Monday, February 26, 2024

Prayer for Right Livelihood and Perfect Job


There is one divine Source, the singular Creator, embodying the pinnacle of Intelligence, generously imparting itself to all aspects of life. The universe moves in a seamless rhythm, orchestrated by this unparalleled Power – infinite, eternal, and all-encompassing. Within the dynamic action of the one divine Life lies the potential for endless possibilities and expansion.

I am integrally part of this dynamic action of the divine. The Source of Life bestows its nature upon me fully and freely. I am guided from within by this flawless Intelligence.

At this moment, the universe aligns in support of me. I engage each opportunity and possibility with openness and grace. My trust is profound and steadfast, and I approach every situation with confidence. Relying on the perfect intelligence that orchestrates the cosmos, harmony is brought into my life. The right livelihood is my divine right, and I am assured that the ideal job is presently mine to embrace. I am fully supported, energized, and motivated to move towards my aspirations. My heart is filled with joyful expectancy, secure in the understanding that everything is unfolding as it should.

With sincere gratitude, I recognize the manifestation of the right livelihood and the ideal job in my life.

With certainty, I release these intentions into the responsive law of creation, trusting in their immediate and precise realization.

And So It Is.

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