Saturday, May 15, 2021

I Let Go of the Past

One miracle; the Spirit, known by many names is eternally creating and evolving life to its highest expression. Each creation is unique and brilliant.

Seeing this life living exquisitely all around me, I learn more of the way it reveals itself through the perfect expression of my life.  Each cell and molecule of my body is encoded with divine information allowing my life to unfold as a unique expression of the One.  And I can surrender knowing my life is animated by this one Source that is my Good.

Knowing that I am unlike anyone else, I also know that this is the truth for each one of us; each of us is a “one of a kind.”  And we are here together at this exact moment in history to reveal our authentic spiritual nature.

The presence of this divine substance flows like a river, meandering forward to the sea.  I affirm that we are all uplifted by the divine Spirit that resides within each one of us. Like floating on a raft, we relax into the tempo and speed of nature, slowing down to pause and see with wonder the beauty all around us. Amazingly, life seems to work out better than we expect. Sometimes our plans reveal something greater than we had prayed for. So, I look for the blessings.

Letting go of past regrets, petty mistakes, verbal missteps, and criticism of my actions, there’s a sense of release, relaxation, and calm that washes over me.

I affirm again that I am a receptive voice of Spirit standing for peace, love, harmony, joy, and compassion; all starting with myself.

Grateful for the wisdom and intelligence of this One showing up as every day miracles in our lives, I rejoice and with gladness release this prayer to the spiritual laws that enforce the goodness of reality.

And so it is.

Andra Sandberg, RScP



  1. An absolutely beautiful and heart-touching expression. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for this website and for all these amazing treatments
