Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Prayer for Divine Guidance


I stop in this moment to recognize the one Presence of Life, the Source of all of Creation. It is Infinite Intelligence and the Power that brings forth everything and everyone, making all out of the one substance. It holds and enfolds all that there is, creating anew in every moment. It is Life, Light, and Divine Love. It is the Peace beyond human understanding, And it is right here, right now. It is all there is, ever abiding in its Wholeness. 

 I know that I am one with this Presence. It lives as every aspect of my being, for it has made me in my uniqueness. It is everywhere I am, for there is truly no separation. And I know this Truth for all those I hold near and dear in my heart. It is the Truth for all beings. The One Intelligence animates all. Divine Love and Peace live as the essence of all, for we are made of and by and from this One. 

So I let myself rest in this awareness, to feel its warm embrace. Divine Love comforts me and assures me. I open to the Peace at the center of my being and call upon it to companion me in my life Beyond all that I can see and know, there is only this one Life. I listen for Divine guidance in all I think and say and do. I accept this highest Truth for each and everyone of us, and for our world. For we are all an integral part of the One. I stand firm in this Truth that we may each awaken to this knowing and allow the One Spirit to flow through us and around us. 

 I am thankful for this call home in conscious awareness, for this prayer known and done. And so in gratitude, I release this word and I let it be. 

 And so it is. Amen

Rev. Ruth Barnhart
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Illumination of the Inner Light

There is one eternal Light, a boundless Source of wisdom, clarity, and love that illuminates all of existence. This Light is ever-present, infinite, and unchanging, radiating through all creation with perfect guidance and intelligence.
This Light flows through me and expresses uniquely as me. I am a lens through which this infinite Light shines into the world, inseparably connected to its Source. It moves through every thought, action, and moment of my life, guiding and inspiring me with its clarity and wisdom.
This Light brings clarity, understanding, and harmony to all situations. It illuminates paths that may seem uncertain, inspires right action, and reveals the truth in all things. In this moment, my awareness of the inner Light grows stronger, radiating peace, kindness, and wisdom into every corner of life. The Light guides every step, creating outcomes that are good, whole, and aligned with the highest potential.
Gratitude fills my heart for the unending presence of this Light, for its illumination of the path ahead, and for the clarity it brings to all aspects of life. The awareness of this connection is a gift and a blessing, always available and always sustaining.
This treatment is released into the perfect operation of the Law, knowing that the Light is already shining brightly and that its truth is fully expressed. It is done, and so it is.

Dr. Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Gratitude Prayer

Divine Presence, Great Spirit, Infinite One, This All knowing One which is everywhere present, even in the darkest night and in the brightest day. It is love, peace, joy and wisdom existing now and forever.

As I acknowledge this one presence, I know that I am a unique and creative expression of this Infinite One. I am the expression of love, peace, joy and wisdom. I know this is true for each one of us, at the center of our being. Each of us has an equal share of love, strength and kindness.

From this place of unity with Spirit, I declare my gratitude for this truth and this deeper understanding of this eternal presence of Spirit. I claim that I put gratitude first in my daily life and acknowledge gratitude throughout the day. I reach into that power of love within me and practice this love with everyone I encounter throughout my days. I sink deeply into gratitude and count my blessings.

I am so grateful for this time of remembering the truth, that Spirit is everywhere present in all life.

I release my word now into the Law which makes it so, knowing it is already in motion.

I let go and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Prayer for Health


There is only one infinite creator of all that is - that spark that has brought all that has existed, now exists, or ever will exist into being. This creator, which I call Spirit, is mind boggling in its infinite creativity - every rock is unique; every snowflake its own beautiful design; every person is unique and individual within the all-ness of creation. Spirit creates everything out of love, joy, peace, harmony, health, and so much more, and passes all these attributes onto all its creations.

Which means that Spirit’s love, joy, peace, harmony, and health lives within me now and
always. I am never without my internal guidance system from Spirit which knows exactly what
to do in any given situation to achieve my highest good. Spirit is pure health, and this pure
health is my birthright simply because I exist.

So I take a moment to remember that the greatest healer is already within me. I willingly open
myself to hearing Spirit’s guidance clearer than ever before, and I easily take the necessary
action to bring about my highest good and radiant health. I declare that anything that I need
to manifest my return to physical wholeness and wellbeing comes to me clearly and easily. I
allow myself to relax and let go as I turn my health over to Spirit, and this allows me to rest
my body, mind, and spirit so that the healing can manifest completely.

I am grateful beyond words to remember the truth of my wholeness and health,

And it is with a lighter heart that I release this prayer into the activity of the Law to make it
manifest in form and action.

And so it is.

Sue Faria, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

I Sleep In Peace

In this very moment I am aware of feeling the Creator’s presence. It is my heartbeat at all times; waking, sleeping, through activity, and through stillness. Spirit Divine, a constant companion, is ongoing love, compassion, and supreme protection. This companion is perpetual, never wavering, and always a blessing.

Through the very act of each breath and every heartbeat, I am aware that my being is a blessed part of Spirit. All that I am, every thought, word, and activity, is my own unique identity of Spirit’s expression as me. All is intact, a beautiful out picturing of Spirit in form, and I am aware of my own divinity and presence in all I think and do.

With an awareness of Spirit’s blanket of protection, Its presence is my very presence, so that I lay myself down to sleep with complete confidence that all is well. I release any lingering thoughts of previous night’s interference as I relax any tension from my body and thoughts, and calm any restlessness from my thinking. Gone are worry and anxiety as I feel Spirit’s shield of protection upon me. The Divine’s hand upon and within me is a gentle reminder that no harm can befall me as I slumber. I realize that Spirit ministers my heart and soul with the precious gift of restful and rejuvenating sleep. I realize, too, that times of transition, new direction, and lovely new paths to explore, enhance and balance my life so that I sleep in peace and arise in the morning filled with the joy of a new day, a new beginning.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for Spirit’s outpouring of love that saturates my whole being. I am grateful for sweet, sweet natural sleep that I sink into and enjoy fully.

Ever aware of this natural connection, I easily release these words with ease and acceptance. And so it is.

Sheri Pool, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Pray for Love and Comfort

There’s only one Truth and it is the Presence, Power and Love of God. It is here now, fully and completely, generously offering and giving all that It is to the whole of creation. It supports, guides, comforts, inspires and loves all.

In the recognition of this Truth, there is a realization that this is the Truth of me. As this is the absolute Truth of me, this is also the Truth of all of us. We have come to this time and place on purpose. We are made in the image and likeness of God, so what God is, we are light and love, profound peace, a deep wellspring of joy and beauty. This is our true identify, in every moment of this life, it always has been and will always be completely and profoundly available to us.

I speak my word for all beings accepting that we are loved beyond description, bathed in love, it surrounds and enfolds us it is who and what we are. This love is never interrupted or diminished ever, in any way. It is alive in us now. This love connects us to the Divine creator and to all life everywhere. This powerful bond is always present, we are never alone, there is always the principle of ONENESS operating within each one of us. I accept and declare for all being the opening of our mind and heart to receive this truth as a blessing and may it be comforting in this moment and every moment.

I give great thanks for this realization of truth and release this word into the Law, welcoming the demonstration of this experience, and the feeling of it.

And so it is. Amen.

Maggie Cole RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Prayer for Renewed Healing

Recognizing the Divine and Sacred One as the Source of all life, wholeness, and healing. In each moment, Spirit is alive and active, providing love, peace, resilience, and calm.

Its Presence flows within and through everyone and everywhere as the infinite source of love and healing. All beings reflect the unlimited healing power of Spirit all of Spirit’s healing nature. I am one with this Truth now and always.

As I navigate my healing, I am cradled in Spirit’s gentle care. Even if my healing feels slow or uncertain, I know that Spirit supports every step of my healing journey. nourishing every cell, organ, and tissue with its compassionate, unending love and strength. Just as the earth heals itself with time and tenderness, so too I am nurtured, strengthened, and gently restored in Spirit’s embrace. Any previous sense of frustration or weariness is now replaced with a deep reservoir of calm and resilience that flows through every cell of my body. I am open and receptive to Spirit’s gentle touch. I welcome renewed balance, strength, and vitality. Patience and peace fill my heart and mind now, bringing ease and grace as I move forward. Knowing that I am always surrounded by the love and power of Spirit, I celebrate that I supported and guided towards the best possible outcome. Spirit’s clarity and wisdom keeps me uplifted. My faith in this Truth is restored. I breathe freely. I rest easily. I know that my full and complete healing is now assured.

With gratitude for Spirit’s presence in every moment, I release this Word into the Law, trusting in the power of divine unfolding and wholeness.

And so it is.

Rev. Siota Belle
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A Prayer during Family Challenges

The power and presence and amazing wonder of life is here right now in this present moment and each moment throughout eternity. The nature of this Presence is love and harmony. Its ways are creative and beautiful, showing itself through flowers and butterflies, rainbows, stars, and the moon, and everything in between.

Just as I am infused with this power and presence, so is the receiver of this prayer. Each one of us is a unique, one of a kind creation. And we are born into families, not necessarily of our choosing.

So I say a word of prayer for these families. And when the family is going through a challenging experience, I claim calm. I affirm that this eternal power and intelligence knows just what to do and is doing it to mend families in disharmony. Even if this looks quite different at the end of this transformation, this divine power and presence is always comforting, bringing light to the situation and shining the way. I declare that through dealing with these family challenges, members develop courage, compassion, and kindness. And this compassion and kindness starts with the self, taking extra good care during stressful times. Each new day presents opportunities and possibilities for resolution of family conflicts. Each new day we can begin again to reframe how our thoughts handle the situation as we weed out negative unhealthy thoughts, and replacing them with self-nurturing ways of thinking. Taking time to be in nature, rest, prayer, meditation, and just being in the stillness are helpful now. And connecting with helpers along the way, we are not alone in the process.

And so with a grateful heart, knowing that all the details are taken care of by the Law to enable families to continue to grow and evolve just the way they do, I declare a peaceful calm during this process regardless of what it looks like and I release this prayer, knowing it’s already done perfectly.

And so it is. Amen

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Prayer for Overworked Parents

Recognizing the Infinite Presence as the Source of all life, love, and renewal. This Presence is boundless, compassionate, and ever-supportive. It flows through all places, and things, within us and around us. Generously it shares its peace, patience, and unconditional love, connecting all in a unity, harmony and love.

Every parent and child is one with Spirit’s love, compassion, harmony and creativity. Spirit as the Source of strength, resilience, and wisdom, is available to every parent in every moment; no matter what is going on at home or around them. It brings balance, joy, and clarity, so each parent feels supported, restored, and uplifted, even in the busiest of times.

I affirm that each parent is embraced in the calm and loving support of the Universe. I declare that peace fills their hearts, that patience flows with ease, and that their minds are open to moments of rest and renewal. Even in times of weariness or stress, a boundless strength within is there to guide them, sustain them, and remind them of the power they hold. For each parent Spirit is gently organizing, uplifting and energizing every aspect of their lives. As they navigate their day clarity, peace, and love percolate through every cell of their body and throughout their lives and in their homes. 
As each parent shares compassion and care with their children they know they are not alone. They are seen, and cherished by Spirit with comfort, calm, and courage. A deep reservoir of grace and ease revitalizes them each morning and replenishes them each night.

In deep gratitude for the consciousness and Truth that makes this so I release this Word into the Law knowing it is now made real.

And so it is.

Rev. Siota Belle
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Giving thanks for my body

 Spirit is all there is. Spirit is found everywhere and is the creative force behind all things. Spirit is never-ending love, eternal peace, the fullest joy and bountiful beauty. And Spirit is that power for good that propels life forward each moment and each day.

I am one with that powerful presence of Spirit. I have within me everything that I need to create a life filled with love and peace and joy and beauty. As a creation of Spirit, I have all of these qualities within me all of the time. I can use this information to keep me centered and strong.

Now as I align with these qualities of Spirit, I draw in more love, more joy, more beauty. I claim that I love myself and I love my body more each day. I declare that this body is resilient and fulfills my desire for peace. I claim that my body, with all its alleged imperfections, keeps giving me everything I need to have a wonderful life worth living. I claim that I move and groove with this love I have for my body.

I give thanks for these words of truth.

I release them into the law. And let go and let it be. And so it so. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Guidance through Values

There is such an amazing Energy that flows in and through and as everything in our universe and beyond. It is the seed of Creation, constantly expanding and contracting, and expanding again. It is the Heart of all Love, Compassion and Goodness. It is the Mindspring of all Knowledge and Ageless Wisdom. It is the Vision of Abundance and Beauty. It is the Comfort of Peace and Serenity. It is the Source of Light and Life. It is Wholeness, Balance and Harmony. It is Life Itself. All in Oneness.

