Recognizing this One Consciousness, this allness of being, in around, through, is Life Itself, eternally unfolding and manifesting as Love. It is the Infinite, Compassionate Source and Sustainer; the Mother and Father of the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, enfolding all within Its embrace.
And so as I am made of this divine substance and abide within this One Presence, connected to all that is, I have no edges; there is no place that I end and the rest of Life begins. I am irrevocably within this One Body, Mind, and Spirit of beingness.
I breathe into this sweet awareness and allow any imagined walls or barriers to crumble and melt away. I am sister and brother and steward to all life. I remember that what transpires anywhere effects all of life. I affirm this in my daily spiritual practice, it informs my thoughts, prayers, words, and actions. I develop greater kindness, charity, and compassion for myself and others. I cherish and celebrate Life in all Its forms and diversity.
I am so blessed and grateful to be here in this One Life, for the opportunity to be the best version of myself, to support the same for others, and all expressions of life.
I am assured that this prayer is already known and done in the mind of God.
And so it is. Amen.
Amada Colt, RScP