It follows that I am created from and by this infinite source and sustainer, an integral part of this one life, connected to all that is through the will and power of the Divine. I am inseparable from creation and my Creator. God breathes through me and beats my heart.
As this is true for me this is true for all life. From this awareness I speak this prayer for and about all beings, all creation. There is no spot where Mother-Father God is not, It being the source and inception of all that is. I lean into Its accepting and supportive presence in my everyday activities, in what I consider ordinary and extraordinary circumstances, conditions and situations. With this understanding, I know that God is my ballast amidst turmoil and uncertainty, and celebrates with me in times of appreciation and gratitude. I recognize and share my gifts. My daily spiritual practice of prayer, contemplation and meditation deepen and support me in however life is showing up. I journal, meet with my practitioner, walk in nature, practice yoga. I am comforted and supported by activities that help me be present with how life is showing up.
I rest in gratitude for these spiritual truths. I am absolutely assured that this prayer is already known and done in the mind of God.
I let go and let God.
And so it is.
Amada Colt, RScP
Foothill CSL