Saturday, June 27, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for Love, Forgiveness and Kindness

Embracing this present moment where God is everywhere present as the divine substance of all that is, the seen and the unseen, that which comes into being through the Divine. It is the length and breadth of all that is, the physical and invisible. God is the source and sustainer, boundless love and compassion, infinite intelligence, peace and balance.

This is what I am made of, lt is is the substance of all creation. It is the source of this prayer. I am inseparable from this irrepressible truth.

From this awareness I speak this prayer for and about myself and all life. I open to love, forgiveness and kindness. I lean into the strength of God as I align myself with words and actions that support and respect all life. I welcome and seek out life affirming connections amidst racial injustice and the continuing pandemic as light shines on all that needs healing in our world. I accept that God is 100 % available as the omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent creator of this one life. I am never alone. God abides within me. I am at home in God.

With a grateful heart I realize this spiritual truth. I let go and let God, confident it has already been acted upon by the Law.

And so it is.

Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for the United States

There is only one perfect, whole, and complete Presence.  It is the seen and the unseen. It is the far and wide; It is the here and now. It is the conscious thoughts of the cosmos, the beating heart of the Earth, the invisible thread that runs through all of existence. A never-ending boundary of all this is known and unknown. It is baffling in size, and resource, and grace, and generosity. It is equally present in every moment, space, and time. It is all there is. It is The Thing Itself. The Original. The Source. Constant. Inclusive. Benevolent. It is Unconditional Love. It is Kinship. It is Peace. It is Rich and Lavish Goodness, and It is abundant in Its availability.

And in this perfect moment, with this very breath, I draw my consciousness into deeper awareness of this Goodness. This one Divine Presence, this Infinite Kinship. This ever available and present Joy, Love, Beauty. I know It dwells with me, within me, through me. I am an intentional and integral expression of the Whole. And as I know this is true for myself, I know this is true for every citizen, every immigrant, every alien, every adult, every woman, every child, every man, every veteran, every politician, every voter, every party supporter, every student, every clergy member, the rich, poor, young, old, he, she, they, us, them... EVERYONE of The United States of America. Period. Without hesitation, exception, or reservation. We are ALL intentional and integral expressions of the One… And this understanding, this knowing: It warms me, It consumes me. I can feel It in every fiber of my being. It saturates my mind and my thoughts. The same thoughts that form my words of Absolute Truth for my country right now.

The highest and best good for the United States is realized and present right now. We are empathy. We are love, concern, and conviction. We are unconditional peace, benevolence, and compassion. We are resourceful. We are creative. Each and every conversation, experience, and thought is an integral Divine Action. Our highest and best Good pours through us and into Life. Every moment. Every breath. Through our smiles. Through our helping hands. Through our differing perspectives. Through our conversations, our communication, through our trials and so called errors. We are perfect Divine Action without falter. Every single one of us. And as such our Country is a perfect, whole, and complete expression of our Divinity.

And knowing our Divine Perfection, I express awe for the magnificence of the One. I celebrate our true capacity, and the bountiful Goodness that lay before us right now. I revel with joy and splendor for our glorious Country. And I call it a Blessing for it is Good.

And as I exhale, I release these words into Divine Law, and the Law responds with a Sublime Yes. It is Good, and it is done. So It Is.

 Crystal Weinper
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for a Mother's Loving Heart

Resting in the loving consciousness of Mother-Father God, there is only One. It envelopes all of creation within its infinite intelligence, power and joy. All is created from and abides in this divine eternal womb, no thing is outside of it.

I am birthed and sustained by this everywhere present loving One, inseparable from my divine nature.  As this is true for me it is true for all of creation. There is no spot where God is not.

I speak my word for and about all beings, all life, Mother Nature, every molecule, atom and electron. I honor the care, kindness and devotion embodied by mothers and all who care for others in their homes, by going to their jobs, and in their work lives and communities. I accept a growing recognition of the essential nature and value of all beings, all life. I affirm hearts opening and growing during these unusual world circumstances. New and vital human connections are developing. Infinite possibilities, thoughts, ideas and belief in a world that works for everyone are irresistible, unfolding in seen and unseen ways. I celebrate the loving mothers' hearts that abide within us all.

I gratefully acknowledge this shift in consciousness.I am assured it is already known and done in the heart and mind of God.

And so it is. Amen
Amada Colt, RScP

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Affirmative Prayer for Renewal in Times of Crisis

A divine substance flows through all life.  This creative medium unfolds itself in infinite varieties of expression. It is a brilliant, beautiful, loving entity.  Its nature is seen in the determination of seeds growing in spring; the exquisite display of flowers in first bloom, there is an awe that quickens the heart becoming aware of this eternal power.

This creative intelligence flows through me now.  It automatically breathes my body which is the body of this spirit incarnate. And as that’s true for me, it’s true for each one of us; that the divine lives as us.  We are its senses experiencing this present moment in time.

This prayer sets the intention for our planet to evolve through crisis rapidly, returning to wholeness, health, balance; internal and external harmony quickly.  And I affirm my body and mind remain steadfast on the glory of the divine unfolding and blooming all around me.  I declare my family, community, country and world grow together as one family sharing resources and loving compassion.  Hearts are uplifted seeing our world healing as one; nurturing ourselves and others to the best of our abilities.

Grateful that this life unfolds perfectly, I thank the helpers and responders, and all of us that up-level the universal consciousness with our spiritual practices. 

Easily releasing this prayer to the universal laws, I rest in confidence that life renews itself over and over again infinitely revealing itself before me as beauty, love, health, harmony, compassion and ease.

And so it is. Amen.

Andra Sandberg, RScP