Saturday, July 4, 2020

Love and Forgiveness

Love and Forgiveness

The Love of God is unlimited, expansive and unconditional. It is present in all of creation, fully active everywhere, all the time.

This  Love, expansive and unlimited, inclusive and all-powerful, is present and available in me and through me.

I have full access to Love. I practice releasing all blocks to love. I practice forgiveness and my heart opens to a fuller, deeper experience of Love. Love of Spirit sustains me and lifts me up and I find my way moment to moment to live in Love. I breathe in Love, I am Love wherever I go. I wake up in love with life. My energy is restored by Love. Love brings me to joy.

I am grateful for this realization about my relationship with Love and how Love is in me and my life.

I release this Word of prayer in faith and trust.

And So It is.

Diane Tapogna, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa