrupted. It is absolute serenity.  This is the Peace from which all else arises.

This Peace has Its home in me. The Peace of God is fully present in me, active in me.

I accept, therefore, a coming home to Peace. I trust my life to unfold perfectly. My faith is deepened. I am serene and confident as I walk through life.  I allow Peace to be my guiding light. Serenity finds its perfect expression in me.

I celebrate this beautiful and powerful realization of serenity in my life.

I trust the law of nature to  respond fully to this affirmative word of truth and I let it be.

And So It Is

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for the Perfect Job

Affirmative Prayer for the Perfect Job

There is one organizing Power in the universe. It is the all-abiding wisdom and harmony of the Spirit. Its power is infinite and absolute. It constantly brings greater and greater harmony to all of life. Spirit’s nature is abundance.

I am one with this organizing Power. Its all-abiding wisdom and harmony are fully available to me. Spirit’s abundance is my divine inheritance.

I accept that I am right now stepping into the perfect job for me. I declare a falling away of any appearance of struggle, lack or barriers and accept that divine wisdom is leading the way. I realize that abundance is my divine inheritance. I walk in confidence as I enter into this complete faith in the power of the Spirit to bring to me my hearts desire. I realize that all my needs are met through the one true source, the living Spirit. My life is unfolding in perfect harmony.

I give thanks for this realization of the power of Spirit.

I release this Word into the Creative Law that manifests everything.

And So It Is

Friday, November 1, 2013

Stillness, Peace and Wisdom

Stillness, Peace and Wisdom

There is a profound stillness and wisdom at the center of all of Life. It is the peace of God. This peace lives in the heart of all beings.

I am one with the peace of God. At the very center of my being is the stillness and wisdom of the Divine One.

I open to a full experience of peace, stillness and wisdom in my life. I allow all discord and stress to fall away and rest in the still, quiet place inside. I let the world spin as it does around me as I stand in faith and trust in the goodness of Life. 

I am so grateful for this beautiful and powerful truth.

I lay down all burdens and struggle and rest in this knowing. 

And So It is

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Creativity

Affirmative Prayer for Creativity

There is One Eternal Life, One Creative Power. This Life is forever renewing Itself. It is filled with unlimited possibilities, solutions and resolutions. There is no limit to the Divine Creative Power. Its nature is Joy. It is the one true reality, orchestrating life. It is expansive and expressive.

I am the vessel through which all these attributes of Spirit express. All of the Infinite Good  is available to me in every  moment.

I open my mind to the divine spark within me. I accept a full expression of creativity through me. I have a fresh idea for everything I face. The Creative Power that has made me is available to me for my life. I declare that I approach every aspect of my life: my health, my finances, my career, my relationships with an open and fresh view. Solutions rise up spontaneously. I allow myself to be inspired by the light of the Spirit within me and I see the light of Spirit in everyone I meet. I am inspired.

I celebrate the Creative Power that is active in my life. I give thanks for this deeper realization of the truth of who and what I am.

I release this word of prayer into the creative medium that responds fully and completely.

And So It Is

Friday, October 18, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for the Jouney of Self Discovery

Affirmative Prayer for the Journey of Self Discovery
By Lynda Rapp, Student, Self-Mastery Fall 2013     


There is one God, one Spirit, one eternal, ever present, Life that is ALL.  
This Life flows through me, is revealed to me in exact proportion that I am willing for it to be revealed.  This Life flows through, in and around everything and everyone, everywhere.
This Life that flows through me is revealing to me everything that I am willing to know.  I am on a journey of SELF discovery and I am listening to the revelations that I need to know about myself in order to further journey.  I am mindful of my journey; ever open to newly revealed truths, patterns, beliefs, values and habits.  As these truths appear for me, I am patient and understanding with myself in relation to these discoveries.  I am calm and loving to myself on my journey of SELF discovery.  I peacefully let go of old, unwanted beliefs, truths and habits and I rest in the loving arms of GOD.

I am grateful for the desire to journey, the assistance that I have from books, teachers, meditation, study and self inquiry.  I am grateful for the uncovering of hidden and unhidden truths.  I am grateful for my mindfulness and my patience and understanding for myself as I journey though to my highest SELF.

And with these truths I hold them up and simply let them go, go into the Law.  I release these truths knowing that they will be reflected back to me in a way that is best for all involved.  Thine will not my will be done.
And so It Is.  Amen

Friday, October 11, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for a Good Night’s Sleep

Affirmative Prayer for a Good Night’s Sleep

There is one Mind, one Spirit, one body, the Mind, Spirit and body of God. This is the universal wholeness and the absolute peace. This is the ever-present good, the great sustainer of all of life.

