Tuesday, March 18, 2025

My Life Mirrors the Divine

I recognize that there is One Infinite Presence, the Source and Essence of all life. This Presence is Love, Peace, and Vibrancy, flowing in and through all creation. This Sacred Reality is here, now, and always, embracing all people, all expressions of life, and all ways of being.

My life is woven into the wholeness of Spirit, and Spirit is alive in me. The wisdom and grace of the Divine move through me, guiding my steps. My existence, like all existence, is a sacred reflection of love, creativity, and infinite possibility.

I affirm that my life mirrors the life of Spirit. Every breath I take, every heartbeat within me, echoes the sacred. When I encounter fear, uncertainty, or injustice in the world, I return to my breath and transform these experiences into wisdom, peace, and compassionate action. When doubt or uncertainty arises, I meet them with faith. I trust in Spirit’s presence and the goodness within all people. I know that healing and peace are always possible. Each day, I choose to embody love, justice, and harmony in my thoughts, words, and actions. I make these choices with great ease and clarity for I see the face of the Divine in myself and in all beings—across every culture, identity, and experience. The light of Spirit shines through every soul, reminding me that we are resilient, creative, and capable of building a world based in kindness, dignity and shared humanity. As the grace of my life expands I surrender any need for control and rest in the deep knowing that Spirit is at work in ways that are both seen and unseen. I trust that divine wisdom is always guiding me and that life is unfolding in positive, meaningful ways.

With deep gratitude, I celebrate the sacred presence that lives and moves through me and all beings. I give thanks for the awareness of my connection to Spirit, for the peace that flows through me, and for the love that surrounds and sustains us all.

I release this Word into the Law knowing it is now made real. And so it is.

Rev. Siota Belle, Spiritual Support Minister
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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