Saturday, October 24, 2020

I Reach Out for Prayer and Divine Guidance

 There is one Spirit, one power and consciousness that is everywhere present, love itself. It is the source and sustainer of life, of every breath and heartbeat, always acting on behalf of Its creation.  With Its love, strength and compassion It enfolds all. Nothing is outside of Its embrace.

So, I am here on purpose, created from and sustained by the Divine. As this is true for me this is the truth of all life, all beings. I am awakening to God's presence, returning to my Source through this process of involution. This is shared by all of creation. We are all drops in the Ocean of the One.

From this understanding, I speak my word for and about all beings, all life. We are in this together! I affirm that in the midst of however life is showing up I am enfolded in divine purpose and intelligence. I think, choose and act from this awareness. I am willing to let go of anything contrary to my good so that my actions reflect the highest and greatest good for all concerned. In the apparent chaos of the pandemic, natural disaster, politics, elections, violence, social injustice--- I open to divine guidance and what is mine to do. I am generous hearted, and forgiving.  Kind humor and joy express through me as I go about my day.  If I am feeling low, I reach out to friends, my spiritual community and ask for prayer. I lean into my daily practice.

 I am so grateful for being grounded in this spiritual truth. I release this prayer into the Law where it is already known and done.

 And so it is. Amen

 Amada Colt, RScP


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