Saturday, February 13, 2016

Affirmative Prayer to Realize My True Nature

Affirmative Prayer to Realize My True Nature

There is a Loving Presence that permeates all of life. It is generous, abundant and filled with light. This is the One True Reality and It includes all of Life. All Beings are made in this light. All situations arise in the One Reality.

I am included in this One Reality. This loving Presence is my essence. I am the recipient of Its generous and abundant nature. I am Its light. Its light shines through me.

I stand in unity with the love that has created all of life. It is this love that is bringing me home to my true nature. Because the Divine Spirit lives in me, I am able to let go of all frustration and impatience. I embrace the Loving Presence expressing through me. Because it is the Divine Nature to be kind and patient, I am kind and patient. I am generous. I express abundance, including an abundance of time. I allow all barriers to fall away and I embrace life. I feel the love of Spirit supporting me.

I am grateful for this realization of my true nature and the way it expresses in my life.

I release this, my word, into the creative medium that response fully and completely.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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