Saturday, November 16, 2019

Affirmative Prayer for a Forgiving Heart

There is one living Spirit that is the source of absolute unconditional love. This love is ever present and eternal. The nature of the Spirit is forgiveness, wholeness and healing.

As this Spirit is present in all of life, this Spirit is present in me as forgiveness, love, wholeness and healing.

Therefore, I accept that love is present in all my relationships: past, present and future. I declare if there is anything in me that needs to be released it is right now letting go and I enter into my natural state of forgiveness. Wholeness and healing are right now being restored in my life. I forgive myself, I forgive life, I forgive others. I am renewed by the Spirit and I accept a life filled with freedom and open-heartedness. My heart is filled with forgiveness.

I give thanks for this realization and I accept it as done.

And So It Is

Diane Tapogna, RScP

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Affirmative Prayer for Highest Good

There is only One Life, One Mind, one Creative Force in the Universe. God, Goddess, Spirit, Nature, Divine Mind—by whatever name I call it, it always responds. I cannot absence myself from this presence or remove myself from its care.

I am one with this eternal, loving presence. As I recognize this truth for myself, I recognize it in all.

Today I live in full awareness that God is my source, and that my life is unfolding in the most magnificent way. Any and all challenges come to pass as I am divinely guided to right choice and right action. Spirit leads me every step of the way. Knowing I don’t have to do it all myself, I relax and open to an expectancy and acceptance of my highest good—as health, loving relationships, right employment, financial abundance and my perfect self-expression in the world.

With a grateful heart I accept all this and more, for there is no limit in Spirit. And gratefully, I release this my word with complete confidence, aware of Spirit as the source and substance of all my supply. AND SO IT IS!

Pamela Heck, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa