Saturday, March 6, 2021

Infinite Possibilities

The life of Divinity is unrestricted and unopposed. Today I call it the Absolute Source. This Absolute Source is forever harmonizing all of creation. Infinite and eternal, It is the great giver of life and the home of creation itself. Infinite possibilities flow from this Source. All beings are included in the expression of Its endless good.

Therefore, I am an expression of this endless good. My life is a unique aspect of the divine life. All of the good that flows from the Source flows through me and my life.

I open my mind to the wealth of infinite possibilities for transformation. I affirm that the inner knower within me is guiding me to my highest expression of good. I surrender to Its guidance. I open my heart to that which is calling me forward. I commit to the practices that bring greater awareness. The Absolute Source is pouring Its good into my life in every moment, and I am receptive to it.

 I celebrate this powerful realization of the action of the Absolute Source in my life.

 I release this word into the Law of Mind knowing it is made manifest in my experience.

 And so it is.


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