I am one with this Mind, Spirit and body. My body and my mind are a part of the universal wholeness. The absolute peace of God lives in me. I am supported and sustained by that which has created me.

I accept that peace is my very nature. I declare that there is nothing that can take me away from this peace. I hereby release all stress and worry. I dismiss all thoughts and behaviors that are contrary to this perfect truth. And as I open to this compete acceptance of peace in me, I naturally sleep well and wake refreshed. I am comfortable, peaceful and content. I accept a good night’s sleep tonight and every night.

I give thanks for the power of this affirmative word to transform my experience. I rest assured that this will manifest in my life completely.

I release and trust it to be so.

And So It Is

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Patience

Prayer for Patience

There is an overarching rhythm to Life. Like the turning of the seasons and the rotation of the earth, Life unfolds with perfect timing. It is the perfect pace of Love, lending itself to every situation, guiding every decision. The atmosphere of Peace prevails in all activity. This is the nature of the Divine One, the Creator of all of Life and It gives Itself fully to every being everywhere.

I am One with this rhythm, with this Love, with this Peace. Its nature is my nature.

I accept that I live my life in accordance with the natural pace of Life. I neither lag behind nor rush ahead but rather tune myself to the perfect rhythm of Life. I am enthusiastic but not rushed. I am patient and serene as Life reveals to me the perfect solution to every problem. I am grateful for the perfect resolution of all discord. I am deepening in my faith and growing in my trust of Life to express more and more good in my life and for all beings everywhere.

I especially extend the power of this prayer to all leaders everywhere, affirming that Love, Peace and Patience prevail.

I give thanks for this revelation of the truth about Life.
In faith and trust, I let it be.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Silent Chant for Peace

Silent Chant for Peace

Sometimes when I cannot find the words to pray I practice this silent chant.

First I sit very still and let my eyes gently close. I focus my attention on my heart center and notice my breathing. I begin to gently deepen my breath aiming for a slow, full, rhythmic breath. Then with each inhale and each exhale I just silently say the word “peace” to myself. I let it be rather matter of fact as in “Yes, of course, peace.”
Then periodically I might add a few words such as, “ Peace in my family”  or “Peace on Earth”

Here is an example:

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace in my heart.

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace in my mind.

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace in my body.

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace in my family.

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace in my neighborhood.

Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Peace on earth.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Prayer for Our World

Adapted from Ernest Holmes, Prayer for My Country

Believing in the liberty, security, and self-expression for all, I offer this, my prayer for our world:

I believe that Divine Intelligence governs the destiny of our world and her people, directing the thought and the activity of all who guide her affairs. I believe that success, prosperity, and happiness are the gifts of freedom and are the Divine heritage of everyone. In my mind’s eye I see that it is Divine guidance that enlightens the collective mind of the people of planet earth, causing each person to know that economic security may come to all without the loss of either personal freedom or individual self-expression. I believe that no one can be led to accept that freedom must be surrendered in order to insure economic security for all.

I trust that the All-Knowing Mind contains the answer to every problem which confronts our world and that every leader is direct by their Creator – and has access to the knowledge of a complete solution to every problem.  This inner connection guides each one to act upon this knowledge to the end that abundance, security, and peace shall come to all.

My prayer is that spiritual democracy shall endure, guaranteeing to everyone in this country personal liberty, happiness, and self-expression.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Peace In Our Time

Here is a prayer by Suzanne Sackett, RScP

Peace In Our Time

There is one creative cause of all life, one powerful flow of peace-commanding Spirit. Infinite Creator, the only Presence and the only Power. God is total peace, heart felt love, absolute calm, breath taking beauty and unending joy.

I have a consciousness of Oneness. All that God is, I am. I live and move and have my being in the flow of wisdom, clarity, wholeness and joy of Spirit. My life is rich with meaning, and I reside in an inner glow of peace and well-being. As I feel complete peace in mind, heart and soul, a feeling of well being fills my world. Peaceful is my way of life. My thoughts, actions and words of peace express my God nature, the truth of who I am. As I focus my inward thoughts of peace in my life, my family, my community, the Universe become more peaceful.

I celebrate the peace in my world, in all creation, in the Universe. This rich, gentle, and endless stream of the peace that is the Divine fills my heart to overflowing, and I am truly grateful.

I release this Truth into the Omnipresent Law of Mind, knowing that it is done according to my word.
And So It Is

Monday, September 2, 2013

Affirmative Prayer For Peace of Mind

Affirmative Prayer For Peace of Mind

There is One Mind, It is the Mind of God, the Mind of the Living Spirit Almighty. The nature of this One Mind is peace. The wholeness of creation is expressed through this One Mind. Love is Its activity. It is all-powerful and all-knowing. This One Mind is beyond understanding yet available fully and equally to all and all alike.

My mind is a part of the One Mind, the only Mind. Its peace is my peace, Its love is active through me.

From this understanding of my oneness with that creative power that has brought me to life, I declare that peace reigns supreme in my mind. I am a center of the activity of the One Mind. Its love has Its action in me. I find peace of mind in this realization of oneness. Through love and peace I come to trust life to bring the highest good to every circumstance and every situation. I align my thoughts with the nature of the One Mind, with Its abiding peace and unconditional love.

From a place of trust then, I give thanks for a greater revealing of my oneness with the Living Spirit Almighty. I give thanks for the peace and love that reside in me as a result of this oneness.

I trust that life is bringing in to my experience a deeper embodiment of this my Word as I release it into the Law.

And So It Is

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Creativity

Affirmative Prayer for Creativity

There is one Power, It is the Creative Power of the universe and It gives Itself freely to all of life.This Power is infinite in Its ability to heal and make all things whole. It is the perfection of nature and the beauty of love. Its nature is peace, joy and grace. Its nature is harmony and connection.

All of life is infused with this Creative Power, so then, I too must be infused with this Creative Power.

As I am one with that which has created me, I accept for myself a greater experience of creativity in my life. I create freely a life of my dreams. I am an artist in all of my activities and in all of my relationships. The resolution to all discord springs to mind without effort. I allow myself to be guided into a more creative and vibrant way of living. I open to receive peace, joy, grace and harmony as I realize my connection with all of life. I accept this Good and so much more without hesitation.

I celbrate the living Spirit as it infuses Its Creative Power into my life.

I release this Word into the law and accept its full manifestaion.

And So It Is

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Financial Freedom

Affirmative Prayer for Financial Freedom

There is one loving Spirit, the Giver of all of life. The nature of this Spirit is freedom and abundance. This great Giver of life is generous with all of Its creation. It is the source of all that exists and all needs are met through this loving Spirit. Every attribute of the  Divine One is infinitely available in every moment. There is nothing that can inhibit or block the generous flow of Life.

I am one with this Divine Spirit. Its nature is my nature.

Therefore I accept for myself a greater experience of financial freedom. I open to the fullness of the freedom, abundance and generosity that is the nature of Spirit within me. I release all resistance to the idea that the Universe is on my side, and I step into an new awareness of the good that is all around me. I am divinely guided into perfect right action in support of my well being and wealth. I am filled with enthusiasm and vitality when I remember the source of all of my good is at hand.

I give thanks for this remembrance of the truth and for the way it manifests in my life, fully and completely.

I let go of all ideas of burden or struggle and I trust that which has created me to move on my behalf in the direction of my intention.

And So It Is

Friday, August 2, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Self-Acceptance

Affirmative Prayer for Self-Acceptance

There is One Life, One Power, One Presence, One Love. It is the Creative Power of the Living Spirit that guides all of existence into its most perfect expression. Its love is infinite; there is no  limit to the love of God. It is all-inclusive.

Therefor I am included-included in Its power and in Its Love.

I accept for myself a greater capacity for self-acceptance. I release all judgements and pressures  that appear to work against me and open to all loving thoughts about myself.
I let my heart be filled with love and peace. I make room for myself to expand and grow. I easily release any mistakes and move on to a greater expression through the wisdom of the Divine in me.
I accept myself. I treat myself with loving-kindness.
I am aware of the healing power of the Living Spirit within me to reveal a greater truth in my life, freely and automatically.  I align myself with this greater truth.

I give thanks for the power of this Word to reveal  my wholeness; the wholeness of God in me. I celebrate a joyful experience of self-acceptance.

I release this Word into the law trusting its complete manifestation.

Friday, July 26, 2013

A Prayer for Our Sunday Service

 This prayer was sent to me by Practitioner Rupali Robinson

There is only Life, one Power,  and one Presence.  This one is the Source of all that is and that is yet to be.  It is the ebb and flow of every activity, seen and unseen, for it is the creative force in back of all Life...eternal, without beginning or end, ever available, ever giving of its Love, Light and Wisdom.  This one Power (that I name God) is the Power for Good.
Right here, right now- -- where I am, God is.  There can be no path to God for God's essence and presence indwells each of us!  We live and move and have our being in, as, and for this One.
And so it is from this awareness, I speak a blessing for today's celebration.  I accept that the music, the message and the ministries for ourselves, the children and the young adults are fully received...allowing an opening for every heart's desire to made known and strengthened as we share this time together.  I accept that each service invites in a healing for any concerns, a softening of any constrictions in mind or body, and illuminating of solutions sought.  I call us to remember----we are heaven made---for God is an all and all are in God.
With great gratitude and conviction, I surrender this prayer... knowing that as it is spoken, it is it is believed, it becomes....
I rest    I relax     I let go       I let God be God         and     so it is.
Blessings, Rupali
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Saturday, July 13, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Balance

Affirmative Prayer for Balance

There is one Spirit and Its nature is balance and harmony. It is the great Giver of Life and It is complete in Its expression. Always, absolutely perfect, is the intelligence of one Spirit. Its nature is divine right order and peace. It is the only power and It is Love.

 I am complete in Spirit. The balance and harmony of the one Spirit is fully expressed through me and all of my affairs. There is nothing that can disrupt my unity with the One. All of the peace, love, power and intelligence of the one Spirit is available to me.

I accept for my life perfect balance and harmony. I am guided by the divine One in everything I do. I know when and what to give and I am open to receiving in just the right measure. I trust Life as the source of all that I need. I am guided to know when to step forward and when to step back. I see clearly the bigger picture and I take action where action is needed and I rest where rest is needed. All of this is orchestrated by the great Intelligence that orders the universe, and I am easily reminded of my part in it all.

So I rest in a grateful state of knowing that all is well.

I release any striving to make it so, as I trust that natural law that responds fully to my hearts longing.

And So It Is

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Joy

There is one powerful Presence, It is the  Presence of the Creator. That Source of all of life that gives Itself fully to Its creation. Its nature is love and peace and joy. It delights in expressing Itself. This Presence is eternal  and infinite joy.

I am included in this one powerful Presence. It is the Source of my life and It gives Itself to me fully. It delights in expressing Itself as me. Its love, peace and joy live in me.

I accept then a greater experience of joy in my life. I claim that that natural joy of the one powerful Presence  has Its home in me and finds expression through me. I live my life guided by this light, by this love. I allow joy and peace to be revealed in my every moment. All my activities and all my relationships benefit from this opening to more joy. All of my difficulties and challenges are released in the light of this joy. There is a natural joy to being alive and I delight in it, I live by it. I lay all my burdens down and rest in the joy of the one powerful Presence.

I am grateful for the joy that is expressing in my life in greater and greater ways as I open to the fullness of Its expression.

I trust the laws that govern all of life to respond to this my Word and manifest a greater experience of joy in my life.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Emotional Healing

Affirmative Prayer for Emotional Healing

There is one Loving Presence, the Essence of all of life. This Essence is all-powerful and all-knowing. It is the very Source of Life. It is generous and abundant. It is the power of perfect healing. Its light reveals the wholeness that is always present. It renews and recreates Itself over and over again. Infinite possibilities and  inspiration emanate  from this Source. All of existence is included in this One.

I am included in this wholeness, in this power of perfect healing. It is the light of the Loving Presence that is ever renewing Itself as me.

From this understanding of my oneness with the Source of Life, I accept perfect emotional healing and wholeness for myself. I allow any hurt or pain that has collected in my heart to be released and I open my eyes to a new beginning. I  allow the abundant and generous nature of the Loving Presence to fill me with love and to renew me. I accept that I am inspired to allow Life to create through me. I choose well, I am patient and kind, I forgive myself and others easily. I soften my heart and breath deeply into the Good. I am led by the Light and I realize my highest potential. There is no mistake in me, and there is no mistake in my life. I am Love.

I sense the deep truth of my oneness and I give thanks for it.

I release this Word into the Law that receives it and responds fully to its highest intention, for the good of all.

And So It Is

Friday, May 31, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Perfect Health and Vitality

Affirmative Prayer for Perfect Health and Vitality

There is one Power, one Presence that is the source of all of Life. It is ever-present and all knowing and It guides all of existence into greater and greater wholeness and well-being. It is the vital Life-force that has created all of Life and sustains all of Life. Unwavering in Its healing power, I call It the Living Spirit.

This Power and Presence is full and complete in me. It is at the very core of my being and it is in all of my affairs. It is the wholeness and vitality of the Living Spirit that has Its life in me.

I declare this spiritual truth then about myself, that I am guided by the wisdom and light of the Living Spirit. I am right now coming into more perfect health, wholeness and well-being. The vital Life-force that has created all of Life lives in me and fills my body, mind and soul with vitality.  I feel an influx of energy that uplifts me and supports me in all of my activities.  This Life-force brings me to a state of natural joy and contentment and nurtures my optimism.

I am so very grateful for the truth about how the creative process works through me: That what I have desired and what I have declared is right now manifesting by the Creative Power that has made my life.

I trust that this Creative Power has it handled on my behalf and I relax.

And So It Is.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Good Habits

Affirmative Prayer for Good Habits

There is a natural order to life. All things and all events unfold according to this natural pattern of the Divine Intelligence. This pattern is the pattern of Love and Goodness. It is completely reliable and steadfast. This Love and Goodness is always present and active, guiding all of Life into its highest expression.

This Love and Goodness is universal and includes everything and everyone, so I know that it includes me. I am one with the Divine Intelligence that lends Its natural order to my life.

I accept for myself therefore, that I live in agreement with this Divine Intelligence. I make good choices at every turn as Love and Goodness guide and support me. I easily develop good habits and I become reliable and steadfast. I care for myself, for others and for the planet from this understanding of my role in the natural pattern of life.

I am so grateful for this perfect unfolding of order and good habits in my life.

I trust Life to demonstrate this truth in my life completely for my own highest good and the good of all.


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Inspiration

Affirmative Prayer for Inspiration

There is a living Spirit that is the thread that binds all of life. It is continuous and it touches all of creation with its steadfast presence. This living Spirit is the light that guides all of life into perfect expression. It is forever making itself new through the divine creative process. It is the One and it includes all of existence.

So, therefore, I must be included in this One, living Spirit. All that I am is a part of the One great creation. It is the light of the Spirit that makes my way clear, that  binds me to Itself with Its love.

I accept for myself as an emanation of the living Spirit, that I am fully aware of the light of the Divine One that guides me into my greatest expression. I declare that it is the very thread of the living Spirit that is running though me and leads me to live an inspired life.
I accept that I am inspired from within and I am inspired from all that I contact. Feeling inspired is a natural state and I allow it to be revealed through me.

I let myself rest in this knowledge and feel the appreciation wash over me, as I am reunited with this beautiful truth about inspiration in me.

As I sense the completion of this prayer, I release any struggle and trust the natural forces that govern all of life to reveal this truth more fully in my life.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Healing and Immune Support

Here is a prayer from Practitioner Naava Dewey

Healing of disease and immune support during chemo

There is only one Life. One infinite invisible Whole. It is the only Reality - invisible yet ever-present, intangible yet eternally intricately our own. This one invisible sparkling Essence is Life Itself. It is the Source of all Life. It IS life as we know it and so much more. We swim in the ocean of this divine Light and Wholeness, steeped in It like tea bags, it flows through us and as us, permeating every cell. It is the I Am that knows that It knows.

We are made of it. Every cell of my body and all the spaces in between. Ever atom in this body and all the spaces within it are made of that divine Essence. The energy that holds the atoms and cells together is Life Itself, and the atoms too are made of this divine Energy, this divine Love, this divine Light. And the very same is true for each and every person, all made of this amazing dazzling, brilliant invisible divine Light.  It bathes every cell, every atom, every organ and tissue, and it is the atoms, cells, organs and tissues themselves. 

This divine invisible Light is Powerful enough to eliminate anything unlike It. Like turning on a light switch, this divine Light eliminates the darkness. This divine Light is right NOW and always bringing Its healing Power, Its Light and Love to every cell of my body. It is healing me of all unhealthy cells, dissolving them as easily as the sunlight dissolves shadows. I claim and invite into my life and reality a perfect and complete Healing of the highest order. I welcome into my life any shifts that need to happen to allow the divine Light of Spirit into my physical form where it easily and effortlessly dissolves the unhealthy cells; where it easily supports my immune system and overall health as it dissolves all cells that are not part of my original blueprint as a divine human Being. 

This same divine Power directs medicine to the areas where it is needed, and can easily buffer any side effects. Because this is the same Power that holds our planets in orbit and holds our physical expressions in the same form day after day. And if this miraculous loving Presence can express so exquisitely and perfectly as galaxies and solar systems, and keep our planet in orbit and our days and nights in divine order to sustain us, then surely it can express just as beautifully in the cells of my body. It is inevitable that I am Whole, Perfect, and Complete in my true Essence, and I claim and accept that my physical body now reflects that. I claim that Peace fills my being, Healing fills my body, and Faith fills my Heart. All is in divine perfect Order. 

I am so filled with gratitude at knowing this Truth, and so perfectly assured that it is so in the Mind of the One that made us, that there is nothing left needed except to release my Word to the Law that always says YES! and let it unfold. In joyous acceptance of this Good, I let it Be.

And so it is.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When There Are No Words...

When There Are No Words...

Sometimes I cannot find the words to pray, my mind keeps wandering back to the challenge I am facing. Here is one way to pray that helps me.

First I sit still and take a few deep breaths. I place my attention at the center of my chest and let my breathing be free and open.

Next, I consciously turn my thoughts and feelings to something or someone that is lovely to me. I let myself rest in the remembrance of this goodness. I breathe. I slow down. Perhaps I think of something else that is beautiful or someone that has brought me joy. Or I set my gaze upon a tree, a flower or a bird in the yard. I take my time to let this feeling fill me.

Sometimes this is enough, just to remember that love exists.

Other times I go on to feel that I am a part of this loveliness, this beauty this joy. I remember the feeling of unity and oneness. I rest here.

If I am feeling soft and open, I might even let the idea of what is disturbing to me enter my mind. I let the softness of my heart and breath wash over my thoughts about the situation. Just as it is, nothing to fix or explain, I let myself expand to make room for both the feelings of loveliness and the challenging feelings to exist side by side.

I sit still and breath, knowing that this is enough. This subtle shift in my awareness is a powerful prayer.

I encourage you to be gentle with yourself. Be soft and kind. Make room for all of you, all of life.

Blessed Be.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for a Resilient Heart

Affirmative Prayer for a Resilient Heart

There is a  constant, universal Presence, It is the Presence of love; absolute love, free love, powerful love. It is eternal and infinite. It gives Itself freely to all creation.

This love is fully present in me as it is in each and every one of us.

So today, I choose to refocus my attention on all that is lovely. I train my thought to see the good. I allow my heart to love over and over again. I deepen my faith in the ability of love to restore me. I accept that through the power that has created me, my heart is fully resilient, fully healed. I affirm that this healing is revealed through me by the Spirit within me.

I give thanks for my resilient heart as I recognize that my feeling-tone has shifted by means this realization and I celebrate that.

I release and trust the law to manifest this in my experience.

And So It Is

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Renewal

Affirmative Prayer for Renewal

There is one Life Force, one Intelligence, one Loving Presence that is ever available to all of existence. It is the Power for Good and it gives Itself freely to all. It is this Power that  governs all of the activity of life and Its nature is peace, harmony and renewal. Life is always being made new through the Creative Power.

And because this Creative Power knows no bound or limits and is everywhere present, I know that It is fully present in me and in my life. I am one the peace, harmony and renewal of the Loving Presence.

So today, knowing my oneness with the Power for Good I accept for my life a complete renewal. There is nothing in my past which can determine my current experience. There is nothing about the future that can limit my life today. I release all regret and all fear and step fully into the healing power of forgiveness. My mind, my body and my spirit are refreshed by this realization and I claim that I  am made new with every dawn, with every breath. The peace, harmony and renewal of the Creative Power are always bringing me home.

For this great and powerful realization of the truth about the Power for Good and Its action in my life, I give thanks.

I release this Word into the Law of Creation, trusting it to manifest fully in my experience.

And So It Is

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Compassionalty Responsive

Affirmative Prayer from the Beyond Limits Class 
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Purpose: To be compassionately responsive

Recognition: The breath of Spirit is Peace, it is the bringer of clarity, wisdom and harmony. It is the one source of compassion, and is everywhere present.

Unification: The breath of Spirit is my breath. Is my peace and establishes me in clarity, wisdom and harmony. I am where Spirit’s compassion is: everywhere. 

Realization: Therefore I listen, breathe and give space to people when they speak to me. I, through the power of Spirit within me, take it all in. As a result I declare-I am clear and I resonate with Life. 

Thanksgiving: I am really excited. I am filled with relief. I can breathe, breathe, breathe. I celebrate the prayer I have spoken. 

Release: I breathe it out easily and let it be. I know this is already done so I can release this Word with peace.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Right Livelihood

Right Livelihood

There is one organizing Life-Force that propels life into expressing the one true reality. It is the energy of creation and it is always active. It is the eternal presence and Its nature is generosity and connection. All of life is interconnected by this natural pattern of perfection.

I am one with this Life-Force. Its creativity is active in me and it is also present and active in my livelihood.

I accept for myself a beautiful expression of right livelihood. I am drawn to activities that allow me to express my highest and best. I am richly rewarded for all of my efforts. I accept that right livelihood is coming into full manifestation in my life right now and I  align myself with it. I declare that I know all that I need to know and I do all that I need to do to receive this good in my life right now.

I give thanks to the creative power within me and all around me for this realization of how it is already working in my life.

I release my word into the subjective aspect of the Divine that receives its impress and  expresses it fully.

And So It Is

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Affirmative Prayer of Faith

Affirmative Prayer of Faith

Something has always been here. It is Wisdom, Love, Light and endlessly Creative. Call it Spirit, God, Universal Intelligence; by whatever name, It is everywhere present, always.  Beyond space and time, this eternal, infinite Spirit is the source of all-that-is.  It is expressing as every life, in countless forms, yet all have their very being, within this One. Many forms, One Life. As the wave rises in expression, yet is One with the ocean, so too every life is One with Spirit and all that Spirit is.  One life, One mind, One heart, which flows in and through every thing, supporting all with Its fullness and Grace. Each life is a beloved expression, of the Love of God.

