Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Prayer for Clarity


Recognizing the presence of Spirit everywhere. Spirit is love and peace. Spirit is the all knowing, all powerful, indwelling presence that is always available. Spirit is wisdom and power. Spirit is the creative force behind everything.

I am one with this Spiritual essence. I have within me all of the wisdom, power and love that is available equally to each person reading this prayer. I have within me that creative intelligence and power for good. 

I now align with the wisdom of Spirit. I declare that I can use this wisdom and power within me to make good decisions for my life.  I open to Spirit's wisdom and love to show up in my life to guide and direct me in all decisions. I listen for answers and Spirit expresses them so I can hear them and understand. When I release fear, the answers become clear. When I release anxiety, knowledge and information flows in. I affirm an easy release of anything that doesn't serve me in this time. I allow Spirit to show up in various ways in my life to help me reach clarity. I feel supported and willing to listen to Spirit's guidance in whatever way it shows up.

I am grateful for this time of remembering the truth - that Spirit is always here with me. I am thankful that I can get clarity by listening and letting go.

I release my word now into the law that acts on it right away. I can let it go and rest in the goodness. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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