Saturday, April 30, 2022

Divine Potential

This one loving and creative presence is everywhere, the divine substance of all life. It is the allness of being, enfolding everything, the source of all, creating anew in each moment, always acting for the highest and greatest good.

And it follows that I am created by and inseparable from this One, Father-Mother God, however I name it. It is my breath and every heartbeat. I abide within It and am an individual expression of It, a child of God, a vessel and instrument of the Divine. As this is true for me this is true for all beings, all life, wherever we are on our path of awakening.

With this understanding I speak this prayer for and about myself and all of life. There is no spot where Divine potential is not poised and ready to unfold in an ever-greater expression through Its creation, through me. I am an instrument for this, in the midst of however life is showing up, and conversely in the ways that it is not. I am never outside of this divine game. Each breath, every encounter and aspect of being is part of the infinite opportunity to awaken to my true self, my inseparable connection to all that is, to express love, kindness, compassion and reverence for all life. When I feel uncomfortable, stuck, resentment I recognize my growth opportunity. I am willing to let go, soften. I welcome this process and allow it to inform and guide me.

I am grateful for an ever-deepening connection to life.

This prayer is already known and done through the Law of Mind. I let go and let God.

And so it is.


Amada Colt, RScP

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