Monday, February 26, 2024

Prayer for Right Livelihood and Perfect Job


There is one divine Source, the singular Creator, embodying the pinnacle of Intelligence, generously imparting itself to all aspects of life. The universe moves in a seamless rhythm, orchestrated by this unparalleled Power – infinite, eternal, and all-encompassing. Within the dynamic action of the one divine Life lies the potential for endless possibilities and expansion.

I am integrally part of this dynamic action of the divine. The Source of Life bestows its nature upon me fully and freely. I am guided from within by this flawless Intelligence.

At this moment, the universe aligns in support of me. I engage each opportunity and possibility with openness and grace. My trust is profound and steadfast, and I approach every situation with confidence. Relying on the perfect intelligence that orchestrates the cosmos, harmony is brought into my life. The right livelihood is my divine right, and I am assured that the ideal job is presently mine to embrace. I am fully supported, energized, and motivated to move towards my aspirations. My heart is filled with joyful expectancy, secure in the understanding that everything is unfolding as it should.

With sincere gratitude, I recognize the manifestation of the right livelihood and the ideal job in my life.

With certainty, I release these intentions into the responsive law of creation, trusting in their immediate and precise realization.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 19, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Wholeness, Healing and Connection

Recognition (The Infinite Force of Creation): In the vastness of existence, there exists an unlimited, all-powerful force that ceaselessly gives of itself to all creation. This divine intelligence, this great healing power, is ever at work, creating and renewing the splendor of life. Every aspect of creation and the forces behind it are intricately woven into a magnificent tapestry, the great web of life. This immense wholeness is the fundamental essence of all beings.

Unification (My Essence with the Great Wholeness): This grand wholeness is not only around me but is my very essence. It is what I am. As I voice my intentions, all the power of creation aligns with this profound truth.

Realization (Affirming Healing and Connection): I am in unity with this spiritual life force. Through me flows the energy of renewal and wholeness. I am one with Spirit, one with life. I wholeheartedly accept complete healing for myself. Every part of my being is inclined towards greater wholeness. Freedom from discomfort is my inherent state, now being restored within me. I embrace a profound connection to the Spirit and a deep bond with family and friends. Support and guidance are perpetually available to me.

Thanksgiving and Release (Gratitude and Letting Go): I am deeply thankful for the realization of this wholeness in my life. Confident in its manifestation, I accept it as already fulfilled.

I release these words into the Law of the Universe and let it be.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Prayer - To See Through the Lens of Love


The consciousness of Spirit is boundless, ultimate, and absolute. It encompasses every being and every element of existence, casting its clear light and revealing the spiritual truth. Each facet of life is graced with its elegance and splendor, created from its boundless love and generosity. This all-seeing, all-knowing Spirit is the source of all creation.

I am an integral part of this consciousness of Spirit. This clear, illuminating light of Spirit perpetually shines upon me. Within me reside its elegance, grace, and vibrancy. I am a living embodiment of the Spirit's beauty and oneness.

I now immerse myself in the awareness of my union with Spirit and all of life. The Spirit's breath is my breath. Its beauty and grace illuminate my path, guiding me with clarity. As I internalize this deep understanding, I view the world through a lens of love. The healing presence within me acts as a transformative force, shaping the world around me. I am filled with courage and compassion, contributing to the unfolding of a higher vision.

I rejoice in this recognition and realization of my unity with the transformative power of Spirit. I embrace the ability to effect change through love, acknowledging this truth within me.

I accept this understanding as true and already in effect.

And So It Is.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Embracing Inner Divinity


1. Recognition (The Essence of Divinity): In the universe, an all-powerful creative life force exists, known today as Divinity. This force is the creator, guide, and sustainer of all life. Its nature is characterized by love and light, embodying goodness, joy, and beauty in its constant expression through all of creation. Infinite, eternal, and supremely generous, it unifies all life with its love and light.

2. Unification (My Oneness with Divinity): I am inextricably linked with this Divinity. Its powerful life force vibrates within me, making me an essential aspect of creation. In me thrive the goodness and beauty of life, and I am a living expression of the love and light of Divinity. Joy and beauty are the essence of my being.

3. Realization (Embracing Divine Love and Light): I now affirm my openness to the warmth of divine love. I seek and find countless ways to express my inherent kindness and joy. I recognize goodness and beauty in the world around me and deep within myself. Every breath I take reconnects me with the profound truth of my original nature. I willingly follow the guidance towards my best expression of love and light, embracing the wonder of being alive and celebrating this gift through my thoughts, words, and actions. Nothing can separate me from this divine glory.

4. Thanksgiving (Gratitude for Divine Connection): I am filled with gratitude for this deep understanding within me. I cherish this connection to the Divine essence and its constant presence in my life.

5. Release (Confidence in the Spiritual Process): With a heart full of trust, I release this prayer into the creative force of the Divine, confident in its perfect realization in my life.

And So It Is.