That Energy flows through me as a unique expression of Its Divine Presence. I hear it in the enchanting melody of the perching songbird as it fills me with joy. I see it in the gentle colors of the rising sun and the vibrancy of the evening sunset, filling my life with beauty. And I feel it with every beat of my heart, with every breath I take, with every delicious moment I experience. I am that Life. I am that Oneness.

And the values I embrace, the attributes I claim as my own, continuously guide me on my Spiritual Path, and deepen my relationship with the Oneness. I align myself with those values that resonate in my Beingness, as my life, my purpose unfolds. As I focus on those qualities, I see them reflected in everything I encounter and smile as I experience the joy of sharing my Divine Nature. The gifts I have received, the talents I have been given, the values I embrace, the very essence of my true self that I offer to the world, shine a light that brightens even the darkest situation and ripples outwards to impact more than I could possibly imagine.

I am truly grateful for the incredible opportunities that arise as I continue to walk this path, becoming increasingly aware of the Self, the Essence, the One I have always been.

So I release my word into the Word, into Life, into Love, into the Universal Principles, where it dwells in Eternity.

And So It Is.

Skye Freeman
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

I Am Perfect Just As I Am

There is only One Spirit, One Ultimate Stuff, One Underlying & Unifying Principle of All. Waking up to this One is like Knocking on a door and stepping across the threshold into a technicolor world when you leave a black and white world behind. It's like wow! There are so many colors, an infinite array of colors, which is the Creative Genius of the Universe at work. It expresses itself in so many ways. Look at the leaves of every kind of plant. They're all different; they all have a different color and are shaped differently. And so it is with the fingerprints of people, each one unique. They're similar but unique at the same time. This is how the Divine presence is. It is the Creator and its creation all at the same time. I am rendered speechless at the infinite variety which flows from It.

I know That I am a part of that Magnificent Creative Process. Within me lives a piece of the One, always guiding and sustaining me. Each day as It expresses itself through me. It thinks my thoughts and lets me catch glimpses of its brilliance as it speaks to me through my intuition. It is closer than my clothes as it breathes my breath and beats my heart. All my cells orchestrate perfectly in accordance with It’s cosmic decrees. I am a uniquely individualized expression of the generalized creative spark that It is.

In the book of my life every chapter serves a vital purpose because it tells the tale of me. When I think of my past and all my experiences instead of wishing it had been some other way, I smile and I remind myself that I have turned out beautifully because of it all, not in spite of it all. I don't shut the door on the past because therein lies a treasure trove of growth opportunities that I can use to transcend & become an improved version of myself. All of it informs and gives something valuable to my life right now. What a feeling of freedom to re-frame my stuff so it serves a constructive purpose! My intention to Wholeness is my gift to the World. I celebrate the processes that brought me to where I am right now. I am perfect just as I am.

I am receptive to the amazing reflective gifts of the Law as I present my mental equivalent for It to take up. I speak my word into the Law of Mind. For this action of It in my life I know I am blessed and I feel deep gratitude for Its operation.

I release my word and simply let it be. And so it is.

Denise Pool
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Prayer for those affected by Hurricane Helene.

In this sacred moment, I recognize and honor the Infinite Presence, the One Divine Consciousness that flows through all life. This Presence, vast and eternal, is the very essence of love, peace and safety. It is everywhere, within us and around us, connecting every soul, every heart and every being in a bond of oneness. It is love, and it is who and what we are.

I know that this Divine Power is the Source of all creation, and It permeates every part of our world, bringing harmony, wholeness and perfect order to all situations. I affirm now that this same Divine Intelligence is guiding every aspect of the unfolding recovery from Hurricane Helene. Whether seen or unseen, felt or unfelt, I know that the energy of the Allness is present, holding each and every person affected in Its infinite embrace.

I declare that all those who have been impacted — those who lost loved ones or who are awaiting word on family members, those affected who are without shelter, food, water or electricity — are surrounded and held in the love and support of the Universe. Even in moments of uncertainty, fear or loss, the Peace that surpasses all understanding surrounds them, holding them safe. The Spirit within them is calm, unshaken and connected to the Divine Source that provides for every need.

I affirm for all who are rescuers, responders and volunteers the strength, clarity and wisdom of the Divine flows through them. They are divinely guided, supported in every action and protected in all they do. For those awaiting rescue, I know they are not alone. They are seen, known and held in the loving awareness of the Divine, which brings rescue, relief and comfort, swiftly and perfectly.

In this moment, I know that we, in our oneness with the Divine, extend our consciousness of love and support to all beings affected by this storm. We stand as beacons of love and peace, knowing for them what they may not yet be able to know for themselves — that they are safe, loved and supported by the entire Universe. I claim and affirm that the calm of Spirit washes over them, bringing peace to their minds, courage to their hearts and a deep sense of connection to the Source of all Good.

As I release this word into the Divine Law, I trust fully in the perfection and power of the Universe. I know that all is unfolding for the highest good and that peace, safety and love are ever-present. And so I give thanks, knowing that it is already done in the mind of the One. And so it is.

Rev. Dr. Soni Cantrell-Smith, Spiritual Leader
Centers For Spiritual Living

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Prayer to Relieve Stress

Spirit is all there is. Spirit is love, peace, beauty, and harmony. Spirit is the creative force that powers all life. All knowing and everywhere present, Spirit is available to everyone all of the time. It crosses time and space and is the source of oneness. This thread of life connects everything everywhere.

If Spirit is everywhere, then it must be right here within me. Deep at the center of my being, I have an unlimited supply of love and peace, beauty and harmony. As I align with the Spirit within me I feel the love moving through me and expressing as me in the form of smiles, kindness and conscious giving. Spirit expresses as peace within me giving me moments of calm and gratitude. The more I align with this essence of Spirit within, the more grateful I feel.

Feeling this unification with Spirit, I now declare that I release any sense of anxiety or stress as I align with that Spiritual essence within me. I move past the upheaval in my life and direct my mind toward the oneness of life. I put my mind back on the path toward my good. I feel the power within me to open to love and peace and I take charge of my mind and my thoughts. I follow the love and the thread of oneness that ties us all together. I find peace right here within me.

