Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Resilient Spiritual Community

Creative Intelligence, Eternal Love, Wholeness and Abundance are everywhere present, and in within each human and creature in every moment expressing their highest good. In this moment and in this place Great Spirit is omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent. The Creative Force in the universe supports good everywhere and in every creature.

The intelligence, love, and grace support the good in my life, and in the life of each of us. Spiritual Truth is within us and in our lives, with our country, and with our world during this pandemic.

God is good and supports us to work as one to raise the standards for all humanity, and improve environmental sustainability. We will survive, thrive, and live to see a better time. We move everyday towards a world which works for everyone.

I commit to spiritual practice to raise my consciousness to believe in the highest good for all. I meditate and work toward a thriving and resilient Center for Spiritual Living in Santa Rosa, my community.

I am grateful there is a power greater than I am. We can use It. We will use It. This truth of the higher power that is Good, Love, Light, Infinite Power, Mind, and Presence and is available to us for our use.  

I release this Word into Spiritual Principles and know that it is already true.

 And so it is.

Laura Hudgins

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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