Sunday, September 12, 2021

Compassion and Connection

There is one life living itself as the Creator and its creation. This universe and all the particles within it an amazing expression of this One. 

Understanding that I am here at this present moment appreciating the amazing concept that I am conscious of this miraculous life, I rest in the fullness of divine grace.

Included in this prayer are all of us going through this time of stepping out into the world again. Each one of us is the perfect expression of the Divine. I declare that this is a transformative time filled with renewed energy, hope, and confidence in the future. Branching out again, confident traveling the road ahead, we step out into the world that needs our compassion. Therefore, I affirm we each take extra care of ourselves, nurturing the deep well of our existence, and claiming health and strength for our families and communities. Furthermore, I assert, that we are ready, energized, eager to reenter this world with new appreciation of the connection we have with each other.

Grateful for the way the Creative Intelligence unfolds life perfectly, I let go into the activity of this One knowing all is well. Releasing this word to the activity of the Law that manifests it gladly, I let it be so.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Reaching Higher

There is no limit to the love of the all-inclusive One. Its intelligence is forever reaching higher and higher into the fullness of expression. Beauty and compassion are Its generous gifts. This One holds everything in Its warm embrace of support and safety.

This One includes all of life; therefore, It includes me. I am one with Its beauty and compassion. I am supported and held in its warm embrace.

The free-flowing wisdom of Divine Intelligence gives me insight and inspiration. I am attuned to the power of transformation that is always moving through me, elevating life to its next highest expression. I align myself with the inclusive nature of the Divine One. Compassion is my natural state of being, and I open my heart to express it more fully. I transcend all false thinking and give myself to the highest expression of life. Life is creating itself through my thought atmosphere, so I train myself to love more deeply, more fully.

I give thanks for the gifts of the One that are now more fully realized in my life.

I trust that the creative process of the One takes this affirmation of the truth and makes it more fully expressed in my experience.

 And so it is.