I’m so grateful for this time of remembering the truth, that Spirit is all there is.

I release my word into the Law and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Prayer for Completing my Goals

The ultimate reality is of One. One Essence, One Cause appearing as many conditions. One diverse, inclusive Creative Genius. One Ultimate Reality infusing and informing everything. A Divine Essence appearing as all the different trees in the world; all the unique grains of sand on all the beaches, and all the deserts of the world; all the billions of galaxies and stars in the sky; all the various fishes in all the seas and oceans and all the waves covering those waters. It is all the individuals across the globe with all their intertwining and complicated lives. It is there in all the seen and unseen planes as well. It is this and so much more; It is in, through and as all. It’s vastness defies comprehension being the All and All it is. It is Peace, Perfection, and Love.

Oh how great to know that the goodness of the One is right here, right now and I am one with It. This infinite One, this place of Perfection and Wholeness is what I am. The presence of the Living God is always within me, and I rest in the knowledge that we can never be separated. It has created me and each one of us in its image; I am eternally Perfect, Whole and Complete despite any appearance to the contrary.

As I acknowledge this Divine Truth I awaken to the realization that I succeed in any new venture I want. My inspired vision is even now happening in and through me. I do not have to wonder if I will successfully complete this because it is a given. The wisdom that is in me & as me expands, propelling me to my highest possible good. This is what I am; even in its nascent form I succeed beautifully in embodying my goals. I surpass even my wildest dreams in my endeavors with life and in my spiritual life as a whole. I claim this or something better is happening now for me.

I speak my word and as I do so it comes to life. As I contemplate the expression of this prayer it lifts my heart with gladness to know that it is so. I give thanks for the realization of the Divine Light Within from my oneness with Spirit because it lights my path before me on this journey.

I give it to God knowing it is so. With this I release my word affirming my spiritual prototype demonstrates today & in every way. And so it is!

Denise Pool
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


All Good is already present everywhere. The Source of all good is a mystery and warm presence available to all who seek it. It is love; it is intelligence. It is the place from which we came and in which we all share—the One Mind, the One Love. Call it God, call it Principle, call it Papa as Jesus did—It is a single, unified substance out of which everything comes forth. There can be no other, no opposite, no evil since there is only one source and it cannot be divided against itself.

I am a child of that Source and so I share in Its qualities; just as a wren cannot give birth to a kitten, so only good can come forth from Goodness. The balance, the freedom, the harmony, the serene well-being of the Source is present and available for me to feel and to know as the truth of my being.

With such a knowing comes hope, the deep knowing that Life is on my side and I can trust that God loves me and intends for me to THRIVE. And with hope there is inevitable courage. Knowing I can rely on the loving intention of Spirit, there is nothing I cannot handle. Apparent obstacles dissolve before me and my journey is smooth.

I am so grateful for this system! All of reality is supporting and responding to me, and to all. Knowing this, I move forward on my path with energy and confidence because these words are already so, outside of time and space.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


That infinite presence and power of Spirit is everywhere. This power for good is the life-giving force behind all creation. This all knowing, wise Spiritual presence is the basis for all of life. All encompassing, and powerful beyond measure, Spirit is the rock and the root of all life. It is in the seen and unseen, and yet to be known. Spirit is all there is.

And since Spirit is everywhere, it is right here within me. It is my home base, my touchstone, and my well spring for all things good. Spirit within me is love, peace, harmony and beauty. It is that power for good that I can use. Each one of us, unique and individual. are one with this power of Spirit.

The recognition and unification with Spirit creates an opening in my consciousness. I affirm that my faith in the power for good sustains me today. I trust in this hidden force within me that guides me to make the best decisions for me today. I trust this love within me that allows me to be kind to myself and others. I trust this power for good within me today and every day for my greatest and highest good to be revealed.

With a heart full of gratitude for this faith and trust, I release my word into the law. And I let go and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Knowing Spirit is to delve deeply into Its attributes and talents as evidenced everywhere we look—abundance demonstrated as seeds, oceans, planets; harmony demonstrates as the balance in the movement and rest of the tides and the seasons; love demonstrates as the interconnectedness and reciprocity between all elements of life; beauty is visible as the loveliness everywhere in nature. All of creation shows us who we are: creatures of the Creator.

I am the display of all these magnificent aspects of Source and so I can be nothing but adorable. Just as the Spirit that created me adores me in every aspect, I have no choice but to love what is adorable in myself, at my core. And from that view, all I see is loving and lovable.

In loving thanks, I celebrate this description of the loveable in myself and can enthusiastically let it go into the Law, where it is already manifest.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center For Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Our Beloved Source operates without hesitation, pouring forth Its magnificent energy in all directions as power and love. It is truth and beauty and goodness and so creates these constantly out of Itself.

That creative pouring forth moves through me as much or as little as I choose to align with it. Having seen its operation in my life. I trust in It and open myself to Its operation within me. Anything unlike It, I diligently turn away from and allow grace to dissolve it.

This truth of Life in-operation through me is the truth of Life’s operation through every created being and thing. The divine impulse toward wholeness, health, goodness, power, joy, and ALL good is the same in me and in everyone. Trust and confidence in this Source reveal those same qualities in everyone and everything on every level of existence. All life from the cosmic to the sub-atomic welcomes the out-picturing of Goodness as bodily health and wholeness with a vibration of joy.

Joyful and grateful for how Life works, for the privilege of co-creation with It, I gladly consign these true words to that aspect of God that is law.

I say they are so and so it is.

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


 Recognizing Divine Spirit, the Center of All Life, where at its core Peace resides in an unwavering and ever-expanding way, like the ripple of a pebble dropped in a pond. This invisible presence is the Divine Source of all life, it cannot be seen, but it can be felt in every act of Love & Peace, as the formless that gives rise to the formed. It is Eternal and Changeless, the Source of all Creation. It is the pattern of perfection in All, As All, Through All. There is nowhere this Peace is not.

I am one with this Power and this Presence right here, right now, as me, in me, and through me. Every part of my body is in harmony with the Living Spirit of Peace within me. Every thought, every action is aligned with Peace, it is the true nature of my Being. It is my Divine Center, the sustenance of my life, and the power behind my word. And just as I know this is the truth of my being, I know it is the truth of every being on this planet, for we are ONE, united and inseparable!

It is through the grace of God I speak my word for and about, each and everyone, knowing through the mere intention of this prayer, an opening for healing any separation within each of has taken place. I accept a greater awareness of Spirit for each falsehood we may feel and replaced with a greater knowing and trusting that we are never alone and that no matter how bleak or hopeless it may seem, God is always there lighting the way to a greater power within us that transcends any seeming challenge we may be experiencing. I claim and accept for each of us, an absolute knowingness that Peace resides in the hearts of every world leader and decision maker, and that ultimately Peace, Unity, & Truth reigns supreme!

It is with a grateful heart and joy filled expectancy I give thanks for the Shift in Consciousness I know has taken place in me, and in and through each of us as the One Mind, of which we are all connected.

I release my word into the Law with deep faith and conviction that as it is spoken, so it is done. So Be It and So It Is. Amen!

Joyce Orecchia, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa  

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A Prayer for the United States of America

 Centering into the stillness, the love, the wisdom. That which undergirds is within and beyond all that is. Spirit, Cause, Energy, God, so many different names and aware of that and its pervasive, unavoidable nature. 

That which is in me, is also in each one of us, in each being in our country and beyond on this planet. We may forget it; we may close our eyes to it. It is always, always there.

As I settle into this awareness, I speak my word for the United States of America. In this century, in these times, there is an incredible amount of communication. Its range, its breadth, its frequency -- It is almost beyond imagining. And for some reason, rather than drawing us together, that has separated us into islands of opinions and feelings, has caused us to forget the heart of who we are as a country. Words like freedom, opportunity, “bring me your tired, your poor” -- all of those seemed to have faded into the background in this moment. I claim and know that those words which are grounded in that unanalyzable First Cause, Love, are coming again to our awareness, and are becoming the centering, uniting values for all of us. No matter our many opinions and ways of life, there are shared values that underlie our country’s unique and precious being. I now claim that those divine qualities emerge more and more clearly as we know what needs to come alive in each of us, as all of us.

I am thankful that we are not solely responsible for this work as separate individuals; we are co-creating with that divine love, that divine wisdom and power and even divine joy, moving toward the re-emergence of our union. Vibrant, welcoming, Spirit-led, real.

As I know this about the United States of America, I am deeply, deeply grateful. I celebrate this Truth. It emerges even as these words are spoken, it is so, it is true.

And together we say, and so it is.

Rev. Tara Steele
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Leadership with Integrity and Character

Recognition: In the spirit of unity, I recognize the infinite wisdom and love that guides the universe. This infinite wisdom is the source of all strength, character, and integrity. It is the unwavering light that leads us toward truth and justice, illuminating the path for all who seek to serve with honor and humility.

Unification: In the spirit of unity, I accept that this infinite wisdom resides within each of us, including those who hold leadership positions. My mind is a center of activity within the wisdom that guides the universe. We are all expressions of the same infinite wisdom, united by our common purpose to serve and uplift humanity to its spiritual magnificence.

Realization: In this unity, I affirm that our leaders have character and a strong moral compass, guiding them in every decision. I declare that character is not merely a trait but the spiritual essence of one's being, revealed in moments of challenge and adversity. It is the unwavering commitment to do what is right, even when no one is watching. It is the courage to stand up for truth and justice, regardless of personal cost. True character comes from the infinite wisdom within and inspires us toward kindness, respect, empathy, and the recognition of the inherent worth of every individual.

Thanksgiving: I am grateful for the leaders who embody the qualities of wisdom, compassion, and dedication to justice and righteousness. I give thanks for their decisions, which reflect integrity and honor. I appreciate their tireless work for the greater good of all beings. I trust that their character and integrity, rooted in the self of compassion within, shine through, guiding our nation towards unity and oneness.

Release: With a heart full of gratitude, I release this prayer into the infinite mind, knowing that it is already manifesting in the perfect way. I trust in the divine order and the power of unity, knowing that our leaders serve with humility and truth. And so it is.

(Inspired by a morning prayer by Roger Coryell)

Dr. Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister
Center For Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Courage to Say No

All power is derived from the Beloved Source, the Source that created galaxies, oceans, butterflies, sub-atomic particles—all space and time. Its power is immeasurable, unfathomable, and endowed in all Its designs. It is the benevolence that nurtures, the Creator of all creatures and all creation. Everywhere without a border, no inside and no outside, it is the very substance of all that is. It is Life. It is the loving Presence that speaks wherever there is a hearer. Loud as all sound, soft as a whisper, It creates.

I am that. The power of the One flows through me and in this recognition, I am empowered. I am a channel and a willing vessel for Life to create through me.

In this understanding, I grasp the immense responsibility to be a clean and open outlet for a definite “yes” to Life’s impulse to love and create and give through me. And that same Power sustains me to say a clear and definite “no” when that is the most life-giving response. The power of Spirit through me engenders courage. It supports me to say “no,” even when it disappoints, because “no” is the most loving answer.

I am thankful for the Spirit-driven courage to speak my truth. I celebrate the power of Spirit to guide my definite “yes” and my definite “no.”

I leave this with the Law of the Divine, joyful that it is already so.

And so it is!

Kathy Galvin, RScP

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Prayer for Fire Fighters

 The all knowing, powerful presence of the Holy Spirit is everywhere. Spirit is divine love, infinite peace, amazing beauty and endless harmony. Spirit is the creative source of the beauty of nature in all of its forms. From beginning to end, Spirit is always available and wise beyond belief.

And if Spirit is everywhere, it is right here within me. I am one with this powerful Spiritual essence for Good. I am Spirit’s light is inspiring me all the time. The life force within me is guiding me. I am joy and peace that withstands anything. The way is made clear before me - where I am there is peace. I am one with the breathtaking beauty and power for Good. All that Spirit is, I am. I know this is true for all of life everywhere and for all sentient beings. And for all people who work in the field of fire protection and safety.

I speak my word now for all the folks in firefighting service to our state and nation, saving lives and homes. I claim and declare their safety throughout their workday. I claim that Divine Wisdom flows through them in each moment guiding their way as they work. I claim that they are protected by the all-powerful force of Spirit helping them with each step they take. And as I am grateful for their service, this energy swells up and fuels gratitude for these individuals who have chosen this occupation. I bless the planes and helicopters as well as everyone on the ground and in positions of command. I claim that Spirit is guiding them, watching over them and making perfect their way. I lean into Spirit to feel a sense of peace and love. There is so much goodness and grace to be felt.

With great gratitude for revealing this truth, that Spirit is everywhere present, I release this my word. It brings me peace to remember the truth. I send it forth into the law where it is acted on to make it so.

And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa





Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Pray for Sanity in Turbulent Times

There is only one – one infinite and powerful presence of Spirit. All knowing, all wise, this presence of Spirit is the creative force behind all of life and it encompasses all of life in its entirety. Spirit is joy and peace; Spirit is love and beauty. Spirit is everywhere present all the time. There is no part of life where Spirit is absent.

Spirit is right here within me. Spirit’s love guides me. Spirit’s creative power lives through me. Spirit’s light shines bright and makes perfect my way every day. I only have to pause and go within to feel that powerful presence of Spirit within me. It is closer than my breath and always available to me, always.

Today I declare that I stay grounded and present in Spirit’s love. Today I align with that power for Good that is Spirit expressing. I lean into this force of love and take one step, and then another, and then another all the time knowing that the love of Spirit is stronger than anything I encounter during my day. I go back to feel that presence of Spirit as many times each day as I need to, to remind myself of this connection to Spirit. It is my personal touchstone of love. I remain in a state of calm and peace as I remember to connect with Spirit who is always within me.

I give thanks now for the truth in this prayer and the reminder that I am one with Spirit all the time.

And so I can release my word as I turn it over to the law that makes it so. And so it is.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A Prayer for Family


One powerful Presence exists everywhere, always has been always will be. The nature of this Presence is creativity as it is the Power that created the universe and everything in it.

This powerful Presence lives itself through each of its creations. Knowing this, I understand that this powerful presence flows through me now, and through each one of us.

I say a word of prayer for the family. During this time where it seems like there’s a lot of family disharmony, I claim peace of mind, and letting it all be for a while. I affirmed that there is a good outcome for every situation and it is evolving right now. There are infinite possibilities for the way families can communicate and heal, and I claim that there is that healing going on right now on whatever level needed. Harmony is restored. I declare self-compassion as my first step in this healing process. I come back over and over again to the truth of who I am; a divine being in this amazing life story.

I rest now in the sweet loving expression of this divine life. I am grateful with a heart filled with thanksgiving knowing that families are just the way they are.

I gratefully release this prayer to that activity of the law that has already made it so, and so it is amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Embracing Values


There is such an amazing Energy that flows in and through and as everything in our universe and beyond. It is the seed of all Creation, constantly expanding and contracting, and expanding again. It is the Heart of all Love, Compassion and Goodness. It is the MindSpring of all Knowledge and Ageless Wisdom. It is the Vision of Abundance and Beauty. It is the Comfort of Peace and Serenity. It is the Source of Light and Life. It is Wholeness, Balance and Harmony. It is Life itself. All in Oneness.

That Energy flows through me as a unique expression of Its Divine Presence. I hear it in the enchanting melody of the perching songbird as it fills me with joy. I see it in the gentle colors of the rising sun and the vibrancy of the evening sunset filling my life with beauty. And I feel it with every beat of my heart, with every breath I take, with every moment I experience. I am that Life. I am that Oneness.

And the values I embrace, the attributes I claim as my own, continuously guide me on my Spiritual Path, and deepen my relationship with the Oneness. I align myself with those values that resonate in my Beingness, as my life, my purpose unfolds. As I focus on my value of love. I see it reflected in everything I encounter and smile as I experience the joy of sharing my Divine Nature. The gifts I have received, the talents I have been given, the values I embrace, the very essence of my true self that I offer to the world, shine a light that brightens even the darkest situation and ripples outwards to impact more than I could possibly imagine.

I am truly grateful for the incredible opportunities that arise as I continue to walk this path, becoming increasingly aware of the Self, the Essence, the One I have always been.

So I release my word into the Word, into Life, into Love, into the Universal Principles, where it dwells in Eternity.

And So It Is.

Skye Freeman
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Treatment Acknowledging Right Body Size and Weight


There is a universal pulse, a rhythm, a heartbeat to everything in nature. Spirit Divine, in Its infinite allness, is nature. Its magnificent presence is all-pervading, everywhere present. It is the genius that imparts healthy well-being. It animates life with joy-filled energy, while keeping the whole in perfect balance.

Understanding that All is Spirit and that it is whole and complete in every way, I know myself as an integral healthy and energetic part of this wholeness, filled with happiness and joy. I have a divine connectivity with every single walking, talking, breathing expression of life because All is One. I realize to my core that the presence of Spirit, which is my essence, abides within me forever, revealing the vibrant health and balance of my body, mind, and spirit. I luxuriate in this feeling of perfect well-being.

 As I steadfastly keep my thoughts on the eternality of this essence that saturates my life, all heaviness is lifted from me. I see, feel, and know a lightness of spirit and soul. I realize the truth of a strong, healthy body and it fills me with a sense of tranquil well-being. I am aware that every single aspect of my life is flourishing in pure health and with flawless alignment. This awareness is made ever more concrete by the nutritional value that infuses the entirety of my being. I eat with joy and a fabulous sense of gratitude for the plenty that is Spirit’s bounty. I choose my share with mindful moderation.  As I feed my body, spirit, and mind, I make deliberate choices that promote the healthiest, most energetic me possible. I easily relinquish anything that does not support robust and vibrant health. I now embrace habits that develop with wonderful rapport in my physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional body and the body of my affairs. All work together in absolute harmony.

I receive my good with complete openness and a happy countenance. I am so very aware that it is the Divine’s great joy to provide me with all the richness of living a happy, healthy, and balanced life. As it is freely given, so do I freely accept the gifts with a lighthearted attitude.

Secure in the awareness of the truth of these words, I joyfully release this treatment to the Law of the Universe. And so it is!

Sheri Pool, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Seeing the Good in Difficult Times

The Beloved Source of all Good is everywhere, forming absolutely all that is. It IS all that is, for what else could anything be made of but the One? The qualities of the One are visible everywhere: beauty, magnificence, equilibrium, plenty, order, power, and more. But most of all limitless, warm receptivity—Love.

I am that. All the qualities and capacities of the Divine reside in me, just looking for an outlet to manifest in the world. And I am a willing outlet, removing anything unlike Spirit so It has a clear path

Good is everywhere available, always ready to flow Its substance into the mold that I create for it with my thoughts and emotions. I recognize the limitless blessings in my life, in my body, in the people I meet, and in the situations I encounter. Good informs my life everywhere. I embrace my part — to look for where It already exists around me and in me. I acknowledge Its presence and celebrate that whatever I need is already here. I joyfully celebrate that the Good I’m looking for is here, now, in myriad forms and my eyes are open to It.

Profoundly grateful with every sighting of the Good that I long for, I relax into the knowing that it is present and I am safe and loved.

Leaving this prayer with the Law, the Divine “Yes!” I accept it is so.  And so, it is.

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Prayer for Sacred Audacity

A Powerful Presence Permeates Everything in our Universe and Beyond. Its Grace, Its Mercy, Its Love and Compassion flow through all Beings and all Circumstances. Its Wisdom inspires all Knowledge. Its Benevolence manifests all Abundance. Its Peace generates all Serenity and Acceptance. It is the Ultimate Source, the Creator of the Grand Picture and Protector of the Tiniest Detail. It is the All in All in All.

And I am an undeniable extension of that Presence. I see it in the bright burst of the morning sun and the fading twinkle of a dying star. I hear it in the jarring roar of an unseasonable thunderstorm and the whisper of a summer breeze. I feel it in the charge of emotion for our loved ones in peril and the gentle wave of contentment as I sip our favorite beverage. I experience it our glimpses of the Grand Picture and perceive it in the emergence of minute details.

I am emboldened to embrace our truth and share it in ways that reflect our authentic selves, the Divine within, supporting our spiritual growth, expanding outwards into our environment, touching everyone and everything we experience. It defines how I choose to show up in the world, sowing seeds of compassion in the midst of disparity, allowing our sense of discomfort, our sense of outrage, to inspire our course of action. I dare to be bold as we interact with our physical world in sacred audacity.

And I am grateful for the opportunities for spiritual growth that this temporal existence provides.

So I release our prayer into the Great Oneness, into Divine Law, into the Eternal Yes. And So It Is.

Skye Freeman
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Accepting Life As It Shows Up

There is one thing going on: the Creative Power, Infinite Love, the Ever Present Source and Supply of this thing called Life, the One Substance and Sustainer of all that is, the Intelligence that is always conspiring for the highest and greatest good.

It is right here, right now showing up as this prayer, as all of life, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown. And so, it is showing up as me; this is true of all life for there is no spot where God is not.

From this understanding I deepen my spiritual practice accepting life just as it shows up and just as it does not. I am willing to let go of unhelpful preconceived ideas of lack, limitation and separation. I open to Goodness and infinite possibilities, remembering that I am never alone, that the Loving Presence abides within me, ever available. I am at home in God, comforted and divinely guided.

I am so grateful.

All is well, I let go and let God. And so it is.

Amada Colt. RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I Am Open to Good


The One Life we call God is the One Energy out of which everything is created and sustained and into which everything returns at the end of its cycle. This Energy is benevolent and personal and, at the same time, universal and impersonal. It is the unconditional positive acceptance and receptivity we all long to receive and embody.

This Benevolent Energy is the core and essence of me, manifesting Itself through me in my behavior and thoughts as far as I allow It. I choose to tune into Its loving prompts by being still and listening with my whole self for Its guidance. I open my consciousness to knowing Spirit’s expression through me. I am clear about what gifts I have to offer and am sensitively tuned in to who is open to receive my gifts because I take my direction from the Beloved Source.

I am amply provided for, so I am free to do this work of allowing Love-Intelligence to bless through me. All who come near me receive Good according to their need and capacity to receive.

I am joy-filled in the recognition of this truth, this knowing of what I am here to do—to allow Spirit to give Its goodness to all in my sphere of influence. All are benefitted who come to me and the good ripples out to the end of time.

These words are activated by Law exactly as they are spoken and so I release them to be realized and made real.

And so it is.

Kathy Galvin, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Prayer for Physical Healing

There is only One Infinite and Eternal Sacred presence. It created everything from Itself and expresses Itself throughout all of creation. It is present everywhere and within everyone sharing its love, wisdom, wholeness, healing and more.

This Sacred presence expresses Itself in, through and as me. I am the human expression of its Wholeness. My life unfolds within It and It is always there at the heart center of my being as a constant guide and loving companion.

I turn within and declare that I am ready, willing and able to accept a complete revelation of Wholeness and healing. As Spirit hears my thoughts every aspect of my body, echoes and reflects its healing power. All of Spirit works in perfect harmony and that same divine harmony moves through me. I am now vibrant, strong and healthy. I am comfortable, at ease and pain free. I can now rest easily and breathe freely. Every organ system and tissue in my body is healing in an easy and effortless way. Anything I may need for this is also revealed to me.
I celebrate the new sense of well-being and my heart is grateful for this permanent new reality.

I release this Word to the Law which makes it so. And so it is.

Rev. Siota Belle
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Prayer for Easy Travel


One power for Good exists in the universe. Known as that one creative substance and intelligence that formed the cosmos and everything in it. It is the motivating power of love and connection, balance, and harmony with perfect timing.

As this one creative force is present everywhere, in, through, and around everything, I know it’s here within me and each one reading this prayer now.

I speak a word of prayer about perfect travel. Understanding that the many complex details of travel are all held in the Mind of this one intelligence. With confidence now there is a knowing that travel plans are already orchestrated perfectly. In this mind of intelligence, I declare that all connections, even the changes in the schedules are the perfect outcome of a blessed journey. I affirm there is a courage that emerges within each heart that is planning, researching trip information, and dealing with changes along the way, knowing that travel is divinely blessed before the first step is taken. Anxiety is released, and in its place excitement about the journey emerges. Releasing any concern about safety, confidence arises instead. Everyone along the way of this journey is kind and helpful.

With gratitude in a heart that now feels confident and ready and excited about the journey ahead, I release this prayer to those spiritual laws that are already acting upon this Word.

Letting it all go now, and letting it be, I rest in the comfort that all is truly well and a great journey is assured. And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Prayer For Finding My Way


There is one power, one presence, one Spiritual essence that is everywhere present and always available. Spirit is love, it is peace, it is harmony, and it is joy. It is the power for good that illumines the way. It is the creator of all things, seen and unseen.

Spirit loves me. I am a creative expression of Spirit in action right here and now on this earth. I have love and harmony, joy and peace right here and now. All that I need is provided by Spirit. Even when I’m broken, or I can’t find my way, Spirit loves me.

I claim and declare that I open the door wide and allow the power and presence of Spirit to show up in my life. I affirm that I dig deep into that knowledge that Spirit is closer than my breath and supports me in my life in all ways. I listen to that voice of Spirit within me and follow the light that Spirit shines on my path. I declare that the past is forgotten and forgiven. I can release any strife and come back into alignment with the Spiritual essence within me.

What a blessing it is to remember that Spirit always has my back. How grateful I am to remember this truth and feel that expand in my life. Like a warm blanket, I am wrapped in gratitude for this love and this truth.

I can release this prayer into the law and let it go. And I let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Prayer for Living a Vibrant Life


The Living Spirit Almighty is here and now. That divine power of infinite wisdom, grace, and love is moving through all of life. For all of life is a part of this Spirit. It knows what it's doing. It’s always creating and recreating on an endless journey of becoming. Always more, never less - more goodness more grace, and more love that flows through all of life.

Spirit is expressing through me and through this prayer today. This divine one is heard in the quiet recesses of my mind and heart. It's always here breathing my breath, beating my heart. It is the very dreams that I dream, calling me to be more.

I accept in this time of prayer that there's an ease as I let go of old ways and step into the vibrancy of life. The vibrancy of the living spirit almighty is guiding us with insight and inspiration. Moving us forward in this and every moment, that we may live from the highest and greatest good. That is Spirit within each and every one of us. I accept that we are guided by the Spirit and that we walk forward with renewed vigor and a gladness in life. We are infused with a strength from the living Spirit Almighty that beats our heart and guides us in every moment.

What a joy it is to know this truth and to have this time in prayer to affirm it. With a joyous thanksgiving for this time in prayer and all the good that comes from it, I just leave the details up to Spirit.

With faith and trust, I release this word knowing it is always heard by the spiritual laws of the universe and given back to overflowing. I just released it now. And so it is. Amen.

Angél Fiorito, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Affirmation:  I see the earth as whole, perfect, and healthy now and always.

In the sweetness of this moment, I recognize there is only One Power, One Presence, and One Life. This Divine Presence is perfect, whole, and complete. It is all creation, all power, all harmony, and all peace and all balance.

In recognizing this, I know that everything is connected to this Divine Presence. As it surrounds and runs through everyone and all things. There is never any separation from this Divine Presence.

I realize and know that the earth is a whole, perfect, and healthy planet in this amazing spiritual universe. The earth is always being divinely guided in every aspect of its evolution. That there is always divine guidance for each one of us in doing what is ours to do to put out the fires and to let go of the drought. The rains will come in the right and perfect time to nourish those areas afflicted by drought and fire. We continue to see the earth as vibrant, dynamic, and healthy planet that supports all life.

With this realization, I experience a sense of gratitude and joy now and always.

I now release these words into the Law of Mind. Knowing it is done. And so, it is.

Rev Joyce Kinzel
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Prayer for Clarity


Recognizing the presence of Spirit everywhere. Spirit is love and peace. Spirit is the all knowing, all powerful, indwelling presence that is always available. Spirit is wisdom and power. Spirit is the creative force behind everything.

I am one with this Spiritual essence. I have within me all of the wisdom, power and love that is available equally to each person reading this prayer. I have within me that creative intelligence and power for good. 

I now align with the wisdom of Spirit. I declare that I can use this wisdom and power within me to make good decisions for my life.  I open to Spirit's wisdom and love to show up in my life to guide and direct me in all decisions. I listen for answers and Spirit expresses them so I can hear them and understand. When I release fear, the answers become clear. When I release anxiety, knowledge and information flows in. I affirm an easy release of anything that doesn't serve me in this time. I allow Spirit to show up in various ways in my life to help me reach clarity. I feel supported and willing to listen to Spirit's guidance in whatever way it shows up.

I am grateful for this time of remembering the truth - that Spirit is always here with me. I am thankful that I can get clarity by listening and letting go.

I release my word now into the law that acts on it right away. I can let it go and rest in the goodness. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Prayer for Healing


This moment is the only real one. Everything else is either a memory or a dream. The creator of all life resides in each present moment and is the giver of loving kindness, miracles, magic, and perfection. When I turn my attention toward it, my willingness to have a shift in circumstances opens wide.

I know that my connection to Spirit is firm. My channel to enlightenment and light is so wide that the healing is able to pour forth. There is nothing blocking it.

As I move forward into this journey of healing, all medical specialists are amazed at the progress of the healing and the apparent magic and miracles. My faith is strong and my connection to the divine is wide open. I affirm that miracles have already taken place and uplifts everyone involved. Everything that needs to take place, is realigning perfectly for the greatest and highest good. The rest of the healing happens as needed which brings back vibrant vitality. I know healing is already happening and my faith is made stronger with each day as the progress continues.

Feeling these immense blessings and the sense of gratitude is where I like to rest.

I submit this spiritual mind treatment to the movement and activity of the law which takes the impress and transforms everything for the highest and greatest good. I allow it all to unfold in its divine way.

And so it is. Blessed be.

Jennifer Mann, RScP Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Simple Spiritual Mind Treatment for Children

Volunteering in the nursery was the first service I embraced at the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa in the late 1990's. Taking care of babies and toddlers was my joy and their parents or grandparents could have some uninterrupted time to take in the message. At that time, I did not have any grandchildren, and I loved being with those little ones and recognizing Spirit expressing as these curious beings.  Each Sunday, we taught these toddlers a candle lighting ceremony with felt candles and flames. They loved taking turns "lighting" the candles. The teacher spoke these words as the children put up the candles one at a time.  God is life, I am life. God is light, I am light. God is joy, I am joy. God is peace, I am peace. God is love, I am love. God is beauty, I am beauty. God is power, I am power. After that, we taught them a short spiritual mind treatment with arm movements that the toddlers enthusiastically joined in doing. Those first two lines have stuck with me and I use them when I need a shortcut to get to the realization step.  Here is that prayer for children with hand/arm movements.

Recognition: God is all there is.  (Open arms wide)

Unification: I am one with God. (Hug yourself)

Realization: I have everything I need. (Hold hands out, palms open facing up)

Thanksgiving: I give thanks. (Place hands at the heart, palms together)

Release: And I let go. (Swing arms up in the air)

Bette Smith, RScP Emeritus

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa