Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Knowing Spirit is to delve deeply into Its attributes and talents as evidenced everywhere we look—abundance demonstrated as seeds, oceans, planets; harmony demonstrates as the balance in the movement and rest of the tides and the seasons; love demonstrates as the interconnectedness and reciprocity between all elements of life; beauty is visible as the loveliness everywhere in nature. All of creation shows us who we are: creatures of the Creator.

I am the display of all these magnificent aspects of Source and so I can be nothing but adorable. Just as the Spirit that created me adores me in every aspect, I have no choice but to love what is adorable in myself, at my core. And from that view, all I see is loving and lovable.

In loving thanks, I celebrate this description of the loveable in myself and can enthusiastically let it go into the Law, where it is already manifest.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center For Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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