Saturday, December 14, 2019

Compassion and Kindness

Opening to this reverence for light, and heart felt giving where only one thing is happening and it is all God. It is that infinite flame of love and compassion everywhere present growing in the heart of all creation. It is the power and intelligence that informs and guides the whole, perfect and complete nature of life, the seen and the unseen. All is enfolded within and a part of this Divine One, Mother-Father God.

And so I am made of this one divine substance, connected to all that is, always within and as It, brought into being by and as a part of this one loving consciousness. It is in and as every seen and unseen aspect of my life, my very breath and heartbeat. I am at home in God, a child of God.

From this awareness I speak my word for and about myself and all beings, creatures, and life. I allow and welcome compassion and divine intelligence to inform and guide me as I move through this season of love and light and giving. I trust my intuition to guide me. I lean into my daily prayer and spiritual practice. I expand my gratitude and meditation. I seamlessly ask for prayer. I do all this that I may be filled up and better able to give. I am kind, generous and forgiving with myself and others. I remember that many experience acute emotional and financial challenges during this time and gauge my responses and actions accordingly. The gifts of kindness and compassion infuse my interactions.

I am so blessed and grateful for the gift of spiritual practice and prayer.

I celebrate this Spiritual Truth and shift in consciousness. This prayer is known and already done in the heart and mind of the One.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

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