Saturday, January 12, 2019

Deep Faith in the Rhythm of Life

Deep Faith in the Rhythm of Life

Life is always unfolding according to the perfect harmony and order that makes all things possible. There is a natural rhythm of giving and receiving, of action and stillness, of peace and love. This ebb and flow includes all of life, all beings everywhere.

I am an essential aspect of this rhythm of life. The ebb and flow moves through me in a perfect harmonious pattern.

I accept the rhythm of life as it is expressing through me. I allow myself to deepen and trust fully what comes to me through the generosity of the giver of all of life. I open to the flow of love and harmony, order and peace. I live in quiet realization that the good of God is fully present in my life right now and I open to experience it more fully. I trust it completely.

I give great thanks for this realization and I let it be.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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