Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Prayer for Fire Fighters

 The all knowing, powerful presence of the Holy Spirit is everywhere. Spirit is divine love, infinite peace, amazing beauty and endless harmony. Spirit is the creative source of the beauty of nature in all of its forms. From beginning to end, Spirit is always available and wise beyond belief.

And if Spirit is everywhere, it is right here within me. I am one with this powerful Spiritual essence for Good. I am Spirit’s light is inspiring me all the time. The life force within me is guiding me. I am joy and peace that withstands anything. The way is made clear before me - where I am there is peace. I am one with the breathtaking beauty and power for Good. All that Spirit is, I am. I know this is true for all of life everywhere and for all sentient beings. And for all people who work in the field of fire protection and safety.

I speak my word now for all the folks in firefighting service to our state and nation, saving lives and homes. I claim and declare their safety throughout their workday. I claim that Divine Wisdom flows through them in each moment guiding their way as they work. I claim that they are protected by the all-powerful force of Spirit helping them with each step they take. And as I am grateful for their service, this energy swells up and fuels gratitude for these individuals who have chosen this occupation. I bless the planes and helicopters as well as everyone on the ground and in positions of command. I claim that Spirit is guiding them, watching over them and making perfect their way. I lean into Spirit to feel a sense of peace and love. There is so much goodness and grace to be felt.

With great gratitude for revealing this truth, that Spirit is everywhere present, I release this my word. It brings me peace to remember the truth. I send it forth into the law where it is acted on to make it so.

And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa





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