Monday, February 5, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Embracing Inner Divinity


1. Recognition (The Essence of Divinity): In the universe, an all-powerful creative life force exists, known today as Divinity. This force is the creator, guide, and sustainer of all life. Its nature is characterized by love and light, embodying goodness, joy, and beauty in its constant expression through all of creation. Infinite, eternal, and supremely generous, it unifies all life with its love and light.

2. Unification (My Oneness with Divinity): I am inextricably linked with this Divinity. Its powerful life force vibrates within me, making me an essential aspect of creation. In me thrive the goodness and beauty of life, and I am a living expression of the love and light of Divinity. Joy and beauty are the essence of my being.

3. Realization (Embracing Divine Love and Light): I now affirm my openness to the warmth of divine love. I seek and find countless ways to express my inherent kindness and joy. I recognize goodness and beauty in the world around me and deep within myself. Every breath I take reconnects me with the profound truth of my original nature. I willingly follow the guidance towards my best expression of love and light, embracing the wonder of being alive and celebrating this gift through my thoughts, words, and actions. Nothing can separate me from this divine glory.

4. Thanksgiving (Gratitude for Divine Connection): I am filled with gratitude for this deep understanding within me. I cherish this connection to the Divine essence and its constant presence in my life.

5. Release (Confidence in the Spiritual Process): With a heart full of trust, I release this prayer into the creative force of the Divine, confident in its perfect realization in my life.

And So It Is.

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