Tuesday, January 28, 2025



There is one Life, one source for all that is, one energy and essence that is in all people, places and situations. I call this all-ness Spirit, and it is peace and love, strength and beauty. Spirit is eternal and infinite, creator of all that is now, all that has ever been, and all that will ever be. There is nothing outside of or beyond the loving presence of Spirit.

This is who I am, who each one of us are. Spirit is right where we are – in us, as us, surrounding and supporting us in every moment. There is no circumstance or situation that is beyond the loving heart of Spirit; no place that is without Spirit’s strength and peace. Whether we recognize it or not, Spirit is always present. Always.

It is from this place of truth that I speak my word as I claim that the miracle working power of Spirit is right where I am and is also with those who I love as well as total strangers. In remembering the eternality of Spirit, I accept for all of us a greater awareness that all is well on the unseen side, and that we are able to provide comfort for each other in loving, supportive, peaceful ways. I declare that loving kindness permeates each person touched by this prayer, and that all are strengthened and supported through the power of love.

With a heart overflowing with gratitude, I simply say thank you.

It is with faith and confidence that I release this, my word, into the immutable law that takes it and makes it so.

And so it is. Amen.

Sue Faria, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Stable Support

Spirit is all there is. Spirit is the source of life and love. Strong, powerful, all knowing and wise, Spirit is the guidance and intelligence in this life. Beyond all material things, Spirit’s essence is everlasting and complete. Spirit is the rock of strength and power beyond anything visible in form.

I know that this power and intelligence of Spirit is right here where I am. Spirit is everywhere and that includes me. Spirit guides me in all ways through the steady support that is with me all the time.

I declare that all my needs are met. The comfort and peace I seek is present now. As I turn within, the stable support I long for is right here. With each breath I breathe, I find myself turning to the power within me to steady me. Like a ship in a safe harbor, I am anchored in the love of Spirit. I claim that I am open to Spirit’s guidance to know my way forward when it seems too dark to go on. I know that Spirit is with me all the time and I lean into that guidance now to help me navigate my way ahead.

With such gratitude and thanksgiving for this time of reset through prayer, I can let go.

I release this word into the law which makes it so. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa


Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Daily Meditation Practice

Spirit is all there is. Spirit is the source of all and the sustainer of life. Spirit is love and peace. Spirit is everywhere present, in the seen and unseen. Spirit is the divine activity ever changing and creating anew all the time.

I am one with this essence of life. I am an expression of Spirit’s love and peace. Since Spirit is everywhere present, it is right here within me. It propels me forward and is the creator of all the activity in my life.

With this understanding, I speak my word for my spiritual practice of meditation. As I align with the spiritual essence within me, I am grateful for my daily meditation practice. I declare that I tune into Spirit’s love and power within me with a consistent schedule. This time of stillness and quiet brings me closer that inner guidance and gives me peace. In this time of silence, I feel a reset in my emotions and mental health.

With gratitude and love, I rejoice in this time of prayer.

I release this prayer into the law and let it be. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Setting Intentions

Spirit is love and light. Spirit is joy and peace. Spirit is the creative presence and unlimited wisdom, all knowing and all wise. The power of Spirit makes the stars shine at night and the birds sing their sweet songs. Abundance is its nature.

I am part of this creative essence since Spirit is right here where I am. This is true for me and anyone who reads this prayer. Each one of us is a powerful expression of light and love, joy and peace. Each of us has within access to the power of Spirit to bring wisdom into our lives.

I now set my intention for this new beginning of the year to align with that creative power within me. I declare that I take time now to renew my sense of wonder and awe at this Spiritual essence within me. I take time to recognize this sacred part of me and honor the ways that Spirit shows up just when I need a Spiritual boost. As I commune with Spirit within me, my life unfolds for the better. I feel the connection with Spirit right now as I set my intentions for this new year. May I find my center and Spirit’s guidance whenever I need it.

How grateful I am to remember the truth, that Spirit is my guide all the time in every way.

I release my word into the power of the law that always says yes. And so it is. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa