Tuesday, March 4, 2025


There is only one life. One power and presence that is in and through all people, places and situations, and this is what I call Spirit, and which is good and only good. Spirit is peace, joy, harmony and balance. Spirit is abundance and prosperity, health and wisdom. Every moment is filled with the all-ness of Spirit, and Spirit gives freely of itself to one and all, never judging, never holding back, just freely giving to all of its creation.

Because I exist, then I, too, must be a part of the creative essence of Spirit. The love, peace, and joy that Spirit is surrounds me and fills me, and it is mine to accept in every moment, for Spirit is in every moment, just waiting to give to me my heart’s desire – all I need do is open and say YES! And as this is true for me, I know that it is also the truth about anyone reading this prayer, for no one can exist outside of Spirit. Each of us is surrounded and imbued with all the goodness and all-ness that Life has to offer.

And so as I speak my word in the first person, I invite all who are reading this to join with me in accepting a deep surrender into the ease, peace, and comfort of Spirit. I declare that my faith is growing greater than ever before, and that my spiritual practice is deep and consistent - feeding my body, mind, and spirit. As I allow myself to be immersed in Spirit, I can easily recognize guidance as to what is mine to do - as well as what is mine to let go of. I allow myself to feel a deep sense of gratitude for the shifts and openings taking place. I joyously recognize the power of gratitude, and that it comes easily and naturally to me in my daily life.

I’m so excited and grateful for this awareness and it’s manifestation in my life,

And it is with this gratitude that I release this, my word, into the creative essence known as the Law, to be made manifest in form and action for the highest and greatest good of all, and the harm to none.

And so it is, amen.

Sue Faria, Practitioner Emeritus
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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