To experience more physical energy.
Recognition: There is a Power that has created
everything. It is the Power of Life Itself, and It is present throughout all of
creation. It continuously gives of Itself to support, sustain, and empower all
It has created.
Unification: I am one with this Power. Its
Life is my life. Its strength is present as me. Its life-supporting and
life-sustaining essence flows through me
Realization: Therefore, as I go through my
daily life, this one Power must be infusing all of my activities, providing all
the energy I need for whatever is required. So I now accept an awareness of the
life-giving properties of the Divine one, vitalizing me right here and right
now. I allow Its Power and Its strength to be felt and experienced by me in all
that I do, from the moment I arise in the morning, until I lie down to rest at
night. And as I peacefully sleep, I know that It is restoring and renewing me
for the activities of the next day, so that I once again arise energized.
Thanksgiving: I give thanks for the awareness of this Divine Power. I celebrate, the
many ways this awareness blesses my activities and my experience.
Release: Knowing that what has happened in
Mind must bear results in form, I release this treatment to That which makes it
And so it is.
Reverend Joyce Duffala
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa