Saturday, March 25, 2017

Affirmative Prayer for Awakening

Affirmative Prayer for Awakening

God is the source and sustenance of all that is, creating anew in each moment.  The Divine is everywhere present, never absent, enfolding all in Its wholeness. It includes the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. Nothing is outside of God.  This irresistible, unshakable force of love and compassion always acts on behalf of creation. It brings the invisible into form from Itself, yet is undiminished. Its holiness is in, through and as all life. Each sacred moment is the eternal present.

I am made by and in God’s image, a child of God. As this is true for me, it is true of all beings and all forms of creation.  There is no place where I end and the rest of God’s life begins. The Divine breathes through me and beats my heart. I am a unique expression of the Divine, a place where God shows up. I am inseparable from the One, within God’s wholeness, connected to all that is.

From this place of wholeness I speak this prayer for myself and all human beings, all creatures and our mother earth. In the midst of political, national and world events I choose to see this time as a time of awakening where cares and concerns are brought into the light. I recognize that the wholeness of Life is greater than the sum of Its parts. In that wholeness is the power to bring together in a new way that which temporarily appears fractured and in opposition to its divine Self. It begins with me. Where there is an experience of hate and fear, I am more willing to  love, and understand. I practice kindness in my daily activities. If injustice appears, I open to forgiveness and constructive action.   When I feel or witness separation I seek ways to experience and promote inclusiveness. I appreciate our common humanity and open to other perspectives.  If I am called to advocate I do so with goodwill and methods that bring about communication and grow understanding between all concerned. For our beautiful Earth and all that dwells therein, I trust the infinite intelligence of the Universe. Humans are part of the natural world. I affirm the answers and tools are present and available through the will of God, to preserve the balance, diversity and harmony of nature, and of humankind.

I am grateful for this shift in awareness, for the divine light that is kindled through this knowing. I trust that it is already so in the mind of God.

And so it is.  Amen

Amada Colt, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Prayer for Vibrant Health and Successful Surgery

Prayer for Vibrant Health and Successful Surgery

There is one loving Spirit. It is the great source of all of life. Its nature is wholeness and perfection. All of life is guided into perfection by the light of the living Spirit. The love of this Spirit includes everyone all of the time as it is infinite and eternal. It is the creative power that is forever renewing Itself.

I am one with the perfection and wholeness of life. The creative power of the Spirit is active in me and in my body.

I declare that this surgery is an absolute success. All that need to transpire in support of the perfect functioning of my body is right now being orchestrated by the Spirit Divine. My body cooperates and the healing power brings wholeness swiftly and completely. My body is a center of vibrant health and I feel well. I am well. All those involved in my treatment and care are divinely guided.

I give great thanks for this realization about my body and my life.

I release this Word of prayer into the Law and I let it be.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Prayer for Healthy Lungs

Prayer for Healthy Lungs

The fullness of Life is present in Its perfection always. Life is ever-flowing, ever-creating more good out of Its generous nature. The cosmic urge to express is forever moving through all of life. As the tides of the ocean are constantly moving so too is the ebb and flow of life moving in Its perfect rhythm.  Wholeness and intelligence are abundantly expressing.

This fullness of Life includes everyone and everything. So I know that it includes me. My breath is the breath of the Divine. My lungs are the perfect expression of God’s wholeness and intelligence.

I accept for myself a fullness of breath. My lungs function perfectly. They are free and open. The rhythm of breath is easy and full. Inspiration and expiration are harmonized to a natural rhythm. All the air I need comes to me freely and fully, bringing nourishment to every cell in my body. I am healthy, I am whole.

I give thanks for this realization of the truth about my lungs, my breath, my health.

I release this Word into the creative Law that responds fully.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Affirmative Prayer for Connection, Oneness and Wholeness

God is the creator, the substance and the sustainer of all that is. There is nothing outside of God’s infinite love and eternal nature. God is everywhere present always acting on behalf of creation. God is the one body, mind and Spirit, the place wherein the vast diversity of creation has Its being. It is the known and the unknown, the power which moves the invisible into and out of form, creating anew in each moment.

It follows that I am a child of God, without exception. I am created on purpose in the image of the Divine, a child of God. The Divine is everywhere present in my life, in my body, mind and spirit. I am inseparable from this One. God is the air I breathe, what beats my heart and is the earth I stand on. God is for me and with me in all things. I am a part of the Wholeness of God. As this is true for me this is true for all people, all of God’s creation.

From this place of Oneness I speak this Word for and about myself, for all people in my nation and the world. I am loving towards myself and accept God’s presence in my life. I release whatever is unhelpful while standing in God’s embrace. I lean into the One that is present right here right now. My self-care and daily spiritual practice fills and prepares me, so that I more easily turn to the God within for guidance and support.  I recognize that the unity and sanctuary I seek, is the Divine that is ever present within me. I invite a growing experience of connection and togetherness in the midst of my day. As  I encounter my fellow brothers and sisters, I notice what we cherish in common.

I extend goodwill and compassion in my neighborhood, community, and on social media.  It may be through a silent prayer, an empathetic ear, yielding right-of-way in traffic, a smile or friendly greeting. I affirm a willingness to be a safe place that builds bridges between people. I listen deeply and generously with an open heart to understand. I put myself on “pause” before I speak or write.  I welcome a growing anchor of peace and trust that allows me to venture into a broader and deeper sense of my connection to all beings and to Life. I declare that unity is our nature and unity is how we prosper.  I remember that God, Life and the Universe are for me.

I rest in this awareness, recognizing this spiritual truth for and about myself and all people.   All exists within the One.

I release this prayer into the heart and arms of the Divine, where it is known and done.  Amen

Amada Colt RScP,
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

# A  world that works for everyone