There is only one life, one breath, one heartbeat. It is that of the Divine, in, through, around, and as the ground of all being, the One Source and Sustainer of all life. No thing is outside of it. It is at the center and circumference of this one Life, the great I Am. Its creative power, intelligence, and compassion are boundless and everywhere present.
It follows that I am here on purpose through the will of this one Mother-Father God, however I name it. I am inseparable from this divine consciousness. I live, move, and have my being within It. As this is true for me, this is true of all life and therefore each of us.
With this understanding, I declare a growing awareness of these truths, waking up to the divine nature of being within each breath and heartbeat that flows through me. I meet each moment with a willingness to let go of unhelpful thoughts of lack, limitation, separation, and fear. However life is showing up, God is present and 100 % available, just as life is and just as it is not. I lean into this divine embrace that always enfolds me. I welcome Life’s ability to wake me up with opportunities to melt away that which does not serve me. I know this for all of life.
I gratefully rest in these spiritual truths, confident that this prayer is known and done in the mind of God.
And so it is. Amen
Amada Colt, RScP