Saturday, February 27, 2016

Affirmative Prayer for Perfect Health

Affirmative Prayer for Perfect Health

Wholeness and well-being are the natural state of all of life. 

The pure creative Intelligence that has created the universe is fully present in all of life. It is fully present in me. 

This natural wholeness and well-being are my natural state. The creative Intelligence is active in me.
I accept that perfect health is here and now in me.  Every cell, tissue and fiber of my being is functioning at its highest level. I am whole. I am well. 

I am open to accept this truth fully in my life and I am grateful. It is a quiet joy that rises up in me with this realization.

I trust the receptive nature of the Divine to respond in full to this, my word. I let it be.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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