Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Prayer for Easy Travel


One power for Good exists in the universe. Known as that one creative substance and intelligence that formed the cosmos and everything in it. It is the motivating power of love and connection, balance, and harmony with perfect timing.

As this one creative force is present everywhere, in, through, and around everything, I know it’s here within me and each one reading this prayer now.

I speak a word of prayer about perfect travel. Understanding that the many complex details of travel are all held in the Mind of this one intelligence. With confidence now there is a knowing that travel plans are already orchestrated perfectly. In this mind of intelligence, I declare that all connections, even the changes in the schedules are the perfect outcome of a blessed journey. I affirm there is a courage that emerges within each heart that is planning, researching trip information, and dealing with changes along the way, knowing that travel is divinely blessed before the first step is taken. Anxiety is released, and in its place excitement about the journey emerges. Releasing any concern about safety, confidence arises instead. Everyone along the way of this journey is kind and helpful.

With gratitude in a heart that now feels confident and ready and excited about the journey ahead, I release this prayer to those spiritual laws that are already acting upon this Word.

Letting it all go now, and letting it be, I rest in the comfort that all is truly well and a great journey is assured. And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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