Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Prayer

All creation, all form exists as a manifestation of and for the desire of the one omnipotent Life that I call God but is known by many names. It is the essence of all that is seen and also exits beyond all form. From within It's creation It expresses the love that It is, all beauty, wisdom and joy are expressions of the One. It is the creator of the natural laws that the universe experiences but never limited by nature.

This One is the essence of all that I am, of all people everywhere. Each individual is a specific expression where God reveals and experiences Itself. The mind, the heart and the life of God are expressed within me, every particle of my body is embodied by the loving, living essence of God.

Understanding the great Truth the loving nature of God, I can confidently proclaim that the perfect love of the Creator always responds for the good of It's creation. That means that God responds to me. As I am confident that God is eternal for It is all powerful, I understand that God cannot be thwarted or destroyed. Therefore, every apparent death is meant with resurrection for the energy that is God cannot be destroyed. I proclaim that whatever loss I have experienced is transformed into new life. Every fear I hold, I release into love trusting in transformation. The great symbolism of the resurrection of Jesus is a promise for all.

In this profound realization I proclaim, “hallelujah, I am risen.” Hallelujah, the world rises and my heart rejoices.

From this place of joy, I release this prayer into the powerful, loving Law of the supreme love of God that supersedes even natural law. 

And so it is, Hallelujah, Amen.

Sherry Vierra, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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