1. Recognition
There is One Infinite Creative Power, a fluid and ever-evolving force that expresses itself through all of existence. This Power is limitless, expansive, and always in motion, bringing life, creativity, and possibility into form. This Presence flows through all things, including my own consciousness.
2. Unification
I am one with this Creative Power. It flows in, through, and as me. Just as this Power is boundless, I, too, am a fluid, creative expression of Infinite Intelligence. There is no separation between me and the creative force that shapes reality. This means that the same expansive potential that animates the universe is available to me here and now.
3. Realization
I realize that no condition in my life is fixed or immovable. What seems solid and unchangeable is, in truth, subject to the fluid nature of the Creative Power within me. I have the ability to focus my creative energy on building new models and new directions. As I name my desires, conceive them in mind, and speak them into being, Life's infinite potential supports me in their manifestation.
I affirm that I have the power to shift my mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. I release limiting beliefs formed by culture, upbringing, or experience. My deeper mind is fertile ground for new, expansive ideas that serve my highest good. I am open to the possibilities that arise when I align with the creative flow of Life.
4. Thanksgiving
I give thanks for the fluid, limitless nature of the Creative Power that flows through me. I am grateful for the ability to recognize, name, and create new possibilities in my life. I appreciate the wisdom, strength, and flexibility that allow me to land firmly in my spirituality, no matter what challenges arise. I celebrate the new directions that unfold from my conscious intention and creative action.
5. Release
I release this word into the Infinite Law, knowing it is acted upon and made manifest with grace and ease. I let go, trusting that the Creative Power of Life flows effortlessly toward my attention and intention. It is done, and so it is.
Dr. Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa