This is who I am, who each one of us are. Spirit is right where we are – in us, as us, surrounding and supporting us in every moment. There is no circumstance or situation that is beyond the loving heart of Spirit; no place that is without Spirit’s strength and peace. Whether we recognize it or not, Spirit is always present. Always.
It is from this place of truth that I speak my word as I claim that the miracle working power of Spirit is right where I am and is also with those who I love as well as total strangers. In remembering the eternality of Spirit, I accept for all of us a greater awareness that all is well on the unseen side, and that we are able to provide comfort for each other in loving, supportive, peaceful ways. I declare that loving kindness permeates each person touched by this prayer, and that all are strengthened and supported through the power of love.
With a heart overflowing with gratitude, I simply say thank you.
It is with faith and confidence that I release this, my word, into the immutable law that takes it and makes it so.
And so it is. Amen.
Sue Faria, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa