Saturday, July 7, 2018



There is one life, that life is God's life, whole perfect and complete. It is in and through and as all being. It is love and transformation, Life ever unfolding and rearranging Itself into the highest good. This one Source and Sustainer forever gives to creation. It's infinite, boundless nature is everywhere present. Unlimited Intelligence and Potential are 100% available in every moment.

I am made of this God stuff. It is the substance and foundation of my being. It creates, acts and unfolds in around and through me. I am made anew by it in each moment. I am an expression and instrument of God, inseparable from divine activity. I live and have my being within the One.

From this understanding I speak for and about myself and all life. Boundless potential is right where I am. I welcome a reconfiguring of my life with deeper trust in the unlimited expression of good in ways known and unknown, seen and unseen. Infinite intelligence and creativity live as me. I claim a growing awareness of my intuition as it informs and guides me through change and transformation, internal and external. I recognize a willingness to make friends with the unknown. I allow myself to abide in a place with the familiar and the unknown. I let go of the past, and trust in God's wisdom and unfolding action that creates my life anew in each moment, perfectly.

With a grateful heart I rest in this spiritual truth. It is already known and done in the mind of God. 

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

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