Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Be the Light

Spirit is everywhere, all around, in and through all things seen and unseen. This powerful yet gentle source of it all is like a light that shines all the time all over the world. It is the light of love and peace, beauty and harmony and joy. It is never extinguished no matter what is going on.

If Spirit is everywhere, then it must be right here within me. The light of love and peace, beauty and harmony is right here where I am. It is the source of joy in my life and is never extinguished. Even though I can’t see it or feel it, this wonderful source of power and creativity is right here within me.

And now I align with the source of light within me. As I become still, I sense the presence of love and peace within me. As I remember that I am made from this light and I have that love and light within me, I accept this wonderful realization as it shows up in my day-to-day life. I know that it is all I need to find peace and power within me.

I now give great thanks for remembering this truth of my being, that I have light and love within me.

And now I can rest and let go. And so it so. Amen.

Bette Smith, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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