Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Prayer for Divine Guidance


I stop in this moment to recognize the one Presence of Life, the Source of all of Creation. It is Infinite Intelligence and the Power that brings forth everything and everyone, making all out of the one substance. It holds and enfolds all that there is, creating anew in every moment. It is Life, Light, and Divine Love. It is the Peace beyond human understanding, And it is right here, right now. It is all there is, ever abiding in its Wholeness. 

 I know that I am one with this Presence. It lives as every aspect of my being, for it has made me in my uniqueness. It is everywhere I am, for there is truly no separation. And I know this Truth for all those I hold near and dear in my heart. It is the Truth for all beings. The One Intelligence animates all. Divine Love and Peace live as the essence of all, for we are made of and by and from this One. 

So I let myself rest in this awareness, to feel its warm embrace. Divine Love comforts me and assures me. I open to the Peace at the center of my being and call upon it to companion me in my life Beyond all that I can see and know, there is only this one Life. I listen for Divine guidance in all I think and say and do. I accept this highest Truth for each and everyone of us, and for our world. For we are all an integral part of the One. I stand firm in this Truth that we may each awaken to this knowing and allow the One Spirit to flow through us and around us. 

 I am thankful for this call home in conscious awareness, for this prayer known and done. And so in gratitude, I release this word and I let it be. 

 And so it is. Amen

Rev. Ruth Barnhart
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Illumination of the Inner Light

There is one eternal Light, a boundless Source of wisdom, clarity, and love that illuminates all of existence. This Light is ever-present, infinite, and unchanging, radiating through all creation with perfect guidance and intelligence.
This Light flows through me and expresses uniquely as me. I am a lens through which this infinite Light shines into the world, inseparably connected to its Source. It moves through every thought, action, and moment of my life, guiding and inspiring me with its clarity and wisdom.
This Light brings clarity, understanding, and harmony to all situations. It illuminates paths that may seem uncertain, inspires right action, and reveals the truth in all things. In this moment, my awareness of the inner Light grows stronger, radiating peace, kindness, and wisdom into every corner of life. The Light guides every step, creating outcomes that are good, whole, and aligned with the highest potential.
Gratitude fills my heart for the unending presence of this Light, for its illumination of the path ahead, and for the clarity it brings to all aspects of life. The awareness of this connection is a gift and a blessing, always available and always sustaining.
This treatment is released into the perfect operation of the Law, knowing that the Light is already shining brightly and that its truth is fully expressed. It is done, and so it is.

Dr. Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Gratitude Prayer

Divine Presence, Great Spirit, Infinite One, This All knowing One which is everywhere present, even in the darkest night and in the brightest day. It is love, peace, joy and wisdom existing now and forever.

As I acknowledge this one presence, I know that I am a unique and creative expression of this Infinite One. I am the expression of love, peace, joy and wisdom. I know this is true for each one of us, at the center of our being. Each of us has an equal share of love, strength and kindness.

From this place of unity with Spirit, I declare my gratitude for this truth and this deeper understanding of this eternal presence of Spirit. I claim that I put gratitude first in my daily life and acknowledge gratitude throughout the day. I reach into that power of love within me and practice this love with everyone I encounter throughout my days. I sink deeply into gratitude and count my blessings.

I am so grateful for this time of remembering the truth, that Spirit is everywhere present in all life.

I release my word now into the Law which makes it so, knowing it is already in motion.

I let go and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Prayer for Health


There is only one infinite creator of all that is - that spark that has brought all that has existed, now exists, or ever will exist into being. This creator, which I call Spirit, is mind boggling in its infinite creativity - every rock is unique; every snowflake its own beautiful design; every person is unique and individual within the all-ness of creation. Spirit creates everything out of love, joy, peace, harmony, health, and so much more, and passes all these attributes onto all its creations.

Which means that Spirit’s love, joy, peace, harmony, and health lives within me now and
always. I am never without my internal guidance system from Spirit which knows exactly what
to do in any given situation to achieve my highest good. Spirit is pure health, and this pure
health is my birthright simply because I exist.

So I take a moment to remember that the greatest healer is already within me. I willingly open
myself to hearing Spirit’s guidance clearer than ever before, and I easily take the necessary
action to bring about my highest good and radiant health. I declare that anything that I need
to manifest my return to physical wholeness and wellbeing comes to me clearly and easily. I
allow myself to relax and let go as I turn my health over to Spirit, and this allows me to rest
my body, mind, and spirit so that the healing can manifest completely.

I am grateful beyond words to remember the truth of my wholeness and health,

And it is with a lighter heart that I release this prayer into the activity of the Law to make it
manifest in form and action.

And so it is.

Sue Faria, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

I Sleep In Peace

In this very moment I am aware of feeling the Creator’s presence. It is my heartbeat at all times; waking, sleeping, through activity, and through stillness. Spirit Divine, a constant companion, is ongoing love, compassion, and supreme protection. This companion is perpetual, never wavering, and always a blessing.

Through the very act of each breath and every heartbeat, I am aware that my being is a blessed part of Spirit. All that I am, every thought, word, and activity, is my own unique identity of Spirit’s expression as me. All is intact, a beautiful out picturing of Spirit in form, and I am aware of my own divinity and presence in all I think and do.

With an awareness of Spirit’s blanket of protection, Its presence is my very presence, so that I lay myself down to sleep with complete confidence that all is well. I release any lingering thoughts of previous night’s interference as I relax any tension from my body and thoughts, and calm any restlessness from my thinking. Gone are worry and anxiety as I feel Spirit’s shield of protection upon me. The Divine’s hand upon and within me is a gentle reminder that no harm can befall me as I slumber. I realize that Spirit ministers my heart and soul with the precious gift of restful and rejuvenating sleep. I realize, too, that times of transition, new direction, and lovely new paths to explore, enhance and balance my life so that I sleep in peace and arise in the morning filled with the joy of a new day, a new beginning.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude for Spirit’s outpouring of love that saturates my whole being. I am grateful for sweet, sweet natural sleep that I sink into and enjoy fully.

Ever aware of this natural connection, I easily release these words with ease and acceptance. And so it is.

Sheri Pool, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa