Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Prayer for Sacred Audacity

A Powerful Presence Permeates Everything in our Universe and Beyond. Its Grace, Its Mercy, Its Love and Compassion flow through all Beings and all Circumstances. Its Wisdom inspires all Knowledge. Its Benevolence manifests all Abundance. Its Peace generates all Serenity and Acceptance. It is the Ultimate Source, the Creator of the Grand Picture and Protector of the Tiniest Detail. It is the All in All in All.

And I am an undeniable extension of that Presence. I see it in the bright burst of the morning sun and the fading twinkle of a dying star. I hear it in the jarring roar of an unseasonable thunderstorm and the whisper of a summer breeze. I feel it in the charge of emotion for our loved ones in peril and the gentle wave of contentment as I sip our favorite beverage. I experience it our glimpses of the Grand Picture and perceive it in the emergence of minute details.

I am emboldened to embrace our truth and share it in ways that reflect our authentic selves, the Divine within, supporting our spiritual growth, expanding outwards into our environment, touching everyone and everything we experience. It defines how I choose to show up in the world, sowing seeds of compassion in the midst of disparity, allowing our sense of discomfort, our sense of outrage, to inspire our course of action. I dare to be bold as we interact with our physical world in sacred audacity.

And I am grateful for the opportunities for spiritual growth that this temporal existence provides.

So I release our prayer into the Great Oneness, into Divine Law, into the Eternal Yes. And So It Is.

Skye Freeman
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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