 This is the Truth of my life and of everyone’s Life. I live, move and have my very being in this Source of all. Spirit’s grace has brought me forth as a beloved expression; here to be the Love of which I am made. I am One, with all that is. Every breath I take is the free gift of Life, moving through me. I am a vital part of the One, loved and supported as Its beloved expression of life, as surely as I breathe.

 As I go about daily experiences and challenges, I embrace this Truth. I accept the love, support and wisdom of Spirit which guides me, in this adventure of my life. I remember that I can draw upon the limitless Source of all, in whatever circumstances are happening, in my life and in our world. I rest in faith, knowing that there is a bigger picture happening than what I see. I am a wave and draw upon the loving ocean of Spirit, knowing that support and grace are here, always. In faith I stand, accepting that even when I can’t see it, that all is well. This faith brings harmony to me and emanates outward, to all those whose lives I touch, for we are one. 

How wonderful to know this Truth! My heart sings with a quiet joy for the many gifts of Spirit.

So I now release my Word into the Soul of Spirit. In faith I just let go, let God and let it be.

And so It is.

Angél Fiorito

Friday, March 1, 2013

Constant Companion

Constant Companion

The One living Spirit, the Almighty God, presides over all of existence with Its wisdom and intelligence. The nature of this Divine One is absolute, unconditional love and It gives of itself freely to all and all alike. It is the constant supply and source of all that is needed. It is the abiding companion to each and every one. It includes every living being and all that is seen and all that is unseen.

It is the unconditional love of the Almighty God that gives rise to my life in every moment. It is within me, all around me, expressing through me. I am Life.

From this understanding of my oneness with that which has created me, I accept for myself, a deeper and fuller alignment with my own inner wisdom. I declare that I am constantly guided by that wisdom within me that clearly knows exactly what to say and do  in every moment. I open myself to be a clear channel for the unconditional love of the one that illuminates my way, my constant companion. I am compassionate and patient with myself and with others as I walk this path of life. I cast my vision forward to dream big, for there is no limit to the good I can experience. Today I choose to walk hand in hand with my own unique inner voice, the voice that calls me forward into the greater good.

I am so grateful for this clear revelation of the truth about me and my life. I celebrate the constant companionship of the Living Spirit. I live in the goodness of unconditional love and for that I give thanks.

I release this word into the law that responds in full measure.

And So It Is

Monday, February 18, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Expression

There is a Presence that is eternal and infinite. It is generous and supportive. It is the light that guides all of creation into its most perfect expression. This Presence is the source of all of life and It is ever renewing itself through its creation. It is the only expression, It is all expression.

And this Presence expresses Itself as me. All that I am and all that I do is taking place within the eternal, infinite presence. Its light shines within me and emanates from me. Life renews Itself through me.

From this understanding of my oneness with the Presence, I accept for myself that I am free to express my unique self. I open and  allow myself to be moved by the guiding light within me. As I am aligned with the all-good nature of this Presence, I trust that all of my expressions are kind and beneficial. I realize I am both unique and necessary. I am an essential aspect of creation and as such my full expression serves the greater good. Realizing this spiritual truth about myself, I open to the freedom that is mine. The freedom to express myself for the good of all. As I release all that could possibly hinder the fullest expression of my highest good, I accept the loving guidance of the Divine One.

I give thanks for this new found realization of my own freedom to express.

I release this Word into the Law that responds fully.

And So It Is

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eternal Life

Someone asked me for a prayer that they could use while sitting with someone who is dying. I have included a place for you to insert the name of the one for whom you are praying. 

Eternal Life

There is one Life. It is the Life of the eternal, living Spirit. It is without beginning and without end. It is forever renewing Itself through all of Its creation. Its nature is peace and love. All of existence is unfolding according to the perfect intelligence of this loving Spirit. There is nothing that is outside of the embrace of the Divine One.

Everyone and everything is included in the divine pattern of perfection that is God. Each one here and all of our loved ones are a perfect emanation of the eternal living Spirit. And this includes me and it includes the one I am praying for today (person’s name).

No matter what the circumstances are, I am remembering by means of this prayer that nothing is ever lost. That love is eternal, life is eternal. So in this time of transition I accept for this (person’s name) complete peace. I accept as they prepare to leave this physical world that they are being guided into a greater expression of Spirit. I declare that all discomfort and distress is hereby relieved and that comfort and ease come naturally to every part of this (person’s name) body. I accept peace of mind and calm emotions.

I accept that the beauty and wonder of (person’s name) is fully know in the mind of God and that they are moving into a time filled with love and peace. I accept that their loved ones are supported in this time and than all needs are met. I extend a word of blessings to all of their caregivers and medical team.

I am remembering by means of this prayer that Spirit is a constant companion to all beings and that none of us are ever alone and this includes (name of person). As I am fully present in this moment to the wonder of life, I declare that so to is the living Spirit fully present here and now and eternally.

I give thanks for this time of remembering the Spiritual Truth about this time of transition for (person’s name)

I release this word of prayer into the receptive aspect of the living Spirit that manifests its highest intention.

And So It Is

Monday, February 4, 2013

Love, Generosity and Joy

Affirmative Prayer for Love, Generosity and Joy

There is one infinite, divine Presence. Its nature is love, generosity and joy. It is the creator of all of life. It is ever-present and all-knowing. It is the only power.

And It loves Its life as me. Its nature is my nature. It is present in everything I do as love, generosity and joy.

From this understanding of my unity with the creator, I accept for myself a life filled with love, generosity and joy. All of my relationships are built upon this foundation and I find happiness at every turn. All of my actions are guided by the love of the living Spirit. All of my transactions are based in generosity and my days and my nights are filled with joy, the natural joy of being alive.

I give thanks for this truth about life.

I let it be.

And So It Is

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Thank You

Dear Followers,

Thank you for joining the 30 day prayer practice for our community. I trust it has been a rich experience for you as it has been for me. I would love to hear about your experience. Just use the comment section below.

As before the project, the Affirmative Prayer Library will continue to publish prayers several times a month on a variety of topics.

Again, thank you for joining us and be well.

Diane Tapogna

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Wildlife

Affirmative Prayer for Wildlife by Jennifer Mann

All of life emanates from the one spark of divinity that continuously creates everything. The night sky, the rotation of the seasons, the flora and fauna worldwide, the living oceans and all of humankind is created from the same source. This Creator knows what it creates and loves its creation infinitely.

As I remember that all of life is a miracle, I think right now about the untamed life worldwide that lives in harmony with nature, keeping our planet balanced and healthy. I am aware of the magnificence of wild animals and the glory of sea life as it reveals the awe and wonder of all creation.

As I allow myself to focus on all the miracles of nature, I accept that these ambassadors of God itself are protected and nurtured by conditions and circumstances that are life enhancing and in balance with all of life. I accept harmony and accord with the order and beauty of the universe for these beings.

I swell with the joy of gratitude as I contemplate the magnificence of all existence.

I surrender this prayer to the activity of the law, which manifests heart’s desires into experience for the good of all and the harm of none.

And so it is.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Affirmative Prayer for Water

Affirmative Prayer for Water by Siota Belle

The One Life flows in and through every living being as Love, Harmony, Vitality and Healing. This is the Eternal steam of Wholeness which creates, restores and maintains all life and the entire universe.

All the waters on our planet are the perfect expression of Divine Life and its renewing, creative healing flow.

As the One is the life of our planet’s water, so our water sustains all life. I claim that the rivers, oceans, streams, lakes and seas are the perfect expression of peace, healing, and natural vitality.  I know that Divine Intelligence restores our water so that everywhere it is cleansed and cleansing and that it flows with unlimited supply forever.

The healing essence of the One Life brings new purity to our entire water supply. Now and always these waters nurture and supply all beings and our magnificent planet with the Divine Essence of Life.  They flow forever with unlimited abundant supply for all.

Gratefully I receive these gifts for our water. I celebrate with thanks for the action of the Law on our water.

I release this Word to One Mind knowing it is done.
And so it is.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Prayer for Utilities

Here is a prayer for utilities by Wayne Haught

There is one life. It is a life of abundant good, peace, nourishment, vitality, health, and truth. This one life is the life of spirit, the creative energy flowing through all beings, the expansion of good in all experience, and the ancient wisdom alive in every particle of the earth. 

I am in harmony and unity with the one life and the one spirit. I am one with the oneness. I declare on behalf of all life that right where I am there are all the utilities in the universe.

I declare I attract clean, safe, and affordable utilities to my self, my family, and all who walk the earth. These utilities include but are not limited to natural gas, electricity, water, waste removal, and telephone service. I abandon any belief in the depletion of earth’s resources in order for my utility needs to be met. I release any thought that my energy needs contribute to the impoverishment of earth’s people.  

I let go of the idea that there is a lack of affordable, safe, clean, and renewable energy available to all people everywhere. I remember spirit gives freely from an unlimited source and remain open to an experience of utility availability and disbursement greater than what I have ever known. I accept that no one is diminished anywhere by my experience of good.

 I am grateful for this transformation in my heart, my mind, and my spirit.

 I release my thought into the action of the law knowing that it is done and done well. It can only come back to me as a yes, and to this I say And So It Is.