Saturday, December 7, 2019

A Healing Prayer for a Loved One

In this prayer you can fill in the name of a loved one or your own name.

Healing Prayer

One great power almighty lives itself as its creation all through the universe. Every molecule is this divine power in expression. Each one of us is built of this God stuff which is whole and perfect.

So it is that I must be an expression of this divine creation, made of stardust and God’s inspiration; and as that’s true for me it is so for ____. He/she is a distinct, exquisite, perfect demonstration of this one miracle called life. It lives and has its being in all the facets of _____’s experience.

This prayer is for ______’s ongoing healing. Understanding that all is working well on the unseen side of life to heal the body, I declare that the intelligence of the universe is flowing with its healing energy powerfully through all of _____’s body cells now. The body works automatically under this divine instruction to heal itself, body, mind and spirit. Treatment and medications augment this healing process, and anything unlike perfect health is released now. The healing prayers of all those around _____ accelerate this healing journey and bring comfort through the process. Life leans in to  support _____ now through his/her healing journey; all is well.

Grateful that this healing power is already at work creating wholeness, balance, vibrant health and ease in _____, I release this prayer to those spiritual laws that do the work.

And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, CA

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