Saturday, November 10, 2018

Affirmative Prayer for a Pet

One heart one breath, the timeless presence and source of love is that which sustains, creates and  enfolds all within its embrace. It is the allness of life , that one  power which moves divine substance in and out of form, always creating from itself anew. It is the  boundless, limitless essence of all life, everywhere present always available and acting on behalf of creation.

And so I am made of this Divine stuff. As this is true for me this is true for all of God's creation. This one infinite intelligence is around, through and as me. This is also true for my dear pet, all life is an expression of the Divine. There is no separation, I and my pet are connected to each other and the One through Love. We have our being within the One. We are issued from the Divine, each an individual instrument and vessel, created irrevocably whole, perfect and complete. This is the Spiritual Truth of being.

From this understanding  I allow this Truth to fulfill me, to inform, comfort and guide me through this thing called my pet's health and wellness. I affirm and rest in this connection of love that is everpresent. I make choices about my pet's medical care and treatment that honor my resources and their quality of life, aware of the naturally shorter life span of my beloved pet.  I am grateful for  all that is called forth in this relationship, for the softening of my heart through this dear creature God placed in my life. Whether my pet recovers or transitions at this time my life is forever enriched and more deeply connects to all of life through this experience. Love, joy and tenderness fill me. I recognize that all is well, all is well.

I celebrate this Spiritual Truth with an open and grateful heart. I let go and let God, surrendering this prayer unto the Divine from which it came, where it is already known and done before these words were spoken. 

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

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