There is one life living itself as everything in this manifest world. Its nature is love and peace and wholeness and wonder. This amazing life lives itself unconditionally through all of its creation. I am a unique expression of it just as everyone else is.
Each one of us a divine embodiment of this one living spirit. In this prayer I affirm that everyday miracles show up regardless of circumstance, regardless of conflict, regardless of appearances. This amazing life is available in all of its beauty, wonder, and amazing delight to all of us, all the time.
So tuning into this one living power that has created all that we know and all that we don’t know yet, I declare that all is well in the mind of God and showing up now in our lives as everyday wonder and amazing grace.
In loving gratitude, I release this prayer, understanding that it is already being made so by this powerful mind of God.
And So It Is
Andra Sandberg, RScP