Saturday, January 6, 2018

I Remember My Connection


There is only One. It is the infinite in and through and as all being, the source and sustainer of all that is. This all-knowing, boundless loving presence enfolds all in its embrace. It is the formed and the formless. It brings the invisible into being, creating from itself anew in each moment. It is the breath, the heartbeat, lover and beloved of all. It cherishes and sustains all that is, acting on behalf of its creation for the highest good. There is no other, all is within the One.

And so I am made of this, inseparable from the Divine. There is no place where I end and the rest of this life begins. I am an expression of the Divine, a place where God shows up. I am a vessel and instrument that God flows through, imbued with and made of this one presence. I am within its ocean of being. I am a part of this sacred presence.

From this awareness I speak this prayer for myself and all life. I rest in its fullness and power. I embrace my intuition, that voice within, giving it more space to guide and inform me as I move through my daily activities. I slow down to notice and connect, looking beyond appearances to embrace what is before me in new and unexpected ways remembering my connection to all that is. I welcome a growing sense of awe and wonder in the midst of life showing up just as it is and just as it isn't, in all its beautiful messiness, resting in life's seamless nature. I more easily laugh, see joy, beauty and goodness, finding new ways to navigate what appears broken or disconnected. I grow in daily spiritual practice. I soften as I generously listen and think from my heart. I celebrate life, allowing a greater expression of its connection and oneness through me.

With reverence and delight I rest in this spiritual truth. It is already acted upon, known and done within the One.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP