Monday, February 12, 2024

Prayer - To See Through the Lens of Love


The consciousness of Spirit is boundless, ultimate, and absolute. It encompasses every being and every element of existence, casting its clear light and revealing the spiritual truth. Each facet of life is graced with its elegance and splendor, created from its boundless love and generosity. This all-seeing, all-knowing Spirit is the source of all creation.

I am an integral part of this consciousness of Spirit. This clear, illuminating light of Spirit perpetually shines upon me. Within me reside its elegance, grace, and vibrancy. I am a living embodiment of the Spirit's beauty and oneness.

I now immerse myself in the awareness of my union with Spirit and all of life. The Spirit's breath is my breath. Its beauty and grace illuminate my path, guiding me with clarity. As I internalize this deep understanding, I view the world through a lens of love. The healing presence within me acts as a transformative force, shaping the world around me. I am filled with courage and compassion, contributing to the unfolding of a higher vision.

I rejoice in this recognition and realization of my unity with the transformative power of Spirit. I embrace the ability to effect change through love, acknowledging this truth within me.

I accept this understanding as true and already in effect.

And So It Is.

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