Saturday, March 26, 2022

Peace in Our Hearts

The embrace of the warm loving Infinite Presence is here right now. This almighty presence is personified in us, operating through us. The Universal Mind contains all knowledge and as such knows just what to do in every circumstance.

Therefore, I affirm that this almighty power for good is operating full open now to bring peace to our hearts and peace to our neighbors in the world. Divine abundance is forever manifesting itself in the affairs of this planet. The limitless resources of Spirit are operating now fully to stop war and conflict and return peace to all beings, peace to all nations, peace to all hearts beating this same life, setting down arms and embracing peace, peace, peace, everlasting peace.

Affirming that this planet and all its inhabitants and its wondrous beauty are abundantly supplied with every good thing needed to assure survival, resilience, and wholeness, I rest in confidence that good and more good is here now.

Trusting the universe, I am confident that we shall be healthy, prosperous and well, in all circumstances, evolving constantly to a more peaceful existence here on earth. Gratefully, I acknowledge the wonder of it all, the mystery and magnificence of Life itself; I surrender this prayer to the almighty law that orchestrates all of life and is impressed by this prayer, now making it so.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

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