Monday, January 29, 2024

Spiritual Mind Treatment for Police Officers

There is one singular, all-encompassing life force, a universal consciousness that permeates every aspect of existence. This presence is the source of all life, flowing through every person, place, and thing. It is the essence of harmony and balance, constantly available at the core of everything.

This infinite and all-knowing presence is ever-present. It dwells within me, surrounds me, and flows through me. The wisdom and knowledge available in one part of this universal field are accessible to all, for we are all woven from the same fabric of existence.

Recognizing this interconnected field of being, I now focus my intentions on all law enforcement personnel and police officers. I acknowledge that they are supported and guided by this loving universal presence. In their duty to uphold peace, order, and harmony in the community, I affirm that they are enveloped in wisdom and clarity, knowing that there is no situation where they are separate from their Source.

I am deeply grateful for the people who have answered the call to serve our community. I honor their commitment to fostering harmony. I am thankful for the guiding laws of the Universal Mind that oversee their actions and lead us all toward greater peace and understanding.

With this treatment, I release these words into the responsive Law of the Universe, secure in the knowledge that all is in harmony.

And So It Is.

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